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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Had an email yesterday from Andy @ Wing Instruments. They’re just putting the finishing touches on my Wing. Things got somewhat delayed, partly due to NAMM amongst other things. I decided to take the plunge and order the UDG MIDI Controller case I posted about above - it arrived today and is fantastic. Obviously I just have the empty case and no Wingbass yet but the guys who designed the case really thought it through. Very high quality. I’ll post pics once the Wing arrives! EDIT: Just realised I’m actually hijacking @Grantd‘s thread so I’ll start a new one when the time comes
  2. I tend to send my phone number as words "zero-seven-nine-five-zero..." or my email address without the punctuation "cameronj(at)mail(dot)com" Works for me!
  3. True, UDG and Magma aren’t cheap. Gator are much more affordable.
  4. Gator make a range of very well made bags in a variety of dimensions. Search for “gator mixer bag” and you’ll likely find something that fits. They’re very reasonably priced too.
  5. I have come close to pulling the trigger on an M18 a couple of times but backed out simply because for my personal home setup it would be a tad overkill (I'm not in a band)
  6. I remember seeing this video a few months ago and thinking it looked decent. It definitely would have been a strong contender for me had I not invested in a HX Stomp! What recording software are you using? And how is the selection of bass amps/FX?
  7. Change the board to loop. 90% of folk put the hook side on the pedal, so if you kept the hook on your board you’d have to change the Velcro on every used pedal you buy from now on. It would get old quickly. If you haven’t got enough spare Velcro it can be cheaply bought online in rolls. When I was in the middle of my intense pedalboard phase, the big thing I learned was you can never have too much Velcro!
  8. @Marcoelwray how much would the 51P5S cost? Thats the humcancelling version of the '51 Precision style pickup in 5 string size.
  9. The most handsome of the flock if you ask me!
  10. No but there was a very cool modded one for sale here a couple of years ago which I still regret not buying
  11. Oh wow...I've GASsed for an Enfield a few times. That GAS has returned!
  12. Now I get you. The Basic, Classic, Booster etc (basically the all-original shapes which weren't based on Fenders or Gibsons) have the "other" headstock which, I agree, isn't as attractive!
  13. I too prefer the Fender shape. But the headstock stayed the same didn't it?
  14. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a 6 string Vigier. Very cool!
  15. Eminently tasteful playing as usual. What bass is that?
  16. Good lord. That is horrendous. No idea Fender did that! Presumably it was born out of fear that Sandberg were producing a very consistent, resonably priced product in direct competition?
  17. What exactly happened? I've always wondered why Sandberg had to change their body shape when there are so many Fender shaped clones out there going unchallenged!
  18. Good work sir! I have to say the Ampeg Portaflex range are some of the nicest looking amps and cabs on the market. The design team really nailed it. Despite going FRFR (quite happily I might add) I've had intermittent tinglings of GAS...
  19. Yup, all truth here. The TKS 1126 definitely falls into the same category as the F112 in terms of drinking watts and asking for more. Such a beast.
  20. Have to agree re: quality. I just can’t get on board with MM charging over £2k for a non-custom non-handmade bass. I know it’s because they’re made in the US but I digress... Back on topic, just spotted this absolute beauty at Bass Direct: Bloody gorgeous!
  21. Something about that exact shade of white with the black guard is just so right
  22. I've recently discovered this too. a huge shame as he makes (made) really fantastic cabs, and with a level of finish and customisability that puts the likes of Barefaced to shame aesthetically. I'll throw the Baer ML112 into the mix, although they're very rarely seen this side of the pond. I will say that they're a bit less "FRFR" than the BB2 etc as they are deliberately voiced to be slightly mid-forward for live use. Still a very serious contender in the "super 12" cabinet category.
  23. I should clarify that my Electra VS4 is the older Fender shape, so I can't really comment on the newer models with any certainty
  24. Mine weighs nothing. It’s the lightest bass I own, and that’s saying something given that my Dingwall Super P is 7lbs 14oz. By comparison my German-made VM5 is positively obese!
  25. You don’t consider the Pino to be in the stupidly expensive category at over £3k?? You are a better man than I
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