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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Any idea which ones are best and where to buy them?
  2. I haven’t read the whole thread so forgive me if this has been mentioned already: On the old site, visiting a thread then revisiting it later on would usually skip all the content you’ve already read so you see the new replies straight away. This doesn’t seem to work for me any more and I just get page 1 every time, regardless of whether I’ve already read the thread or not. I’m running the mobile site on my iPad so not sure whether this is an issue on the full site or not. I suppose it could be a cookies thing?
  3. Ah, now I can see them. I’m using 4g on my iPad. Looks great in gold!
  4. Probably the best headphone amp out there. I can’t see pics though...?
  5. Someone’s gonna be getting a lovely bass!
  6. Yep. Some of the new models say Broad Bass on the headstock too.
  7. I’ve owned a THR10 in the past and currently own a PJB Double Four. As far as handling bass, the PJB wins as it’s been designed from the ground up as a bass amp and will deliver a deeper fuller sound with more volume, all the way down to the low B. The THR10, while lovely, is a guitar amp first and a bass amp second. The THR does have amp modelling, built in effects, a tuner and a USB Audio interface though which may be something to consider. If you have effects/preamp pedals then get the Double Four and don’t look back. Equally, if you play 5 string or use octavers the Double Four is by far the better option. The Double Four could handle low volume acoustic jams with greater authority. If none of the above applies to you then the decision isn’t so clear cut.
  8. Every time I check on this thread I wish I’d bought that wingbass when I had the chance!
  9. CameronJ


    I think you’re right. The dittos don’t seem to put out exactly what you put in. Feels like there’s a little EQing going on somewhere...
  10. Just saw these guys over on Facebook - they look good and aren’t all that expensive: https://www.burntaxe.com/pickguards They do pedal etching too!
  11. Oh bloody hell. When is Black Friday again?
  12. The flatulence is strong with this one.
  13. Thanks for that - a great groove and great playing from all involved. I pretty much love anything that comes out of Lalah’s mouth!
  14. Wow this is very cool. GLWTS!
  15. I’ve definitely been guilty of a couple of these ?
  16. That is an excellent price for the Mobius. Good prices all round to be fair.
  17. Protection Racket Deluxe Bass case. Specifically the Deluxe version as it has better (and more) pockets. The standard version would still probably fit an M900 but the upgrade in quality for the Deluxe is worth the extra dosh.
  18. God I love ThePedalZone’s demos! Always thorough and varied, often demoing with a decent bassist. That vid is very useful, cheers Cuzzie.
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