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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. That looks great. Would you consider doing one for the full sized helix too? I suspect you’ll sell a few on here, not to mention folks on the various Facebook groups.
  2. I was just thinking this. If it were in a different housing with a different logo people would be throwing 5x as much money at it, no questions asked.
  3. Yep. The tone controls are key here but you can get a nice full sound with the right settings. I enjoyed mine quite a lot. Great sounds for very little money, looks cool (as all of the Joyo Ironman series do) and absolutely tiny too. You literally can’t go wrong. If you don’t like it, flip it on here for minimal loss.
  4. I’m going to throw a wildcard into the mix and suggest going down the modular/eurorack route: https://www.andertons.co.uk/keyboards-pianos/synths-workstations/waldorf-kb37-euro-rack-controller-wkb37 Expand as you wish!
  5. IMO the most practical course of action is to sell one of your One10s and get a 4 ohm Two10.
  6. Some of them, yes. They have a few models in stock right now though.
  7. Andertons have a load in stock: https://www.andertons.co.uk/search?categoryId=&storeId=10151&catalogId=3074457345616676668&langId=-1&sType=SimpleSearch&resultCatEntryType=2&showResultsPage=true&searchSource=Q&pageView=&beginIndex=0&pageSize=24&searchTerm=Sire+p7&authToken=-1002%2CXZvf36sLiPiYegUJrwTEpYgBzE92SYyViFqNTYY0v8k%3D&#facet:3074457345616676711804774&productBeginIndex:0&facetLimit:&orderBy:&pageView:grid&minPrice:&maxPrice:&pageSize:&
  8. Little nugget of gold I just discovered, for those who may be interested - the Fwonkbeta is actually digital! Another case to disprove the old “analog must be better than digital” prejudice.
  9. Been reading up about the QSC K12.2 and am now mulling over the potential to replace my rig with one of these to be an all in one solution for bass, keys and vocal looping in my bedroom studio. I know it stands little chance of being as good for seriously deep bass as my current rig but the rest of the benefits potentially outweigh that one drawback. Food for thought...
  10. Ah, mine went through a very similar period of nonsense behaviour. Now’s the time to get rid!
  11. Ooh. It would surely be possible to get LEDs with a colour changing remote and just switch it depending on your mood, no?
  12. Yep, I can confirm this works. When checking out there should be an option to add a voucher/discount code. I tried it with a Synth that was in my basket and it worked fine!
  13. Sounds to me as though the build quality is noticeably better than the Vox Amplug, which in my experience was laughably frail! Good to hear the phones are working out for you.
  14. Yeah the toneprints on the amps aren’t editable as far as I’m aware, other than the single parameter knob on the front panel of the amp itself. Luckily the toneprints tend to sound rather good, even with the limited tweakability.
  15. I use one of the TonePrints I found in the iPhone app. To be honest I don’t know enough about compression to feel confident creating my own! I spent forever A/Bing prints to find ones which didn’t add any hiss to my signal chain. Out of those, my favourites were “Hold My Neon Mule” by MonoNeon and “Born Again Compressor” by Nik West.
  16. It’s a massive oversight on the part of TC, who have been made aware long ago by consumers that it would be us full functionality to have. There’s no real excuse for it as far as I’m concerned - other than the fact the iPhone/Android app is quite crippled functionality-wise compared to the iPad/PC/Mac versions, but it’s surely something TC could add. In contrast, Source Audio have nailed their mobile app. You can edit all parameters directly on your phone (there’s a lot!) as well as share your patches with the outside world easily. It’s just a shame they don’t make a compressor as I’m sure it would have the potential to be a TC killer! That said, I do love my spectracomp.
  17. I believe it. I played a similar Stingray at BassDirect a little while back and it was lovely. Never played a ‘Ray before that but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would!
  18. Just seen another one of these go up for sale on Facebook at £210...then I saw the Nordstrand noise cancelling Single coil pickup in the classifieds here that would drop right in as a replacement in this. GASGASGAS.
  19. This thread has brought me a great deal of joy. I’m 26 and started playing at 19, which at the time I thought was too old as I’d missed the “sweetspot” for starting to learn an instrument. Truth is, that’s nonsense - any earlier and I just wouldn’t have had the discipline or attention span to learn an instrument. So here I am, fully intending to still be playing at a ripe old age. Much respect to you older cats who’ve been holding down the low end for decades with no intention of giving it up anytime soon. Even bigger respect to the older cats who are just starting out. Enjoy the journey! As far as I’m concerned, the only limiting factors in playing any instrument are whether you’re still physically able to and if you still enjoy playing.
  20. Calling @Quatschmacher... http://www.bass-pedals.com/vfe-pedals-mini-mu-review/
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