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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. This. Hit the nail on the head!
  2. Ooh very nice. One of these cabs in Aggy’s deep burgundy wine finish would look amazing.
  3. Agree with knicknack above, the BH heads definitely seem sturdier than the RH series. I’ve seen many a photo of an RH with broken knobs but nothing of that sort with the BH. I used to own a BH800 and it was fantastic. The EQ was particularly great - very cleverly implemented. I’d buy one again tomorrow if I had the need for a second head!
  4. They almost look made for each other! Good work, Sir Pepper.
  5. Truth. You can’t go far wrong with a used Ibanez these days.
  6. I think the Yamaha THR app does pitch and tempo stretching. Check it out.
  7. New models of the fanned fret SRs too, with much prettier woods!
  8. Very nice feeling basses. You pretty much can’t go wrong with a Yamaha. I played a TRB1005J in Yamaha Music London, however my opinion of it was tainted by playing a BB1025X straight afterwards which frankly made the TRB sound anemic by comparison. I know they have different pups, one is active and one is passive etc etc but still. I was only playing through a fairly small Hartke combo but the difference was stark. The TRB felt “faster” to play though.
  9. Dare I say it - still much better value than the Darkglass cabs?
  10. I have a bucketload of love for my Super 5. Sounds, looks and feels beautiful. Haven’t played a Super 4 or a KZ4 but I have played a Saratoga 4 which has the same neck. It’s possibly the nicest 4 string neck I’ve played. The asymmetry really is lovely in the hand. I compared the Super 5 to the Andrew Gouché Kingston and the stock tone of the Super just felt meatier to me, which I preferred. The coil switching on the Super’s humbuckers means you get much more variety than on the KZ and AG. Of course, more options doesn’t necessarily mean “better” but I love it. The Kingstons are all very solid - whichever one you go for you’ll be getting a really well put together instrument.
  11. Here we go, The OBBM cab serialiser box -
  12. Ooh, so you wanna give the J it’s own independent tone knob, separate from the P? Sounds tasty!
  13. Yep, I suspect a Super Midget will give some of the best size-to-power ratio money can buy
  14. Since you’re looking at Phil Jones anyway, how about this... http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/PJB_Flightcase_150w_combo.html You wouldn’t make much (if any) of a loss if selling it on around these parts.
  15. Presumably an FR800 so as to be vocals-friendly? Oh.
  16. Also, in a desperate effort to remain on topic, maybe get the meisters over at Maruszczyk to build you something gorgeous?
  17. I have no Mrs - and on that basis you should bring her with you next time we meet, @Al Krow 😂
  18. Personally, If I were getting a full set of these J Blades I’d probably get the Warm & Wooly ones but in addition to a P I might be tempted to do the opposite and go Clean & Clear for tonal contrast. Though maybe the Warm & Wooly one will sound more like it “belongs” with your Aggy 60’s P pup? Hmmm...
  19. In case anyone else is curious about these pups.
  20. If only I could afford this 😩
  21. I watched a video a little while back in which Carey Nordstrand put a set of these in an MTD Saratoga USA and compared the tone to a set of (I think) Bartolini J pups. Worth checking out on YouTube.
  22. Interesting. I’m sure Janek’s recent collaborations with Henrik Linder may have something to do with the new Mattisson venture 🧐
  23. I’m not sure myself as I don’t even have a Helix 😂
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