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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Jay Z & Linkin Park. Loved this collaboration!
  2. Excellent bass - and that video is great!
  3. I know, they’ve really dropped the ball on that one. The thing is, the full editor is available on iPad so the infrastructure is there for iOS at least - they’d just have to do some GUI adjustments to make it work on the smaller iPhone screen.
  4. The Neuro editor is VAST. Puts the TC TonePrint editor to shame in many ways.
  5. Me too. I was waiting for my Ibanez to sell before potentially buying this. I have a guy coming to buy & collect it tomorrow...the timing couldn’t be more terrible!
  6. This. I’ve been through countless pedals and use active basses almost exclusively. Never had any issues. It’s certainly possible but I wouldn’t worry about it. I also love the look of the Model T - try it out, I say!
  7. Cool idea. What are the dimensions? I fear I’d want to put so many pedals inside it that it would be horribly impractical to lug around
  8. @owen, your timing is impeccable. There’s one in the classifieds right now for the insane price of £45! Get it while it’s hot!
  9. Yep. If it smells like fish, it’s usually fish.
  10. It’s most likely because, as a general rule, if you have a roundwound string and a flatwound string of the same gauge, the flatwound string will be quite a bit higher in tension than the round. Therefore, to achieve the same tension you’re used to with rounds, you can use lighter gauge flats. I imagine the tension on a .145 flatwound string would be like playing a suspension bridge cable!
  11. Yes - the max gain available from the octave down circuit on V1 was a bit low. This has been addressed in V2. From COG themselves:
  12. I nearly just PM’d you a link to your own thread remembering you had a wanted ad for one of these This is frankly a bargain for a cab that can no doubt outgun many factory-produced 12” cabs on the market. Bit of a no brainer really!
  13. Seems like a manufacturing error that there’s enough clearance on the spectracomp but not the HOF Mini...they’re the same chassis just in a different colour! Is yours the full size HOF or the mini?
  14. I’m pretty sure you need to power the pedal via 9v supply in order to get the pedal to be recognised over USB. I’ve only ever edited toneprints on my iPad editor though - iPads have a power restriction on the lightning port so maybe a high powered USB port on a PC/Mac would work...?
  15. No problem, although don’t just take my word for it - watch as many demos/reviews online as you can and, if possible, see if you can try one out for yourself. You might love it. The Gallien Krueger Plex is a much more feature-packed alternative. It has a built in tuner, compressor and amp simulations in addition to the EQ and headphone practice amp capabilities of the SCR. Something like a Tech 21 Bass Flyrig could even replace your Boss GT completely as it has the functionality of a Sansamp pre but with the added bonus of tuner, compressor, chorus, filter octaver and fuzz effects in a neat format. The GT10B’s parameters are much more adjustable though so it completely depends on how much you value tweakability vs simplicity/portability. All that said - If the GT does the job for you, keep it!
  16. What kind of band do you play in? If it’s loud rock with a loud drummer you may struggle.
  17. I’m pretty sure there is nothing the SCR can do that the GT10B can’t, other than having the convenience of a headphone output and Aux input on 1/8” sockets. The SCR is pretty widely noted as having a poor on board distortion so I have little doubt you could get something at least as good if not better with your GT10B. Obviously the SCR is much smaller than the GT, so that may well be a factor for you.
  18. What are you looking to gain by adding the SCR-DI?
  19. I’m sure some of you have seen this before but for those who haven’t - prepare to be amused! For all you Acoustic Bass lovers, fear not.
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