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Everything posted by CameronJ

  1. Again, have loved this for quite some time. Seems to me that we have a lot of similar taste in music @bubinga5. In case anyone fancies the visuals to go along with it: As an aside, I think everyone stands to benefit from seeing Snarky Puppy live - they’re just incredible musicians. Always nice to see a bassist who’s also band leader/musical director.
  2. Never noticed that! Quite similar indeed and I must say I prefer the Sandy VS to the Cutlass shape: Well...kinda similar.
  3. That’s food for thought. Thinking about it more, I don’t actually mind the new T shape. It’s the new V shape that makes me raise an eyebrow slightly but I’d still like to try them both.
  4. Oh bloody hell. I’ve got some money coming in soon and I can feel the temptation creeping in.
  5. Gator cases do a series of mixer bags in various sizes - check the dimensions of the M900 and I’m sure there will be something the Gator range that fits nicely, perhaps with a bit of extra space for power/speakon cables. The build quality is very good too and they’re very reasonably priced, especially compared to the comically high prices that most amp manufacturers charge for their “official” cases - Darkglass being a prime example!
  6. LOVE The Internet. Syd (the singer) can be a bit inconsistent live but I think their music is great. Obviously they won’t be for everyone!
  7. Mmmm. Not a fan of the new shapes either. I think the old Jazz and Precision style bodies were nice to have in the range because they were “traditional” alternatives to the Sandberg-original shapes like the Basic/Classic, 48, Panther etc. and no doubt made up quite a large portion of their overall sales, introducing new people to the brand who may then have moved onto the more original shapes upon discovering the Sandberg build quality. If they’re set on avoiding any Fender similarities then they should seriously consider a redesign of the V/T shapes IMO...
  8. I have both of these and love them! Very different beasts and give me a nice palette of flavours, great for use after octavers/before filters etc for synthy vibes. GLWTS.
  9. Looks like you’ve had a glorious new gear day. I was wondering where the AG5 on the BassDirect website disappeared to! Congrats man.
  10. This. Quite frankly this is a rather good price for such an excellent bass. To quote a conversation I had with @Cuzzie, Sandbergs are the basses Fenders should be. Also, their customer support is damn good. Even when it comes to used instruments. Certainly can’t say that of too many companies these days!
  11. They’re lovely - especially the roadworn white!
  12. I’m trying to work out what’s going on here?
  13. Currently selling for £282 posted. Which is almost exactly what a Nemesis costs. I’d be interested to hear how how the Flattley Ace sounds but I’m a mild Source Audio fanboy so I know where my money would be spent...
  14. Just checked out their Instagram - they sure do make some gorgeous looking pedals. I feel like a mug for not checking them out properly at the LBGS. I spent a fair amount of time at the BassDirect stand which was directly across from the Flattley stand 😫 Saying that though, part of the reason I didn’t check them out in depth was that the stand appeared to be a table of pedals without an obvious means of demoing them! @Al Krow, they make a digital delay with tap tempo and modulation - http://www.flattleyguitarpedals.co.uk/index.php/products-guitar/the-ace
  15. I do often think that selling my Manta was foolhardy. Thankfully they can be bought used for reasonable pennies!
  16. Get on the phone to EHX! Actually, better yet, @Chownybass? If a Wah pedal is in the works any time soon...?
  17. Any time. To be fair it was a toss up between piggy bank and Peppa Pig for me. I went with what I assumed to be the lesser of two shames
  18. A very intriguing selection of toys! Are they UK based? It’s hard to tell from the website.
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