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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. This. @Delberthot, the 10.2 will likely match your BFOne10 for volume and low end with the added benefits of easy tilt-back monitoring. If you don’t mind the weight (and cost) increase of the 12.2 then I say go for it. Better to have more and not need it than need more and not have it IMHO.
  2. I’m just here to perv on your Horn.
  3. What I really want is one of these: https://uk.subpac.com/products/m2x
  4. Well the regular One Spot has a total current output of 1.7A (1700mA) and the Stomp will draw the lion’s share of that - at least 1.2A (1200mA). The problem is that Morningstar don’t seem to publish the current draw of the MC6, but since it’s just a controller with a fairly simple LED screen I’d be surprised if it drew more than 250mA. So based on fairly educated guesstimation a regular One Spot should power both no problem. Whether the MC6 will introduce noise into the signal chain I’m not sure, but I’d want to isolate the MC6 with something like a GigRig Timelord to be safe. And you’ll still need the correct barrel adaptors to go from “pedal standard” 2.1mm to the 2.5mm power input on the Stomp.
  5. If you only need to power those two then you could do it off a One Spot. A couple of adapters would be needed to get to the correct barrel size for the Stomp though.
  6. You will not find a better bass for the money. Period.
  7. That would work in theory though, right? Maybe heat-shrink around each pin for extra security 😅
  8. I can confirm the answer is a solid yes - with the bonus that it has the ability to get even more of a pure sine wave/dub vibe when switched to active with treble&mid rolled all the way off and bass boosted to taste. The preamp in this bass really is excellent. It’s genuinely difficult to get a bad sound out of it!
  9. To be honest I’m glad you’ve removed the temptation! Enjoy it buddy.
  10. I have one of these and it’s great. Don’t know why I didn’t think to suggest it!
  11. Still not what I’d call “cheap” but certainly cheaper than what you mentioned in the OP: https://www.thomann.de/gb/providence_dbs_1_dual_bass_station.htm
  12. Do you feel like your 10 is lacking at all?
  13. Oh I love the “blots”! They look great in person.
  14. I just had a lengthy session at @thebassgallery and played both of the Bacchus jazzes in the OP. SWEET LORD THEY'RE GOOD. Honestly, I was pretty blown away. Lovely craftsmanship, great feeling necks, sound like a Jazz Bass should. The series/parallel push/pull on the passive red one was very cool too. Kind of gave the bass the versatile feel of an active bass but without thinking about batteries. Glorious. Now I want one even more. May have to move one of my existing herd on, but I have no idea what could go on the chopping block 😨
  15. In my experience, “flat”, “satin” or “matte” finishes tend to show up scratches/marks/dings a little easier, depending on the colour of said finish. However, as the bass you’re referring to has a natural wood grain, the random busy nature of the grain will mask a lot. Shiny patches are pretty much an inevitability though depending on your playing position. I wouldn’t worry about it really. All my basses have satin finishes - I much prefer them.
  16. I think you’re assuming that the octave down sound in the MBSS is the same as the MB Octaver, which it isn’t.
  17. I’ll assume you didn’t watch the videos in the link I posted then.
  18. Ah, I forgot you sold your MBSS. However... https://www.talkbass.com/threads/markbass-mb-octaver-demo.838847/#post-16148808 @mcnach yeah I agree the OC2 has got a little more dirt to it. They’re certainly in the same family though.
  19. The MarkBass MB Octaver is an analog pedal and is a close clone of the Boss OC2. If it’s incorporated in the MB Supersynth surely your Valeton OC10 is obsolete?
  20. Any updates @EMG456? Looking at this build with great interest due to it being the first of the Kompakt Bass shape. @skelf you really know how to make grown men drool 😅
  21. Ooft, they look great! Checking out their website now. The temptation is high!
  22. I seriously doubt it to be honest. It would just confuse the Helix product line.
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