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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Love the SB body shape. Such great curvature. Re: strings, TI Flats are slightly lower tension than Dunlop Flats, if that’s of any use to anyone. @ped try some Nylon Tapes?
  2. I wholeheartedly agree with this. Over £2k and it’s gotta be handmade/custom, surely.
  3. Depends which ones you go for. The Labella black nylons are very thumpy for me but as @franzbassist has said, the white nylons are brighter in tone.
  4. To be honest I’m almost surprised the VS superlight didn’t come first!
  5. Alas, I have about as much idea of the price of that spec as you do! All you can do is ask a dealer I suppose 🤷🏾‍♂️
  6. And I will confirm that those BB434s punch ridiculously far above their price tag. It’s a Yamaha - they literally don’t know how to make a bad instrument.
  7. Personally, owning basses with both configs, I can’t with any confidence attribute the differences between them to the fact the pickups are reversed or “normal”. There are just so many other variables. String gauge, string material, type of magnets in the pups, preamp, scale length... Saying that, the logic behind reversing the P pups is pretty sound IMO - as I understand it, it’s supposed to help balance the tonality between the E/A & D/G strings. Trouble is, without being able to hear the pups both ways around on the same bass, all other things being equal, it’s nearly impossible to tell if I prefer them reversed or not. 3 out of my 4 P-type basses have the pups the “normal” way around and they all sound fantastic to my ears so I can’t say I’m particularly desirous of basses with the pups reversed. Hölger Stonjek (the guy behind Sandberg basses) says that when he was experimenting with pickup configs and was working on the VM (P + MM) basses, apparently the P pup blended better with the MM pup when it was reversed. Without the luthiers resources someone like Hölger has, I simply wouldn’t know the difference!
  8. I’ll +1 this but with the addition that I have literally just restrung my Sandberg Electra VS4 (P bass) from Labella Black Nylons to TI Jazz Flats. The Labella Black Nylons are slightly lower tension/looser in feel than the TIs so @shoulderpet you may love them! They also sound fantastic IMO.
  9. I too can vouch for the Sims Super Quads being utterly amazing. Such a cool design and it seems Martin Sims has recently released a few more versions with different housings and pole piece options. For example he has now got a version in standard MM shaped housing. I could fit a set into my MTD Super 5 very easily now. Having met Martin, I can confirm he’s a really nice guy and Nick Smith (the resident bassist in the pit at my local theatre - I literally grew up hearing him play on all the shows I did in the Youth Theatre group) now uses Sims pickups exclusively. That speaks volumes to me as he is a pro player who’s owned almost every bass under the sun!
  10. I reckon you may be best off going with something like a Gallien-Krueger MB800 or Tecamp Puma 900 in that case. Having owned a Puma and tried the MB series, they’re very compact in terms of slimness and weight. Will easily fit in the front pocket of a gig bag. And of course they pack a serious punch in terms of wattage!
  11. Oh man, I’m gonna have a hard time resisting that!
  12. I have a Bass Chorus Deluxe myself and have always run it at the end or nearly at the end of my pedalboard. If I want a more pronounced sound I just adjust the knobs. Make sure the “x-over” button is off if you want the chorus to affect the entire signal and not just the highs end. That alone should help a bit. I always run octaves as the first effect in the chain (after the tuner but that’s not an effect. And often after my compressor too but that’s just personal taste.) As a general rule with analogue octavers the earlier they are in the chain and the cleaner the signal they receive, the better they perform.
  13. I had exactly the same experience and had exactly the same thoughts!
  14. Personally I prefer the first inlay being at the 3rd fret, but maybe I’m a weirdo 🤷🏾‍♂️
  15. This is the joy I’ve just rediscovered with my Dingwall P. Didn’t realise how much I missed the convenience of passive!
  16. Yep, mine is set up like this too. Also, I still haven’t touched the stock setup. I assume it’s the factory setup but it could have been Wunjo’s setup. Not 100% certain. But earlier on the day I bought my matte black 735a (from Wunjo’s) I tried a coffee burst one at Yamaha Music London and they felt the same to me. If in both cases I was playing the factory setup then that’s another big thumbs up for Yamaha as a company. Helps that they fit good strings as standard. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying I’ve been put off by poorly set up basses in the past, having GAS for an otherwise lovely bass extinguished!
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