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Everything posted by luckydog

  1. Hmmmm are so many peeps here in the habit of buying/selling basses regularly enough to get excited about? How many peeps here look upon trading basses as a source of income ? I am curious, and suspect it's more than I first thought....... LD
  2. [quote name='Harryburke14' timestamp='1472225925' post='3119653'] Found out only that the problem is made worse if they are both plugged into to the same extension cable or if I'm wearing headphones plugged into my phone when it happens. I don't really want to try any more [/quote]Check out 'Darwin Awards' , given (posthumously) to those who found inventive ways of removing their genes from the genepool ! Then, call an electrician to check over the house wiring ! HTH ! LD
  3. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1472212087' post='3119477'] And I'm sure, when his playing days are over, it will be sold for only$100 won't it? Besides anything else would be immoral wouldn't it? [/quote]I seriously doubt he'll ever sell it: you just wouldn't, that really would be wrong. More likely prised from his cold dead hand, though the grip will be so tight it might just have to stay with him........ For some, playing music is just not about money. Some others never will be able to get that, because for them it fundamentally is. As a player, you get to know who's who, and I know what sort I prefer to spend time and play with for sure. LD
  4. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1472201234' post='3119319']I don't know if you saw that thread on talkbass about the guy who ended up with a 62 Jazz for $100. Amazing story. The guy ended up keeping it as far as I recall...........he wasn't particularly well financially. [/quote] Exactly this ^ happened to a mate of mine, and 40 years later he still plays the same amazing guitar (it isn't a bass). A lifetime of playing excellence versus turning a (albeit hefty) swift buck............ there's more to life than profit !? LD
  5. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1472169381' post='3119161']I think its a virtue... not one that will make me rich admittedly but hey ho, there's more to life than profit.[/quote] Well said, Shambo. Yes, it is a virtue, and not one that all peeps get.............. LD
  6. Basses have feelings, you know, and [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1472132642' post='3118772']mates rates are for people you really know, in person,[/quote] Yes, I think so. Spirit of co-operation on a forum like this isn't the same thing at all, might be shallow, and might well not extend to things money, IMO. LD
  7. If anything is louder than the cymbals when standing next to them as a bass player, something seriously is too loud in the band, and fair chance you'll damage your own hearing, if not other peeps in the audience. LD
  8. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1472035656' post='3117840']Equally, the "community spirit" on here can be a double-edged sword. Some have felt it's wrath and it's not a pleasant sight. Mates-rates for genuine friends and aquaintances is cool - but just because someone is a member on here (and how many thousands are there?) does not entitle them to a price reduction IMV. [/quote] From what I can tell, the community spirit here is hotly divided when it comes to making money. Some peeps seem to squarely link matters bass and making money, and others don't. I don't think it's safe to assume that goodwill extends to money anywhere in life, you know how even mates can be when it comes to such things ? Goodwill can be readily exploited, but that's no excuse not to offer it I feel, though I wouldn't assume it extends it to buying/selling here FWIW. LD
  9. Yup, pedals are prone. I don't use pedals, but not for reliability's sake. In fact we have no pedals or effects in the band which is probably unusual - except for one tuner we all use. If that goes down (as it has) it's not end of the world, but not too clever either - we are so reliant on them these days. So I carry a spare clip tuner. LD
  10. Yup, of all things amps seem to go down, even though not often. DI seems good to cover the day it does eventually happen. By complete accident and just because of the sound, we are a near 100% valve based band: we rely on several dozen valves and genuine vintage circuits to do their thing. It's not the reliability nightmare it could be, and so far so good. Includes genuine 60s valve Hammond organ and Leslie cab (which has valves!). For the fateful day, we think we know how to cope with any single piece of equipment failure, but it hasn't happened yet. Ironically, only the Nord we use for piano sounds (through the Leslie) has picked up damage along the way; we would use that for Hammond sound, in the event. So the least of our worries is the passive bass packing up. Kiss of death me saying that, probably ! LD
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1471770738' post='3115647']I regularly think about........that girl dancing at the front.........[/quote] Yup, that usually does it for me. And the train has left the rails.........where were we again? LD
  12. My 2p worth, based on the biological classification system : Domain : Musician Kingdom : Tuned Instruments Phylum : Stringed Instruments Class : Bass Player Order : Fretted Family : Steel Strung Genus : Electric Species : Pick Musician IMO is a very high level classification, like the difference between plants/animals and rocks. Bass player is somewhere in the middle, a class with orders below it and above it. HTH ! LD
  13. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1471763732' post='3115566'] I used to get nervous before a gig, I remember having a dream the night before a gig many years ago when I got on stage, all ready to go, then I looked down at the fretboard and it was no longer a fretboard as we know it, but a load of buttons and flashing lights more like the flight control panel of a spaces shuttle and I had no idea how to play it! [/quote] That is the sort of tricks yer Inner Chimp gets up to ! Steve Peters IIRC wrote a lot of stuff about the Inner Chimp, very high profile sports psychology? Well worth checking out and very interesting IMO, I think it applies to playing just as well, if one is into highest possible performance to match potential. LD
