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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Well that’s good. Still, an eyebrow-raising ordeal that one wouldn’t expect to have to go through. Some of the issues people have raised here are pretty worrying at any price point - which is a shame as I’ve seen some truly stunning basses come out of Maruszczyk HQ. When the spec and price point are high then the quality control and customer service has got to match. No excuses. Sandberg are a good example of this.
  2. I happen to use Strymon Ojai R30 which fits perfectly under a Nano board and provides 5 switchable high current (500mA each) outputs - but to be honest with you, I've found Source Audio pedals to behave quite well while daisy chained to other pedals. Their current draw generally isn't high enough to introduce the dreaded "digital noise" into the signal path in my experience. I reckon there's a good chance you'll have no issues daisy chaining all your pedals together, while saving a chunk of cash in the process. I wouldn't necessarily recommend this for larger boards but on a Nano+ with 4 pedals you'll likely be fine. Try it out!
  3. Looks really classy. I love it! GLWTS.
  4. Pretty sure @tonyxtiger knows how this performs on bass - he had one in stock at FXPedalRental last year.
  5. @Akio Dāku sounds good. And @Chownybass, I’m sure none of us will mind!
  6. Ewww. 1kHz LPF at the desk is a sorry state of affairs.
  7. Took the words right out of my mouth. I owned a Tecamp Puma 900 for a while (the older sibling to the Eich T900) and I don’t know how you could get a more friendly form factor, especially at that kind of wattage. Legitimately gig-bag-pocketable and weighs next to nothing to boot. You can get 300/500/900 watt variants and, as @TJ Spicer says, they’re all exactly the same size.
  8. Rare and lovely basses! They really don’t come up often at all - GLWTS
  9. I have absolutely no need for this bass - and yet I want it!
  10. Very good price. If I had a bass for these to go on I’d be all over them.
  11. Thoughts so far, @r16ktx?
  12. Stop teasing me...!
  13. That’s not great, but where did you purchase the strings from? You could have gotten a replacement pack (or at least a replacement string) had the issue been raised with the retailer.
  14. I didn’t notice. You gave a damn good interview as far as I’m concerned! Very insightful.
  15. Oh wow. The luminlays don’t look good at all. The raised lump on the rear looks like it might be a knot in the wood which hasn’t been sealed?? Glad he’s accepted your complaints and is dealing with it. It’s definitely gonna have to be a rebuild methinks - too much effort to undo and redo, surely!
  16. Just finished listening to the podcast. First things first - massive well done to all involved! As mentioned above, putting together 2 hours’ worth of podcast is certainly not 2 hours’ work. For me, the highlights were: The interview with @Chownybass which I found incredibly insightful and the conversational style of that portion was very easy to listen to. Mr. Chown has a great “mic manner” in my opinion and I really appreciated his his openness in sharing the gory details of creating and running the Chowny brand. These “industry interviews” should be a definite keeper for future episodes. Also really enjoyed the blind pedal test. I’m so used to pedal demos on YouTube (i.e. with a visual element) and it was nice not to have any prior knowledge or imagery to rely on. It forces a more critical use of one’s ears which I think is fun. I think the deliberate absence of a “Basschat rating” for the tested gear is a good thing. Might be worth having a minute or two at the end where a BCer who owns the pedal in question shares their first hand experiences with it. The “hottest recent topic” section was another highlight of mine - and not just because I got a cheeky mention! In future it might be worth seeing if it would be possible to interview one or two of the most prolific contributors to the thread to give contrasting viewpoints and have a bit of light banter on the subject matter. I realise this poses a logistical challenge in terms of organising a conference call/recording session though. Things I’d want to tweak: 2 hours is definitely too long, though I realise there was a ton of material to get through and this episode was a proof-of-concept. I had to listen to it over about 3 sessions! I think the ideal length would be between 30 minutes and 1 hour. In general, the less scripted/more conversational elements of the podcast were the most enjoyable to me as a listener. It just came across more naturally. That’s all for now - if I think of anything else I’ll post it. Again, a massive well done to all involved!
  17. That neck join is giving me the runs.
  18. Never heard these before - so good! Thanks for sharing
  19. Oh bloody hell. Exactly 2 weeks after I leave London 😫
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