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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. I’m overdue a trip to BD myself! Need to plan it around my schedule...
  2. A Stomp will replace all of that with ease - and more. I’m doing a mental inventory of which pedals to sell at the moment. Other than my analogue octavers, almost everything else is on the chopping block.
  3. That SBL video with Sheldon is great. Learned a lot about him. I now have GAS for a Super J and a D-Bird 5
  4. This. The quality of the sims coupled with the routing flexibility (split paths etc) make this thing such a powerhouse of tonal flavours.
  5. Bloody hell. I think I speak for a few people when I say you might have a market in building and selling more of these footswitch controllers in various configurations. Good work sir!
  6. Last time I sat down to tweak at length I was working on a filter preset using one of the newer blocks. Still a work in progress but if/when I dial it in I’ll share the parameters
  7. I actually think Tron Up sounds good and is easier to dial in a good tone quickly than some of the newer “Helix-grade” filter blocks. The newer ones have a greater number of parameters, which makes it much easier to mess a patch up!
  8. That’s actually one of the older legacy effects as well! From the M-series. I enjoyed the Tron Up when I had my M5 so not surprised you’ve settled on it too @Al Krow
  9. I’ve been touring with nothing but my bass + Stomp for the past 8 months and not missed my pedalboard at all. I mean not even a little bit. Was at home last weekend and took the pedalboard out of storage just to have a little muck about. It genuinely felt like more hassle than it was worth. The bulk of it (and it’s “only” a Pedaltrain Metro 20) was a bit painful compared to the portability of the Stomp. Debating which pedals to sell now...
  10. Rule #1 - there is no such thing as too much protection. Pack it like you’re packing your first born child.
  11. Indeed. In my current stable of three 5 string P variants, it’s just getting the least playtime. If you can get your hands on a 735a, do it. I know you’ll love it. I very briefly considered putting that on the chopping block but then I played it again and remembered why I bought it in the first place. Such a great bass! Funny you should say that - I’ve been eyeing up the ABZ in the classifieds! Once Dingwall release the 5 string D Bird Standard (I.e. cheaper model) I’ll be in real danger...
  12. Yeah it looks like half of their incoming Dingwalls are already spoken for! Crazy
  13. Thanks for the comments guys! I have to add that somehow the Super P is easier to play without looking at the fingerboard vs my other non-fanned fret basses. This took me by surprise but I reckon the fan is actually compensating for my HUGE hands - I’m 6’8” believe it or not so I guess the fan of my own fingers is more pronounced than most and the frets on the Super seem to just “fit” me. Particularly in the area between the 3rd and 9th frets. @JapanAxe, your Super is a beauty! Love it. And yes, floating thumb is king for me, along with raking when descending strings. Although I’m working on cleaning up my raking as it isn’t always clean/consistent! @Al Krow this is why you should enable signatures currently I’m on the Super P, Yamaha BB735A, MTD Kingston Super 5, Sandberg VM5 and Sandberg Electra VS4. A mighty herd indeed, although I fear something may have to go at this stage...and it might have to be the Sandy VM! Pains me to say it but the Dingwall and Yammy totally fit the bill for me in terms of 5 string P basses...although the VM has flats on it which offers a very different playing experience. I may change it to a good set of rounds before I make any hasty decisions. @fretmeister, if you’re anywhere near Bass Direct you should give one a go! I actually didn’t try the Super before buying it but I’d tried a few other Dingwalls (Combustions and NGs) so knew I’d get on with the ergonomics. I believe BD are expecting a shipment relatively soon which should include more supers but at the moment they have a rather nice looking Super J in stock loaded with 3 pickups!
  14. About a week and a half ago I acquired my first Dingwall. A Super PZ5 - the Z apparently denotes the optional Swamp Ash body but from now on I’ll just call it a Super P. I’ve deliberately waited a little while before writing this review as I didn’t want the thrill of New Bass Day to cloud my judgement and result in an overly gushing writeup. Having said that... This bass is a real keeper. Dingwall have taken a good hard look at the classic P bass and really made it their own, whilst absolutely honouring the things which made the original so great. The body shape is totally familiar but it’s a few millimetres thinner than you’d see normally, with a few subtle contours and carves which all shave the weight down. Oh and the Swamp Ash helps too. These body adjustments and the Hipshot Ultralite hardware all add up to making this thing a seriously light instrument at 7lbs 14oz. The electronics are all Dingwall’s own - with the tone of the pickup being modelled on (I believe) one of Sheldon Dingwall’s favourite Precisions, but with a Neodymium magnet for a hotter output. The “Tone Fusion” knob does something I’ve never seen before in a passive circuit: it has a centre detent and turning it anticlockwise has the expected result of passively rolling off treble. Turning it clockwise of the detent introduces a passive mid cut! I’ll admit to using the “traditional” side of the knob much more frequently than the “fusion” side but it’s a very cool feature and kind of psychologically fools me into feeling like I have an active instrument. This knob was actually quite noisy (crackly) in use at first but all that was required was a couple of squirts of contact cleaner in the pot. Totally smooth and crackle-free now, though I was a little worried at first! Now here’s the part some people will be waiting for. Fanned Frets. On the Super P and Super J series basses, the scale of the fan is actually less extreme than on Dingwall’s more “metal-oriented” models. 32” to 35” rather than 34” to 37”. The angle of the fan remains the same, it’s just the overall scale which is reduced by 2 inches. The upside to this is that you can use any brand of long scale strings on the Supers. Great stuff. The neck is maple with a pau ferro fingerboard and it feels lovely. The finish on the neck seems to be somewhere between satin and gloss but it’s incredibly light in feel and doesn’t impede playing speed at all. This particular bass was made in 2012 though so this finish probably started out more on the satin end of the spectrum. I’ve owned passive PJs, active PJs, an active PM and and active P but, absurdly, this is my first ever passive p-only bass...and it is glorious!
  15. This is a coincidence. I’ve been enquiring on “the other forum” about which strings come stock on the Yamaha BB735A. They’re some of the nicest strings I’ve played and it turns out they’re D’addario EXL170. They feel really really nice under the fingers. I believe the only difference between the 165 and 170 is that the A string is a slightly different gauge .85 on the 165 set and .80 on the 170 set. Lovely strings!
  16. Ah, yes! I saw this over on the Dingwall megathread. A lovely beast - congrats. I really must do a NBD thread for my newly acquired Super P...
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