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Everything posted by knirirr

  1. Funnily enough, the first I'd heard of him was on this forum: I have since bought some "Back Door" albums - good stuff.
  2. So do I. But, for a delivery yesterday the driver, after looking around in confusion, hid the parcel out of sight of the camera.
  3. Indeed; if they still made them I would have simply bought a new one ages ago, saving me an enormous amount of bother.
  4. I've got an unlined fretless (ebony board) Jazz for sale here. Still not a Fender, though the neck is a licensed Fender one. Probably not what you want either, but just in case: https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/335813-unlined-fretless-jazz-bitsa Agreed about the lines - I could never get on with them either, and have only ever played unlined.
  5. Years ago, an ex-colleague was in the habit of taking a swig from the lab ethanol bottle. One afternoon he mixed it up with the meths - a mistake he never repeated, because it was fatal.
  6. I'd been after one of these since approx. 1995 and had pretty much given up hope, buying other fretless basses instead which didn't look quite right or feel comfortable to play, when one fell into my lap very recently. It would appear to date from 1990.
  7. If I may be allowed a singer anecdote: Approx. 1994, charity gig in a chaplaincy, various bands with a short slot each, no smoking indoors, cheese and wine served (exciting stuff). We arrived, checked in with the MC and were given a slot roughly half-way through. Later, when the MC approached us to tell us to get ready to go on next we realised that none of us had seen the singer for some time. None of her friends we could find knew where she was or had seen where she went either. We searched the building, including both bogs but there was no sign, and she wasn't outside smoking - very mysterious, and concerning. We were told that the next band could go on instead and if she reappeared in time then we could be slotted in a bit later. As we were at the back of the audience watching the next band she appeared and a loud conversation along these lines (assuming my memory is accurate after so long) ensued: Singer: What are you all doing standing around at the back? Why aren't you on stage? Why are they up there, in our timeslot? Me: We couldn't find you and the MC had to move us to a later slot - we should be on in about half an hour. Singer: How dare he! That was our slot, and I told all my friends I'd be on then. You should find him now, and get us up on stage at once. Me: It's too late now. Perhaps you should have been here on time. Singer: I had to go out for a smoke. Me: We looked outside but couldn't find you. Singer: You can't expect me to smoke outside - it's too cold. I went to the pub down the road with a few friends. Me: Not much I can do then, we'll have to wait our turn. Singer: Outrageous! You couldn't organise a fosters up in a brewery! That's it, we're not playing, I'm going home. As the rest didn't want to perform without her and I wouldn't grovel, someone else had to volunteer to run down the road after her and beg her to perform, which she graciously consented to do. Edit: Nice profanity filter correction!
  8. Soldering complete, both pickups now working nicely and sounding good. This link may help to make sense of the images below: https://villex.com/downloads/bridge_neck_volume.pdf
  9. Strangely, I'd not heard of him until yesterday, when my father mentioned that they were neighbours back in the 60s (and apparently still encounters him locally from time to time).
  10. Generally, private rehearsals/jams seem to have been the most fun for me; all the enjoyment of playing with other musicians, but without any travel difficulties or hassle from the audience or venue staff.
  11. This comparison of some Man from Uncle themes may be of interest: The 2nd version seems to me to be the definitive one, but the first is certainly good (nice time signature). It gets a bit cheesy from the 3rd onwards, IMO.
  12. Thanks for asking. I’d rather not at the moment, though.
  13. Gigging in a decent venue is great, though it's not something I got to do often. College bar gigs with students* vomiting and passing out, or demanding to play the band's instruments if they are paying attention to the music at all, are certainly something I don't miss. * On one occasion it was instead a barely conscious lecturer sprawled on the floor in front of the band.
  14. Indeed. Still bigger-time than me - IIRC the largest audience I played to was around 250, but it was jazz so that might be considered a huge crowd. ;-) When doing public speaking (at least in my experience) it's always easy when the audience are people who know little or nothing about the subject and are interested in learning more and/or being entertained, and it's a topic I know well. If they're knowledgeable in it (and worse, if I'm not) and they are waiting for the opportunity to ask "questions" at the end to show their own knowledge then the fear factor ramps up rapidly. Such a treat is in store for me early next month... Perhaps that's a similar situation to what you're facing, with the music shop staff giving the impression of being able to recognise expertise even if they don't possess it themselves.
  15. The last time I went into a shop to try something out I was very pleased that they supplied headphones without my even asking, therefore removing any fear of being embarrassed in this manner. BTW, the one time I did try to play in public last year my mind went blank and I totally cocked it up. But, this was solo; it was always easier playing with other people.
  16. Do you think that this recording would count? It popped into my head when reading your comment, but I might well be mistaken about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NtZ2W8L5Rw
  17. I'm the same. Even a ukulele I tried which had the dots in the correct (i.e. as on an unlined) place but lines as well was too confusing. But, the TF bass's neck was fine - the extra white dots were very discreet. They're barely visible on the photos on Bass Direct's site. I didn't get on with the body at all, though.
  18. I have tried that particular one. The side dot markers are rather nice in that there are black ones on the usual places (1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12) and white ones in-between that are discreet enough to not distract. Unfortunately, it seems that I don't get on at all with Precision bodies.
  19. I've listed a bass in the right-handed forum, but with the admin's permission I've linked to it here as there are marker dots on both sides of the neck and it might therefore be of interest to left-handers also. Perhaps. Anyway, here's the link:
  20. Edit: Withdrawn, as I now have plans to sort out the body colour issue. There's not any real need to sell this now, but it doesn't get used any more and so I'll leave it here in case it could benefit anyone with the the same playing but different colour preferences. Originally bought on this forum, it's a WD Music neck (dots on both sides so a left-hander could presumably use it) with an ebony board on a body made by Ernie McMillen. The pickups are Villex passive (stacked volume, passive mid and treble cut) and although there's a panel on the back there's nothing underneath it. The strings currently fitted are LaBella Copper white nylon, .050-.105. With the light body and these low tension strings I've found very comfortable to play. I discovered that a crackling neck pickup volume control seems to have been a loose wire - I'll have to re-solder this if I can find my soldering iron or borrow one [Edit: Fixed - see below]. Everything else seems to be in order. Collection would be preferred so it can be tried; I'm working in Oxford and live in West Oxfordshire, and could perhaps meet somewhere or deliver for petrol money. If required to post it would probably have to be Parcelforce ; in this case I'd have to include a gig bag (to be taken into account if you want to make an offer). I had a bass come over from Japan in said bag without damage. Please ask if you have any questions.
  21. They're good fun, but anyone you speak to about the habit will either make the same dreadful "jokes"* or tell you about their distant Scottish ancestry and how much they love Scottish culture. * Can you play something with a tune? How about playing "over the hills and far away"! Ha ha, ho ho! etc.
  22. Never had this, but did get the following: "So, you play bass? Is that a proper one, or one of those "double bass" thingys? And a week or so later from someone else: "Bass, eh? Is that a proper one, or one of those other things, er.. bass guitar, that's it!"
  23. First bass gig 8/3/95 in the Holywell Music Room, Oxford. I know this as I recently found a tape in my garage with the date written on; I sound like a bad guitarist faking it whilst trying to stay in tune on a cheap unlined fretless.
  24. This has long been a favourite for the bassline, e.g. around 5:22.
  25. Thanks - I have previously tried contacting Eastwood to ask about dot marker positions on some of their fretless instruments but they couldn't be bothered to reply to me. Definitely one to avoid if the dots are positioned like that.
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