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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Have to agree with the OP - Anita Baker is so often overlooked/unheard of but my god she’s fantastic.
  2. I’m here for a good time, not a long time.
  3. All natural, baby. If I get the gig, it’ll be purely on merit I assure you.
  4. Actual photo of me, minus the bass but you’ll have to take my word on that:
  5. I am indeed! Darren - you are a legend. Thanks so much. I owe you one!
  6. Hey guys & gals, I’m starting work on a very special project and have a favour to ask of those of you who own an Aguilar Octamizer - could you measure the dimensions of the circuit board inside the pedal for me please? And, if possible, post a photo too? I’ll be forever indebted to you and if all goes to plan the end result will be incredibly cool! The actual measurements are much more important than the photo. Thanks in advance, Cameron
  7. @greyshark sounds to me like you could benefit from an EQ pedal that you can switch on to give you a more pleasing tone whenever you select the bridge pickup.
  8. To be fair you have a point. In my head, whenever I see the word “fuzz” I just assume synth sounds!
  9. I’d have said this is a better option: But the trigger is already pulled so let us know how you get on with the MXR!
  10. It’s absurd. I think it’s just that a lot of people still haven’t heard of this pedal 🤷🏾‍♂️
  11. Yesyesyes, PM me some photos please 😬 and its current location so I can buy it from whoever the current owner is!
  12. I know it’s a cliché but if this were a 5 stringer it would be mine already!
  13. Oh wow, this is a special kind of beautiful. GLWTS!
  14. Saw this on Facebook earlier - Rock&Roll killers are hard to kill! *strong language alert*
  15. Keep these gig reports coming, folks! I imagine they’re very useful for those reading the thread who are undecided about killing Rock & Roll 😬
  16. Beautiful - what did it look like before?
  17. Beautiful! I think the Fortress May be my favourite Warwick body shape. If a 5 string PJ Fortress comes up it’ll be tough for me to resist 😳
  18. I mean, Yamaha make superb instruments but I’d only expect to pay that kind of money for a highly specced custom bass from the likes of ACG/Alpher etc with exotic woods and fancy preamp. Madness for a Yamaha P.
  19. Ah. I didn’t even see that it was flamed. You’re right. That’ll teach me for not clicking to see the full sized image 😅
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