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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Yeah I’ve heard great things about Reverend basses and guitars. Their new(ish) short scale - the Sentinel - looks great.
  2. They didn’t play well in what way? Didn’t like the feel?
  3. Oh dear I’m not even going to edit it. It shall remain, as a memorial to my idiocy.
  4. Well I’ve had a 4 string set for over a year before getting the 5 string set recently. I love them! The tone is, to me, the perfect companion for a P bass. They definitely “mature” over time so don’t judge them based on what they sound like when new. I’d forgotten what they sound like fresh out of the packet before fitting the 5er set yesterday. Still a nice tone but not quite the delights you end up with after some solid playing hours. Feel-wise I think they’re great. Kind of comparable to roundwounds in terms of elasticity and flex, and this is what puts some people off. Personally I’m not the biggest fan of playing stiff suspension bridge cables! Also, they develop a very smooth almost glassy texture which again I enjoy. Different brands of flats do vary a bit in this regard.
  5. Update: the TI Flat B string is great. No further questions, your honour
  6. Just had a quick play and can confirm they feel delightful. Sound wise they sound like fresh nickels so I suppose time will tell! Watch this space...
  7. Yep, this. Makes a lot of sense. I’ve recently bought a 5 string set of TI Flats and if the B isn’t satisfactory I’ll be putting on an old single round wound B!
  8. Presumably there’s no difference in feel between the nickels and the steels as they’re wrapped/coated anyway? And presumably the tonal difference is much like the difference between ordinary uncoated nickels vs steels?
  9. I’m more interested in the custom prickguard he has on that Lakland DJ5! On a serious note though, Boss will need to price this competitively as there are now so many OC2-alikes on the market. Some smaller, some cheaper, some with more gain in the circuit, some with other bells & whistles. Will be interesting to see how it does.
  10. Tried one of these out a few months ago at Wunjo bass and was quite impressed. Very comfortable neck and proper precision tone - sounded very tasty through their Markbass 115 combo. GLWTS sir.
  11. That sounds promising @Lozz196. Have you ever tried the Steels by comparison?
  12. I’m about to string my Dingwall Super PJ5 with some of these after hearing many good things about them. No particular reason why I chose the nickels over the steels to be honest. I’m thinking I’ll check into this thread over a period of months and report in on how well they’re retaining their fresh tone. Wish me luck!
  13. Just seen this bad boy on a thread over on TalkBass: I don’t play 6 string or fretless but good lord!
  14. Couldn’t agree more. Having met (and imbibed several beers with) Scott, he is a great guy and a monster player. The marketing style is, by his own admission, a necessary evil due to YouTube algorithmic bollox combined with the majority of his customer base being American. A heady cocktail. Frankly, given the choice between SBL ads and some of the other guff I see advertised, I’ll take the SBL advert every time.
  15. Very cool pedal - Wounded Paw don’t mess about!
  16. Agreed. These Electras put many more expensive basses to shame.
  17. Ask and you shall receive. Almost zero bass demoed here but...
  18. Looks very interesting! Though you’d have thought they might allow Boss pedals (one of the most popular pedal formats) to fit under the top row seems like a glaring oversight, and I don’t even own any boss pedals! Still, seems a nice product.
  19. Indeed, at £200 for a pair they ain’t cheap. Might be worth getting in touch with BD as they may be able to get you a single neck pickup, allowing you to keep your existing bridge pup
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