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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. This is horrible. I’ve long admired your Super J and Super P siblings. Hope you get it back man.
  2. CameronJ

    obbm's feedback

    Just purchased a custom instrument/headphone combo cable from Dave and it is frankly the nicest cable I have ever owned. Just oozes quality. And to top it all off the whole process from speccing what I wanted to receiving the finished product was so swift and effortless that I now don’t want to buy “off the shelf” cables ever again. Why can’t all cables be this good? Thanks Dave.
  3. But this is the thing. If HX Stomp was really at risk of cannibalising sales of the HX Effects then Line 6 quite simply would not have released it. The people for whom HX Effects is ideal (i.e. folk who need more than 6 blocks, want at least one footswitch per block, don’t need amp models, have comprehensive MIDI switching needs, have amp switching needs, don’t need another audio interface and don’t need a headphone practice amp) are looking at HX Stomp with no GAS whatsoever. People who willfully bought HX Effects but wanted the features of Stomp can cry “shafting” all day long. But if Stomp had been released first there would undoubtedly have been a ton of annoyed guitarists saying they had no need for the amp sims (because they want to keep their existing head & cab) , wanted more effects blocks, more physical footswitches, amp switching capability and scribble strips. Line 6, and the music gear industry in general, will always prioritise the needs of guitarists over bassists. They outnumber us several times over. Arguably, when bassists look at the current HX options, the majority would gravitate to HX Stomp over HX Effects but Line 6 are more than aware that the vast bulk of their sales are from guitarists, so it made absolute business sense to prioritise the release of HX Effects before HX Stomp. And yet, with all this said, looking at the bigger picture, both HX Stomp and HX Effects are primarily aimed at guitarists. Line 6 simply know that the portion of the guitarist market who have any interest in amp modelling whatsoever is relatively minute. Compare that to the huge portion of the guitarist market who have a serious interest in effects and pedalboards and it’s a no brainer. Anyone with any common sense would develop and release Effects before Stomp.
  4. Based on what you’ve said, HX Effects would have a been a compromise (for you) from the start. Surely you would have been shafted whether the Stomp came along or not, since you’d have bought a product which didn’t have all the features you really wanted in the first place? I deliberately didn’t buy the HX Effects because it was missing certain features I wanted. Lo and behold Line 6 met my needs with Stomp. There are a few features in HX Effects that I wish Stomp had, such as the ability to send MIDI CCs, but I can live with that. It gives me a reason to potentially acquire an HX Effects later down the line. Line 6 won’t be adding amps to the Effects. It isn’t the “right thing” to do because it’s specifically aimed at guitarists who wanted Helix-grade effects but have no intention of letting their real amps go. The fact it has the ability to do amp channel switching and the like reinforces this. Nor will Line 6 be kicking HX Effects to the curb prematurely - it plays a solid role in their family of products.
  5. Agreed 100%. They’re aimed at two different target markets, though there is obviously a fair amount of crossover between the two. No shafting here.
  6. Great little comparison there @GisserD!
  7. Yes I tried a 434 (rosewood fretboard, not maple) a couple of weeks ago and thought it felt glorious. Really really nice satin neck and pretty lightweight too.
  8. The V7 Jazz will definitely full a different sonic role to the BB and SR you already have - I say go for it!
  9. Just throwing options out there! I’m sure there are folk who will have a use for these things.
  10. I used to live in Peterborough - sort of grew up there!
  11. It’s just occurred to me that you could also achieve this with a wireless MIDI adapter such as: https://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/product/160121292686008--yamaha-md-bt01-wireless-midi-adapter?gclid=CjwKCAiAiuTfBRAaEiwA4itUqBfssrjCVdRBQJfw4t3Nbp2Np-16TOTKJ66Ln2y0RRsAHENcs013kBoC8rYQAvD_BwE Would work nicely as long as you have space to the left of your Stomp for the dongles to stick out of!
  12. Another solution for those seeking more control of the Stomp. There’s an iPhone/iPad app called Midi Designer Pro which, when connected to the Stomp via a Camera Connection Kit allows you to send whatever MIDI commands you want to the Stomp instantly. Video below:
  13. Exactly my thoughts/experience!
  14. Sounds to me like you’ve made your decision already
  15. @Mickyk looks like you already have a Yamaha BB? Adding another PJ to your collection may not add a great deal, so I’d suggest the V7 for a completely different flavour (Sire active jazz vs Yamaha passive PJ)
  16. I think there are just so many people people out there who don’t realise how good these instruments are. Outside of forums like this of course. It’s a serious shame!
  17. I do this all the time with my vocal looping rig and small vocal monitor. Works perfectly.
  18. No, the patches aren’t transferable due to the OS differences between Stomp and Full Helix, but I think it’s possible to open 2 instances of HX Edit (one connected to Full Helix and one connected to Stomp) and drag blocks from one to the other.
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