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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. It seems folk don’t check the date that sale threads were created/updated
  2. The Birdseye on that fingerboard is bonkers! It even puts my Wingbass to shame
  3. You’re offloading some very lovely basses sir! GLWTS
  4. I’m in this position. Two Super P5s - the idea being one strung with rounds and one strung with flats - but now I have GAS for a Super J! And I’m sure after that I’ll be GASing for a D-Roc. It never ends...
  5. +1 to all of this. They’ve made the Super P pickups to have an authentic voicing but with quite a hot output. My Super Ps are hotter than any of the active basses I’ve owned.
  6. And mine! Though we play Dingwall Supers and those djentish videos tend to be played on the AB/NG/Combustion basses.
  7. This. Whether you go Stomp or Effects, you’ll want o keep your dedicated octave and synth pedals.
  8. Am I the only one who isn’t a fan of the body shape on these basses? They look a bit like someone carved a nice shape out of wax and then decided to slowly melt it on one side! Have to say though, Ibanez are continuing to rule the roost IMO in terms of stunning finishes at an affordable price point. The woods and colour stains on the new Premium BTBs look insane.
  9. Yep, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the decision to stop doing the A.R.E treatment on the newer basses (thus lowering the cost) was in response to Yamaha being aware that they were slightly pricing themselves out of the market with the 2024/2025. At under £1,500 I’d imagine the new P34/5 basses are selling in greater numbers than their ancestors did. I reckon my 1025x was even a bit heavier than that. The 735a felt like it was at the 9lb mark or not far off, judging it against the weight of my other basses at the time.
  10. Weren’t the 2024x/2025x basses selling around the £2k mark (and above) in most places? The newer P34/5s are much less expensive.
  11. Presumably they don’t come in lightning flavour?
  12. I always wondered why the hell Yamaha’s own bag was too short for the bass. It’s like they made up the dimensions based on the TRBX basses and said, “oh I’m sure it’ll work fine for the BBs too” without actually measuring to check
  13. I think I had a particularly heavy 1025x. It was probably well over the 10lb region! I definitely agree with this. I can tolerate a bass that weighs pretty much anything - it’s carrying it from place to place when I‘m annoyed by the extra weight. Sadly not, sorry. I part traded it to Skinnyman of this parish!
  14. In my personal experience having owned both a 1025x and a 735a, the 735a was noticeably lighter. I didn’t own both basses at the same time to compare side by side but I remember the 1025x feeling like a bit of a boat anchor.
  15. As much as I love flats, they’ve muddied the waters a tad on that video IMO. You’re right, all the basses in that video sound a good 90% identical to one another. However, take a look at this video below to get a different side of the coin:
  16. This seems to be the main benefit of going through a middle man. Otherwise, I’d always choose to go direct.
  17. Or DXR12 if you fancy a bit more thump. Honestly, I’d say there’s no need to lug around a big 15” monitor, especially for your usage scenario @acidbass I own an RCF HD32a which I use at home but on my current theatre gig we rehearsed with Yamaha DXR12s for monitoring and they were bloody excellent. Filled the whole rehearsal room with full, warm, bassy goodness. Photo below was my rehearsal rig:
  18. Got a chance to use this yesterday and, after some improvisation, it did the trick. I found that the wax in the tiny ports had hardened and didn’t want to get sucked out by the Headphone Vac, so I had to think outside the box a little. I borrowed a friend’s hairdryer to warm up the tips of my UE6s and soften the wax - then reinserted the Headphone Vac and the wax was much more willing to come out. Turns out I had lost a bit of treble response due to the wax but post-vacuuming they sound great again. Good times!
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