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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. The decimal point could do with shifting a couple of places to the left...
  2. Yeah, after watching it I agree with you totally. Had the potential to be a much more useful demo of the unit. Oh well...
  3. That is a spectacular trifecta of presents. Enjoy!
  4. Andertons just posted this. I’m only about 45 seconds in so it may be dire for all I know but I suspect it’ll be useful for some!
  5. Look to be the same chassis as the Ditto X2, which I was expecting. Be grateful it’s not in an X4 housing!
  6. Just checked it out in the app on my iPad - looks like it’s all there! Still only 4 prints for the Drive, though there is no doubt in my mind that number will rapidly increase.
  7. Yep, that’s Scott Devine. A great guy and great player. As 4000 said, the gloves help with a nerve condition in his hands when playing bass. He doesn’t always wear the glove, but mostly he does.
  8. Bloody hell. This is a new generation BB going for previous-gen BB money!
  9. Yeah you can see it in the close-up shot but from a distance you can get away with it
  10. Oooh yeah. I didn’t actually realise the cab was a Zilla until you mentioned it - it matches so well I assumed it was the “official” matching Fender cab! Also, lovely bass.
  11. As far as I’m concerned, assuming the P pickup is the same model and placement in both models, there is no downside to having a J too. More is more.
  12. If only the camera would pan to the pedal itself while he’s playing, so I could see what settings NOT to use...
  13. Not my cup of tea either to be honest. No doubt there’ll be folk out there salivating over this kind of tone though.
  14. That picture really gives a sense of the magnitude of those Source Audio Soundblox Pro pedals too. Absolute behemoths!
  15. Thanks for taking the temptation away!
  16. This is exactly what I was thinking.
  17. The GAS is strong with this one!
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