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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. I’m currently embarking on a similar journey to the likes of @Bridgehouse & @jrixn1. Just pulled the trigger on the RCF HD32A for sale here. I spent a good while mulling it over, comparing reviews online and by all accounts it’s one of the best 12” powered speakers out there at the moment - I was pretty much unable to find a single bad word against it. By all accounts it far outperforms the competitors (QSC K12, Yamaha DXR/DSR12 etc etc) due to having a high frequency driver with a 3” voice coil, which crosses over at 700hz with the low frequency woofer. Basically, because that 3” driver deals with so much of the frequency spectrum, the woofer is free to deal with all the lows. Should be a powerhouse and serve me very well as an all-in-one bass rig, vocal monitor and keys monitor. I’m looking at either a Presonus StudioLive AR8 or RCF M18 to be the brains behind this all purpose rig. Gonna get down to PMT London to compare the mixers at some point this week. Bear in mind that the usage scenarios for this set up are at home, on small to medium scale jams/open mic nights with no FOH support and on theatre gigs as a personal monitor with FOH support. Should do the trick very nicely I reckon!
  2. Ha! That’s excellent. Stank Donkey has has a nice ring to it though. I know what to call my next band now, cheers 😅
  3. A stanky groove and a stanky tone! More great work @Bill
  4. Just seen this as well - soon to be released M2s!
  5. That trans-red finish actually makes the v3 look more premium than the v7. Almost like a middle ground between the v7 and v9.
  6. A cheap beater that doesn’t look, feel or sound like a cheap beater - the dream! Kudos to Sire.
  7. I think the sandblasted series are my favourite basses that Fender has ever made. I lusted after a red one on sale many months ago but it was way out of my budget at the time. Somewhere in the region of £900 if I recall, so nowhere near the deal you got yours for!
  8. @dave_bass5 Sandblasted P, you say?? As in the rare beauties with the deeeep wood grain that only ever came in red or blue?
  9. I use this. My board is made up entirely of EBS Flat patch cables anyway so this cable just blends in. It’s not particularly rugged but does the job: https://www.juno.co.uk/products/ebs-icy30-y-type-insert-cable-for/628956-01/
  10. True. Turns out the RH heads are actually something like 236 watts! None such wattage tomfoolery with the BH series - you get what they say on the tin.
  11. Wow - that’s a comprehensively damning report, Maude. Not good at all, regardless of the price point...
  12. Yep, Danny is right. Checking every cable and every pedal is the only way to be completely sure of the root of your noise issue. What power supplies are you using? And what pedals? Digital pedals are more likely to introduce noise than analogue, however if your setup has worked noiselessly in the past then it would be very strange for this to change overnight.
  13. If they’re a decent business they’ll insist you return it and offer you a refund or replacement. They can deal with the issue directly with Ibanez.
  14. Provided you have an iPhone, Focusrite have designed a product for this exact purpose: https://itrack.focusrite.com/products/itrack-pocket https://www.gear4music.com/Recording-and-Computers/Focusrite-iTrack-Pocket/13CV?origin=product-ads&campaign=PLA+Shop+-+GENERIC&adgroup=GENERIC&medium=vertical_search&network=google&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=51007d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=125996608879&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvrfSBRC2ARIsAFumcm-G6uIRReLLQpd2lBv2i6xjLPfGIYhfIwKkPZan5jjDG6_EbjUA-2IaAlywEALw_wcB The price has been dropped massively, too!
  15. The GAS gods are angered but merciful. On this occasion you have been spared their wrath. Should you displease them once more you may not be so fortunate...
  16. How about this little rig? Collection only but a good price and you wouldn’t have to worry about having enough juice at jams and gigs.
  17. Surely, simply putting the same woofers in 2 different cabinets will cause them to be voiced differently as their performance will change based on the internal volume of the cabinet? So any cab manufacturer could claim to have custom-voiced woofers, no?
  18. Turned mine on a while ago. No issues at all so far.
  19. The 4s are nice and slim at the nut. To be fair, so are the 5s! The 4s are 38mm I believe. As far as I’m aware there’s no “official” upgrade kit for the Supers like there is with the KZs.
  20. If it’s an SR and a fiver it’ll definitely be 16.5mm spacing. The only ones I know of which break that rule are maybe a few signature SRs and the SRSC805 single cut model which is 18mm I believe.
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