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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Presumably you mean a High Pass Filter. But if I recall correctly, Helix has both high and low pass filters, right?
  2. @GisserD I don’t suppose you could measure the height of the board could you? As per email below, which for some reason went to my spam folder and I’ve only just seen...
  3. This is very much my experience of Sandberg. My first ‘Berg was a used Electra VS4 (which I still own) and within 48 of owning it I managed to snap the tuning peg for the G string... Emailed Sandberg asking if I could buy a replacement tuner and a couple of hours later got a reply from Holger (the boss himself) simply asking for my address. No mention of payment. I reiterated my desire to pay for the new tuner but he was having none of it. A few days later the new tuning peg came through my letterbox! After that experience I swiftly purchased a California VM5 and have absolute confidence that if anything goes wrong I’ll be sorted.
  4. Five?!? That’s an impressive tally!
  5. Can GAS be quenched?! Seems like a hilarious combination of verb and noun 😂
  6. Ah, thanks for that info. This is exactly the confusion that arises when manufacturers have so many similar model numbers within a product line!
  7. The 1000s above is definitely neckthrough
  8. Whoa, I’ve only seen these in satin plum/purple. I didn’t know they were made in this colour. Lovely!
  9. If you do decide on Nordstrand, better do it quick. Just saw this post on Carey’s FB:
  10. I put fresh rounds on my old Yamaha RBX774 when I first acquired the bass. Those strings stayed on for the next 8 years and boy did they sound good!
  11. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it was £230.
  12. At last a Darkglass pedal I would actually consider buying! It’s gonna be perilously expensive though, as usual 😩
  13. Take a look at this thread -
  14. The red MTD on the right has switchable coils in each pickup, so I can get a Jazz-esque sound by switching them both to single coil mode. The other two basses are self explanatory. HOWEVER - while I’ve made a conscious decision to own basses with different pickup configurations, I’ve added to their sonic differences with my choice of strings. The aforementioned MTD is string with nickel rounds, the 4 string P with black nylon tapewounds and the 5 string PM with relatively bright flats. A diverse sonic palette at my disposal.
  15. I suspect @EBS_freak may be the man to ask.
  16. Pure groove. Haven’t heard this track in a long time - love it!
  17. I can wholeheartedly recommend the Yamaha BB series, as well as anything made by Sandberg. Special mention goes to Lakland who make really lovely P basses too.
  18. If I’m reading those measurements correctly, that’s 56mm wide by 78mm tall, yes?
  19. I’m in the same position. Was introduced to the Comfort Strapp by @thebassgallery after trying a Mono Betty and not being all that impressed. 3 years later I now have Comfort Strapps on all of my basses. Actually one of my basses has the Sandberg Deluxe Strapps, which is basically like a slightly upgraded Comfort Strapp anyway. Haven’t looked back.
  20. In that case, I stand by my earlier comment! Or just get the Ubass
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