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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Ah, fair enough! In that case, find yourself a reasonably lightweight P. Then put flats/tapes on it
  2. Have you considered putting some flatwounds/tapewounds on the Yammy?
  3. This is dangerous. Still a good number of Ins & Outs, all the effects but none of the amp sim stuff. Gah!
  4. Well I wasn’t expecting that. Nice!
  5. It’s not dissimilar to the Mensinger in your display picture!
  6. This. The Markbass drivers are slightly offset so the head has been shifted to allow space for the driver on the right to sit a touch higher. On the Ashdown, the tweeter appears to be nestling in the “gap” next to the head.
  7. Look what I’ve just spotted on eBay: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F132480766896
  8. Really great review - just confirms how much I love my Pork Loin!
  9. In my case, though, I just tailor the tone of my distortion and fuzz so they sound great through headphones and my RCF monitor, and therefore I know that they’ll sound the pretty much the same through any PA I’ll have to play through. The sound guy can EQ me to taste if needed.
  10. Luckily for me, I’m more of a SolidGold Beta guy than a B3K guy. I run a 3Leaf Doom and a PorkLoin which I reckon will sound pretty damn good with the nylon tapes I’m gonna put on
  11. Those D Birds are really lovely. Light as a feather too, pun intended.
  12. Ha! Very true. Though I’ve just acquired a Sandberg Electra VS4 (P bass) which has a 2-band EQ in active mode and is switchable to passive but with no passive tone control...so in my case a string swap is cheaper than a preamp swap! Sadly the treble control just doesn’t cut it. I do love the sound of the bass and my octavers seem to lock on very nicely too. Got some LaBella Black Nylon Tapewounds lying around which should add to the woody thump
  13. Flatwound/tapewound strings should help get rid of a lot of confusing harmonics. Worth a shot?
  14. Bass porn of the highest degree. Even the strings trees make me tremble.
  15. For me the usefulness of a cab sim depends largely on whether you’re a bass > cable > amp kinda guy or a bass > pedalboard > amp kinda guy. If, like me, effects are your thing then getting a full-range, uncoloured sound is ideal. I let my pedals do my tone shaping. If you don’t use effects at all then I suppose in a way the colouration a traditional bass cab gives you is your effect. Personally I love the sound of my basses dry through a PA and let my onboard tone controls do any tweaking I need.
  16. Haven’t posted here in a while. Here’s what my board looks like post-cull, all powered by a Strymon Ojai R30:
  17. Now on eBay but would rather sell here - make me an offer!
  18. I wanted to buy this very bass many months back but missed out! Truly a beauty. GLWTS.
  19. It was my intention to buy it off you after you’d realised it didn’t track low enough. My cunning plot was foiled when you cancelled your order!
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