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Everything posted by hitchy64

  1. Yes, it is a pain to unplug every time but you soon get into the habit. I bought my Active Fender Jazz last July and its still got the same Duracell Plus 9v battery in it.
  2. Hello out there, anyone using a Marshall MB450H amp head and a MBC410 cab. I was wondering what they were like . I would be greatfull for any comments. Thanks
  3. [attachment=26175:2585_609...380_n_1_.jpg] Here's me, the good lookin one with the Fender Jazz
  4. Welcome to the dark side Aaren.
  5. Just picked up my new car last friday. Its a VW Golf estate 2.0 se tdi 140bhp. It goes like stink and is good on juice as well. I can get all my gear in with one back seat down.
  6. Hi, nobody has mentioned the word "Arpeggio". An arpeggio is the notes of a chord played one at a time ie. typically root, 3rd, 5th. I would play these, not all of the notes all the time, but with passing notes to the next chord. I hope this helps.
  7. We had band rehearsal tonight and the place we play in is a propper well set up place for bands to practice. I used an old Peavey 2x10 Bass cab that was laying around, and conected it to my combo. What a differance. Now I know what I need to buy. Cheers for the advice guys. PS I had a play with the eq, i'v got a really good sound that i'm happy with now. I'v rolled off the bass and added some treble, the Fender Jazz sounds awsome!!
  8. There are two 1/4" Jack sockets round the back, one has the combo speaker pluged in and the other is free. Is that all I need?
  9. Cheers for the replys folks. I think i'm going to go the extension cab route, maybe 2x10 to start with and see how that goes. The local music shop has a Marshal 150w valve amp combo with a 15" , I might go in and have a play next week :-)just for the hell of it and to see what it sounds like. As for what style we'r doing, we do 60s, 70s classic rock and also some newer stuff like Green Day, Feeder, The Offspring etc cheers, Hitchy
  10. Hi their everyone, I have an Ashdown Electric Blue 180 combo with 15" speaker. The problem is I have trouble cutting through the sound of our two guitars, I am unsure which way to go. Do I get an extra cab, or swap my combo for one with a more powerfull amphead? I want to keep using a combo, and I dont have unlimted cash either. I was wondering what your thoughts were. Cheers, Hitchy
  11. This bloke is taking the piss, and hoping someone is daft enough to buy it. Amazingly, someone will proberbley buy it!!
  12. This sounds like most practices I've been to over the years. You spend hours listening and re-listening to songs only for the others to either not bother learning them, or worst still, change their minds and suggest other songs for learning... Yeh...i'v been their!!! Last number was....20th Century Boy - T Rex
  13. Cheers for the comments guys, theirs nowt wrong with these, i'll keep em on for a while. I will get a spare set with my Christmas money to keep in my bag. Do any of you guys clean your strings, and what with??
  14. Hello to you all out there. I have a quick question about strings. I am now in a band and we are reheresing once a week for 4 hours, and i practice at home about 1 hour per day. I bought this Fender Jazz in July with new Rotosounds on, and i play finger style. How long does a set of strings last?? Cheers Hitchy
  15. Cheers guys, that has explained alot. Can you plug the bass and guitars straight into the mixer and then back to our amps??
  16. Hi all, i'm just getting into a band for the first time, we are having our first meeting tomorrow night. What is the differance between having a PA system and just useing our amps, and why do we need, or what does, a mixer do?? Cheers Hitchy
  17. Welcome to the dark side Kris
  18. No mate, his name is Neil Hewett, from Sandbach.
  19. I have only been looking around this site for about 3 weeks and already your tips and advice have bore fruit. I wanted to join a band, but did'nt know how to go about it, and was too chicken to approch anyone at jam nights. I placed an ad on Forming Bands.co.uk and recived a reply from a drummer and his mate on guitar. We arranged to meet at a local pub for a pint, only for these two blokes to be old mates i have'nt seen for 22 years!! F~ck me, talk about being a small world. Anyway, we had a good natter and are going to start jammin in the local rugby club very soon. Thanks for the tips and info ,this is a great Bassplayers forum.
  20. I'v not done a gig yet, but i'm cr@ping myself just reading this thread!! Go for it and enjoy yourself, thats what its all about. Looking forword to reading your report.
  21. hitchy64


    Cheers for the advice guys, forming bands is a good site, a few from my area on there. I will have to go to the Limelight on Tuesday nights ( jamm night) and see what its like.
  22. Hi, as a paint sprayer i would defenatly NOT use any solvents or turps as susgested on your hands.
  23. hitchy64


    Hello to all of you, i'm Ian from Crewe in Cheshire and i'v been playing for a year and a half now. I have been wanting to get a bass for the last 20 years, but my love of motorbikes has always got in the way. Anyway, i promised the wife we would have the back garden professionaly landscaped, so the bike has gone and i kept some dosh back for me I did have a starter pack off ebay, you know, bass,amp,lead,etc. not bad for the money. I now have a Mexican Fender delux Jazz Bass and Ashdown electric blue 180, 1x15 combo. I have been having lessons for a while now and would love to get in a band, but fear i may have left it too late, i'm 44 now. Anyway, enough rambling, i hope to get some tips off you guys on here . Cheers Hitchy
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