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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. The stock Sandberg pickup in my Electra VS4 produces one of the best Precision tones I’ve heard in a bass. With Labella black nylon tapes on it just sounds sooo woody and thumps. Really really lovely stuff. It’s quite alarming just how good a bass it is considering it’s the “cheaper” range.
  2. That’s a good price for a new Sandberg in a pretty unusual finish. Surely there will always be fretmarkers on the side of the neck even if there aren’t any on the front though? My first bass was a Yamaha RBX774 with no front markers and I didn’t even think about it! Side dots are all you need really.
  3. Ah, thanks for clarifying re: the micro USB port on the TS100. Yeah it looks like the TS80 will most likely be a bit under the 20w mark. Despite having zero soldering knowledge I geeked out pretty hard on this video:
  4. Oh goodness. I was eyeing up the 5 string version of this the other day! Lovely thing.
  5. To be honest, having never owned a Stingray I'm not that familiar with them, despite having had GAS for a 5er a number of times. I've heard the 2-band vs 3-band argument before but didnt realise the 2-band doesn't have an HPF (or that the 3-band does!) so that's very useful to know. Presumably the Stingray in the video is a 2-band?!
  6. a couple of questions: the TS100 you linked to looks great and seems to also have the option of powering via micro USB. Have you ever powered yours in this way? Also, there appears to be a TS80 model which has is powered only via USB-C. I'm very intrigued by this for portability and convenience. Also, USBC has the potential to deliver higher power levels than earlier iterations of USB which for this application seems to be a positive. For context, I'm not looking to get into particularly difficult/complex soldering work, only the kinds of jobs associated with a bass guitar i.e. pickup & preamp wiring.
  7. Am I the only one shocked by how phat and bassy the Stingray was?
  8. I, too, am currently scoring a single digit on the Travometer
  9. @Mudpup I see you’ve edited your list. The Fender Pino Precision has been usurped by the Dingwall Lee Sklar!
  10. For me it’s MTD Super 5 Alembic Custom J Xotic XJ-1T Lightweight a combined cost of £11,300 evidently I have expensive taste!
  11. These are incredible cabs - at this price, they’re a steal!
  12. Ah, gotcha. “No-frame-design” had me scratching my head!
  13. I’m not quite sure what you mean here?
  14. Any update on this? I’m intrigued...!
  15. My stank face was strong when watching this!
  16. I’m drooling all over my iPad screen
  17. That’s curious. Mine is quite light and it’s a 5er! I suppose this is a classic example of how much wood can vary.
  18. All my guitar and microphone stands are Hercules. Totally solid and in some cases quite clever designs. They obviously aren’t the cheapest but you do get what you pay for.
  19. Love these vids. Fantastic playing!
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