  14. [quote name='grumpyguts' timestamp='1471737015' post='3115515']Its not a stage fright thing, its just stupid doubts enter the mind. I'll just ignore them in future. [/quote] We were chatting as a band casually about this, and decided it's the same as happens in sports, where it's called the 'yips'. Apparently it has to do with some inner mind element that is hellbent on creating chaos, known as 'the inner chimp'. Allegedly, yer inner chimp is at odds with the rest of yer ordered mind, and pops up to create havoc especially when it matters most and will harm the ego. Apparently it's part of human nature, and keeping the chimp under control is easier for some than others. Maybe this is the true nature of 'stage fright', different from nerves or fear ? It's a pain where the sun don't shine, 'cos it can stop performances being their best if one plays safe under pressure to compensate. It's a life thing, not just music or sports. We ended up writing a song about it ! That buried the demons........ LD
  15. I just carry spare strings: would only take a few minutes to change, and it's so rare to need to. Passive bass, little to go wrong I figure and never has. Rarely are we the only band on the bill, and I like to think there would be no hastle borrowing one in the unlikely event of total wipeout. I lent a bass recently to help out when another band broke a string: swapped guitars, restrung his, tuned and returned it in the space of one song. Like to think that might happen if I was in similar need, it's just what you do. Spare strap, leads, picks, tuner - these seem far more likely to go walkies than pack up, and easy to carry spares. Amp faults: rare enough not to worry about, but would DI. I don't use pedals. Doesn't cross my mind that it's not gonna work ! LD
  16. 3 times, always 4-E, always fingers, different basses. LD
  17. Great Dave, see you there ! LD
  18. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1471505194' post='3113448'] Having said that I also had this one in a particular rehearsal studio (but nowhere else) so it could be mains wiring related too (again some kind of fault with the earth) [/quote] Yes, a mains wiring fault in the building might do it ? If the earth is floating, but there's other equipment connected to it. Try another building before calling an amp fault, that seems most likely. Otherwise, suspect the amp has a floating ground and perhaps another fault so get it checked pdq ! Played a gig recently where the PA was run from one building mains circuit and amps from another, and mic's would do just what what you describe if yer had hands on the strings and touched the mics. Engineer said something along the lines of 'wondered what that light on the desk 'earth fault' was........?!? LD
  19. Yes, bad luck. However, if it genuinely is from 1976 copies from that time can be good and have their own market. Esp Japanese copies. What are the markings on the electronics under the scratchplate ? Post a photo if poss? LD
  20. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1471165568' post='3110874']no third wire - they are wizard hammers - will not be replacing them because they took me a while to track down a pair on here and they sound flippin fantastic - they might be tinkerable will have to investigate i think the black plastic cover is removable and they are not all resin or wax dipped so could be an option [/quote] OK, so the pole pieces prob aren't grounded in those PUs, which is the issue. Think I'd say 'just live with it' since they sound great! It's tricky grounding the pole pieces reliably, and means taking the PU apart usually which is high scoring. In practice, you won't touch the pole pieces whilst playing ?! Enjoy ! LD
  21. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1471171745' post='3110938'] I did a gig last week where the house amp was some sort of Roland Cube. The venue was on a pedestrianised street, so I went with that rather than my own amp. On that brief encounter, I wasn't much impressed with the modelling on it. Vintage valve amps are generally a thing that I like, but each setting on this thing just sounded like the same small combo with differing amounts of treble rolled off. I found the most useable sound on the "flat" setting. Perhaps that wasn't the best example to judge the modelling concept by. It strikes me that amp simulations would only be useful in a live setting if you have a rig that's powerful enough and flat enough not to impart too much of its own character, which might only be achievable at the pricier end of things. [/quote] Yes. The cube needs to be mic'd or DI'd to sound like a reasonable emulation IME - yer can't defy the laws of physics. Even then, such things are naturally a compromise vs the real thing. Recently, we've been studio mixing a live recording. Live bass was the rig in my avatar, Pbass into Bassman: a classic sound. Recorded mic on the live bass cab wasn't usable, so left with bass DI straight from bass guitar. Emulations didn't cut it, versus what we know the real thing sounds like. So decided to route the recorded DI back through a real amp/cab and re-record. 'Cos I wasn't expecting this, I didn't have the Bassman rig with me; so we used the studio SVT & 8x10. Whilst the Ampeg rig sounded classic, it didn't sound like the Bassman at all. So I went home and got the Bassman, which sounded classic and 'correct'. In that situation, emulation didn't cut it. And the difference between Ampeg and Fender classic rigs was profound and real. We accidentally critically compared real versus emulation Bassman and Ampeg classic rigs ! Interesting ?! LD
  22. Roland have models of most of the classic amps built into some of their cubes, and these are good and credible enough when real classic amps/cabs aren't avail IME. Passable mic'd or DI'd and portable. LD
  23. Do what you love, and do it now ! LD
  24. Do you mean if you touch the pole pieces when not also touching strings you get hum/buzz ? On some J PUs there is a third wire which grounds the metalwork and a copper screen - if you don't have three wires this could be why the prob. If you have three wires, perhaps there's a fault in the connection or wiring - 2 of them should go to ground. You can add a third wire to ground the pole pieces, need something to spring contact with them inside the PU it's fairly tricky. Or get 3 wire variants ! HTH! LD
  25. Yup, I made the same move about 10 years ago and it's massively satisfying and musically different. It opens new doors..........well people open doors for you that's for sure I spent about 5 years playing nothing else, huge fun, then went back to mixing and matching with electric to suit projects. Do get it set up and strung to suit what you want to do right away - don't hang about. LD
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