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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Good god this is nice. Is there a passive tone control?
  2. Agreed. I’ve got a Bose Soundlink Mini myself and as far as size to sound quality ratio, it can’t be beat! Either get yours back or buy another
  3. My god that is nice! The first picture really didn’t do it justice at all.
  4. Ooh that 5er is lovely. There was a time when I used to hate red basses but now I really have a thing for them - especially with maple necks!
  5. You mean between your last post and this one??
  6. Yes, @fleabag, what did you get? And what did you part exchange?
  7. I remember seeing these on the TKS website/Facebook page aaages ago and drooling over them. I’m actually rather tempted but as I’m not gigging and am already the proud owner of an amazing TKS cab it would make zero sense. Someone really needs to grab this deal - incredibly well built cabs made with quality parts. You won’t be disappointed!
  8. Although don’t be afraid to experiment with that switch - I think I remember reading over on Talkbass that someone found it to sound better on the guitar setting...with a bass
  9. I tried the Gonkulator a while back in Wunjo Bass (Denmark Street) and was pretty underwhelmed if I’m honest. I struggled to find a usable sound, for my tastes at least. A decent bitcrusher/sample rate reducer is well worth the price of admission! I picked mine up for ~£140 on eBay.
  10. A question I’d also like to know the answer to!
  11. Indeed. I remember taking some photos a while back comparing one of the TC electronic spectracomp pedal (with low profile EBS patch cables in the side jacks) to an Aguilar pedal (top jacks) and the result - exactly the same width give or take a couple of millimetres. If using any other brand of patch cable the mini sized TC would actually have taken up more room!
  12. I endorse this statement 200%. In some cases, compared to reasonably sized “normal” pedals with top jacks, nano pedals can be a false economy. You potentially gain nothing in terms of pedalboard real estate but can sacrifice controls/functionality.
  13. Ah, very nice. I really do need to try a Frantabit at some point. The thing I enjoy about sample rate reduction is finding the point at which the degraded harmonics (if that’s technically what they are?) are at a pitch which is unison with the note being played. With the filter knob on the Scrutator I can take a bit of the fizz off the top end and create a nice lush but still audibly “digital” kinda sound. There have been times I’ve used it instead of fuzz and it can work great in that capacity. The assignable expression is fantastic too. I’ve said it before but I still don’t know how they’ve managed to squeeze so much functionality into such a compact enclosure.
  14. I have to say that, as a general rule, I actually prefer sample rate reduction to bit crushing. Luckily for me, my Scrutator does both!
  15. That’s the beauty of having both a gain knob and a volume knob. Assuming you don’t want/need any overdrive from the amp itself, you can just turn both knobs down and you’re in business. Failing that there’s alway the volume knob on your bass but you really shouldn’t have any problem getting a suitably quiet level with your amp controls alone - even from a very powerful head and cab.
  16. I think Juan Alderete & co did a demo of the Bitmap in one of their pedal demos on YouTube. Will see if I can find it... Edit: here it is
  17. It actually has bit crushing AND sample rate reduction onboard. I have no idea if it’s analog or digital though to be honest!
  18. I’d take a look at the Malekko Scrutator if I were you. Very very versatile. I’m gassing for an Ottobit jr. myselfthough ive never had much love for the Franta. Never tried one though so I can’t say why I feel that way!
  19. Good lord that is a handsome rig. The tweed cab looks great. Wasn’t convinced when I first heard about them but that photo may have swayed me!
  20. Hmmm, interesting. The chunky neck joint and associated trouble accessing higher notes was one of the only things that bugged me with my old 1025x. Good to know the 20’s are sleeker in that department!
  21. Bump for an excellent funky filter and a gentleman seller. Deal with confidence folks.
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