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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. @Jabba_the_gut, that is an utterly stunning thing.
  2. Mesa make bass amps & cabs so it’s probably one of those.
  3. Flats vs rounds, obvs I get you. All fair points there. Lest we forget the JDXi’s analogue oscillator section!
  4. I think of my octavers like different oscillator flavours, in the same way that on a synth you’d choose between Square/Sawtooth/Sine etc depending on the texture you’re after sonically. If you recall, I sold one or two of my octavers which covered similar ground to other pedals I owned - got rid of the Digitech Bass Synth Wah because the Octave sounded quite similar to my Aguilar Octamizer and got rid of my Emma Okto Nøjs because it covered similar sonic ground to my 3Leaf Octabvre Mini. My current trio all sound totally different to each other, just as I would expect different oscillator wave shapes on my synth to be. Basically what I’m saying is almost everything the Kolrg Volca Bass can do, you already have the ability to do with your JD, and more. Just trying to be the voice of reason. 6’8” actually but my point about the JDXi’s portability would still stand if I were 4’10”!
  5. To be fair, I’d definitely put the JDXi into the ultra portable camp.
  6. I’m gonna play devil’s advocate here @Al Krow, and ask what it is you feel the Volca can do that your JDXi can’t? The JD has an analog monophonic engine paired with a digital poly synth engine which can be sequenced on board AND has a proper keyboard attached (albeit mini keys) AND a drum machine. Oh and a mic input for vocoder use. I’m not sure what you’ll be gaining by adding the Volca Bass to your collection, other than ultra-portability?
  7. This brought me great joy to read yesterday. Long may TKS continue!
  8. Was just browsing the other forum earlier and came across this: The Future Compact is taking over the world!
  9. These are truly excellent. I often regret selling mine!
  10. Yep! I believe can even change patches with the looper continuing to play in the background - as long as the patch you’re switching to also contains a looper block!
  11. @ped I feel a little sound demo is in order!
  12. Ideally together, central if possible. Thing is, that’s not always practical, hence why separating them either side of the stage space is so frequently seen.
  13. I think you’ll likely have to buy a 4 string set and then add a single C string. Check out this page: http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/LaBella_Nylon_wound.html
  14. Have you tried the newer models? 434/435, 734a/735a and p34/p35? The older 424/425, 1024/1025 and 2024/2025s were noticeably heavier
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