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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. I have to agree with this 10000%. I know a couple of guys who have much more comprehensive music theory than I do, but when I hear them playing it often totally lacks in feel. I play entirely by ear at the moment so I’d say as a result my feel is quite good. Now I just need to get my theory and technique up to the same level as my feel to make me a more complete player. Hence, SBL!
  2. Having gone through a massive pedal acquisition phase last year, I’ve settled on my most beloved effects and am now pretty much GAS-free in that department. Same goes for amplification ever since I went FRFR. Trouble is, now I have constant GAS for basses of all kinds. 4 strings, 5 strings, 6 strings. Js, Ps, Rays. Solid colour finishes, exotic woods. Actives, passives. WHEN WILL IT END? 😩
  3. Agreed! @Marcoelwray, you should definitely try one though 😉
  4. Are they push-on or screw fitting knobs? Bass Direct do a selection of styles: http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Knobs.html My personal favourite are the Delano ones, which I have fitted to my Sandberg P bass.
  5. This simple answer in no - the SR series and BTB series feel very different. The necks on the SRs are slimmer with narrower string spacing, the BTBs are broader and flatter with a wider string spacing. SRs are usually bolt-on while BTBs are usually neck-through. Body shape is more rounded on the SRs while BTBs are more “slab style” with more angular edges. SRs will generally weigh less than the equivalent BTB. So overall a very different playing experience for each!
  6. I’ve never broken a string on a bass, nor have I witnessed it happen - takes some doing! I’m impressed 😅
  7. I found this myself when I first saw a Portaflex head in the flesh. Somehow the photos of these amps online don’t give an impression of their scale! Still, they look and feel solid as you say, which is reassuring in itself.
  8. I’ve signed up for the course. Will report back with how I get on. It has strong potential to be excellent IMO!
  9. Yeah I think the video could easily have been three times as long with the amount of functionality in the thing.
  10. Excellent work, @Quatschmacher! 12:16 onwards is where my favourite tones lie.
  11. @Cuzzie will be pleased at his choice of bass!
  12. Well it’ll make a big difference to my playing, if not necessarily my sound! Although I’m pretty certain it’ll sound glorious through my PJB Double Four
  13. Ah! Once my Wingbass is built and shipped, that will most certainly take the top spot as my most useful gear purchase. It’ll be a godsend on tour.
  14. I know...I was hoping to slip in unnoticed 😅 In the absence of strings, I’d have to say my RCF HD32a monitor.
  15. It’s taking a lot of self-control to stop myself from sending a PM...😨
  16. The last bass-related purchase I made was exactly one week ago. A Vox Amplug V2 as a cheap backup to my PJB Bighead. Many years ago I owned the original version of the Amplug and didn’t have much love for it. Thankfully, this new one seems sturdier of build and with a few extra we’ll thought out features. Can’t complain. As for the last thing I bought that really made a positive difference to my playing/sound, I’d have to say strings! Specifically my investigation into the world of Flatwound and Nylon Tapewound strings. The differences in tension, tone and surface texture make me play the basses they’re on differently, which I really enjoy!
  17. I was referring to the quality control issues a couple of folks on the Stingray thread have experienced with the new 2018 basses!
  18. The grippy, friction burning feeling goes away with a bit of playing time. I went through a similar phase with my Labella Black Nylon Tapes and Dunlop Flats at first but now they feel great.
  19. Surprised this is still hanging around to be honest!
  20. Check out the new Stingray thread...😅
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