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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. If you’re looking for tiny, durable and reliable - get yourself a Radial StageBug SB2. Radial do several versions geared toward specific instruments and connector types. The SB2 is catered for bass and keys. I’m currently using a couple of these on a live theatre gig and they do the job perfectly with zero fuss. Completely passive. Costs around £60-70 if I recall, and worth every penny.
  2. Tecamp Puma 900 or the newer version of the same amp, the Eich T900. The Eich is over your budget but if you can find a used Puma 900 you’ll be well under budget and laughing. I used to own a Puma 900 - it was absurdly light and absurdly powerful. You won’t find smaller and lighter elsewhere with that kind of horsepower. I also used to own a TC Electronic BH800 and frankly it was also excellent. Not as small or light as the Tecamp but the upside was the incredibly well thought-out EQ in which each knob operates at a different frequency depending on if you’re boosting or cutting. Very very clever and a great clean sounding head. Some dismissed TonePrint feature as a gimmick but I found it genuinely useful to have several versions of (for example) a compressor and maybe some drive, easily changed via the Toneprint app. Ive never personally used a Quilter but I’ve heard nothing but good things so I’m sure you’d enjoy it. Seems to have a pretty unique EQ layout which is cool but may not necessarily be for everyone.
  3. I remember drooling over this when it was last up for sale here. My reaction is the same now
  4. I used to have one of these and it was truly excellent.
  5. The ultra is 6 pounds?! Bloody hell. Looks like Fender have taken some serious leaves out of Sandberg’s SuperLight book
  6. Ha! I’m doing Panto at the New Wolsey Theatre - acting and playing bass in the show which is a whole lot of fun but very sweaty work!
  7. Very nice basses. I’m working in Ipswich at the moment too which is pretty dangerous!
  8. Just spotted this D-Bird (Bird!!) Custom 5 stringer at Session Music - it ain’t cheap but to whoever buys it, it’s a keeper! https://www.session.de/DINGWALL-D-Bird-Custom-5-String-EB-DWM.html
  9. Really? D-Bird below... And the new D-Roc headstock... Have to say I preferred the more bevelled edge of the D-Bird head but it’s still more attractive than a lot of headstocks out there!
  10. Sorry to hear this @obbm, but hope the move and the retirement are both enjoyable! Does this mean you’ve ceased taking custom orders already or are you still “open for business” for a little longer?
  11. Get yourself a Line 6 HX Stomp. Seamless integration with iPhone and iPad, connected via USB your iOS device just automatically sees it as a sound card and starts sending audio to it. Obviously this may be a tad over your budget but it just works and gives you a ton of options.
  12. They are genuinely excellent basses at any money - The fact it took basses 5 times the cost (at least) to dethrone my BB735a speaks volumes.
  13. Best without question - my Dingwall Super PJ5. It’s so good that I’m very seriously considering placing a custom order with Dingwall for a Super J5 next year. My worst is probably the Future Impact pedal I owned briefly but didn’t get any use out of. This is zero reflection on the pedal itself which can create some excellent sounds - I simply didn’t put any time aside to get to grips with it and then life happened, requiring me to raise some funds. It fell onto the chopping block and a willing buyer snapped it up. I may well own one again, especially after the release of the latest firmware.
  14. Perhaps we should start an IEM porn thread?
  15. I do this myself. All my patches have a HPF and a noise gate set up on the input block as standard. If I had to choose only one though, it would be the noise gate all day long. Most underrated effect ever IMO, both for recording and live use!
  16. Spot on. For the pennies that these cost, it’s worth having some lying around even if you don’t own a bass with split-shaft pots yet.
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