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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Absolutely, but with Ashdown’s track record in pedal building it’s going to be even more difficult for them.
  2. This is deep comedy. Unless they release incredible demos which make these pedals sound *AMAZING* they just won’t sell. Simple as that.
  3. Surprised you didn’t say “not battered enough”
  4. £3k? Easy - an ACG, Alpher or maybe even a US MTD.
  5. Also look for videos by Erik Ärko. He has Helix and plays a Yamaha Attitude dual output bass. I’m sure he’s done videos of his sounds/signal paths with that bass.
  6. Yeah the colour combo is really doing it for me, especially with the all black pickup and nylon strings. And the photography is good which always helps!
  7. 100% this. I have to take it painfully slowly to really feel how the Vox & bassline sit with each other. Practice, practice, practice. It can take forever but it does work.
  8. This is true. And if they do feature artists who usually play loud or are drenched in dozens of effects, the artists have to live with the fact that they’ll need to play much more quietly and with heavily stripped down rigs appropriate to the size of the Tiny Desk performance space. Those who don’t like it don’t play, simple as that! IMO any artist worth their salt should be able to produce a stripped down version of their usual material. Doing so can be quite a creative and fun process.
  9. Totally correct. HX Effects and Stomp both have 1 DSP core - Floor, Rack & LT each have 2 cores. Stomp has all of the same effect AND amp models as Floor, Rack & LT but has a limit of 6 blocks. HX Effects has no block limit but obviously has no amp models. Loading a full Floor, Rack or LT preset into Stomp would produce a very incomplete result as you’d hit the block limit and most of the components of the preset would not be present. Even if the preset from Full Helix contained only 6 blocks, what happens if those 6 blocks are each incredibly DSP hungry? They’d run just fine on Full Helix as the processing can be split across its dual DSP cores, however on Stomp parts of the preset would be missing due to not being able to run fully on the single DSP core. Loading a Full Helix preset into HX Effects would obviously incur the same errors re: DSP but with the added hindrance of not being able to include any amp or cab models present in the original patch. More errors. All of the above means it’s more effort than its worth for Line 6 to make Full Helix (Floor, Rack & LT) preset files compatible with Stomp and HX Effects. We’d get error messages all over the place, incomplete signal paths which bore no resemblance to how the creator intended them to sound and there would be complaints all over the Internet. Much wiser to keep the file types separate, ensure platform stability and tell folks “if you want to copy a Full Helix patch into your HX Effects or Stomp, copy parameters over by hand and get creative within the routing and DSP limitations of the device!”
  10. To be fair, an ill-matched pickguard can ruin an otherwise great bass. It’s gotta be the right shape and right colour.
  11. @tonyclaret, what version of Helix do you have? If it’s HX Effects or Stomp, you can’t load presets from Full Helix (Rack/Floor/LT) as they don’t share the same processing power and features
  12. I’ve always thought the NPR Tiny Desk Concerts are superbly recorded and mixed - found these videos just now and thought I’d share with all who are interested. It’s actually relatively simple stuff and goes to show there’s not any unusual wizardry going on, just solid mic placement and good ears for mixing!
  13. Yes the Dunlop Flats are definitely lower tension than many flats out there. I love Dunlop Superbright Nickels but the flats aren’t as low tension as that. They’re surprisingly bright actually, although I do have them on an active Sandberg P so they’ll be different on a passive bass like a BB. I’d recommend them!
  14. Ah, great stuff. Have you tried Dunlop Flats? Much cheaper (I got my 5 string set for about £37 I think) and I really like them, though I’m certainly no flatwound connoisseur! Edit: that’s a lie, they cost me £34.99 from Bass Direct http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Dunlop_Nickels.html
  15. @lee650 did you sell the Mendel then?
  16. Two points to make re: Lakland basses. 1- their necks are fantastic. Matte finish and a lovely profile = super fast. 2- the tone pots have a very even/gradual taper, meaning it is totally usable across the entire sweep of the knob. Too many basses fail in this regard but Lakland have got it just right. Both of the above make these basses an absolute pleasure to play!
  17. The pickguard would be ok if it weren’t for the bridge side of the P pickup completely ruining the lines 🥴
  18. From memory I’m pretty sure the clamp is sized specifically for mic stand tube diameter. The main pole on a PA stand would be far too thick for it I imagine.
  19. Then may god have mercy on us all.
  20. True. Best case scenario it’ll come in just under £3k which is hilariously far out of my budget
  21. Soon to be landing on our shores via BassDirect no doubt
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