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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. After my earlier spiel on the reasons Line 6 haven’t made presets interchangeable between all members of the Helix/HX family...in their latest update they’ve only gone and done just that I suspect this is a result of the under-the-hood work L6 have been doing on the Helix OS code. Plus, it looks like the Helix Native discount now applies to owners of all Helix/HX products, not just Full Helix?! Good news if so!
  2. To be fair, @Osiris makes solid points here!
  3. Correct. Keep the OC10 though as it’s a unique flavour.
  4. I have no idea, but give them an email at [email protected] and you should get a reply fairly swiftly. They're incredibly helpful and responsive. Holger (the owner) seems to take great pride in their customer service. He often replies to emails personally.
  5. I’ve never had a TM but currently own a VM - it’s a really really nice instrument. One thing to consider is that aside from the J pickup in the neck, the TM has a coil switch for the MM bridge humbucker, allowing you cop legitimate Jazz tones. VMs usually don’t have this coil switch, though I’m sure it can be requested on a custom build.
  6. Oh my...bass porn! I’ve seen a couple of these in videos online - I really really like the “Moollonised” Tele headstock!
  7. I’m happy to take the blame for this one
  8. I think one of the few things it’s missing is a headphone output and Aux input!
  9. Agreed. Fender clearly said to themselves, “we aren’t big names in the pedal world so let’s make solid, well-designed products at reasonable prices that people will actually buy” Remarkable
  10. Me too! Looks very reasonably priced too, at around £170ish I think? The big F have done their homework.
  11. Strong work Darren. I want a Future Impact even more now!
  12. And a very reasonable price for a pretty feature-laden pedal.
  13. Well...that and the fact I was able to try the 735a in person whereas nowhere seems to physically stock the Model T Agreed 100%. Scale length isn’t the only factor in determining the feel of a B string, yet so many out there seem to subscribe to the myth that it is. There are boutique luthiers all over the world making basses with Low Bs at all kinds of scale lengths. Alan Cringean (ACG) being one who immediately springs to mind. He’s made many a 30” scale bass with a Low B that feels and sounds great. Andy Brown at Wingbass also makes 30” scalers with similar results.
  14. Meanwhile, at Fender...
  15. I’ve been trying my hardest not to click “buy now” on one for quite some time now...
  16. I have to +1 this. I played a 434 in GuitarGuitar Glasgow a few months back and it played better than almost everything else on the wall. The only thing matching it for quality and sound was a Lakland PJ which was nearly 3 times the price!
  17. The BBs are glorious. I’ve owned one of the older ones (a 1025x, passive) and currently one of the new ones (735a - active) both are fantastic basses which you’ll be very hard pressed to beat for the money they go for. I also own a Sandberg VM5, which is actually a P pickup with a MM humbucker in the bridge. Really lovely bass, rock solid and the bridge pickup is a nice change of flavour from the usual J in that position. A meatier tone that I use soloed more often than pure Js. If you want a wild card suggestion, I’d suggest looking at a Schecter Model T Session. If you like the 51 Precision aesthetic you’ll love it. @mcnach has the 4 string version!
  18. Agreed, that looks by far the best of the new lineup!
  19. Yeah that should work. You could definitely have upright coming out of L and electric coming out of R if you wanted to, but both signals coming from the same output also works.
  20. Well, @Al Krow, it does feature your “Holy Trinity” of neck-through, 3 band EQ and individual bridge pieces! Get the credit card out!
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