Having auditioned the LFSys Monaco, Silverstone and the new 10" Monza with @Phil Starr and @stevie back in May I quickly decided to put my money on the Monza. It arrived about two weeks ago (my delay, not LFSys) and since then has had two outings. The first which was a full band rehearsal where I was so troubled with a noisy pedalboard I hardly paid any attention to the Monza. But last weekend I did my first gig in about five years with the Monza paired-up to my Gallien Krueger Legacy 500 at a small 'psychedelic' festival in a medium-sized marquee.
I have to say the Monza was bloomin' great! In fact I think the sound on stage was so good I'm fairly sure the PA mix guy didn't use the DI feed I provided. I could hear myself pretty well throughout our 55 minute set, and although I didn't move far away from my spot on stage, whether I was facing forward, backwards or side-on I could hear clearly what I was doing. This hasn't always been the case in the past!
At the end of our set two of the stage PA guys (separately) approached me both congratulating me and the Monza for the fabulous bass sound. One of these guys had been sitting off stage at 90 degrees to my left whilst we played, and he said how great and 'flat' it sounded, which I take as a big compliment. Then, whilst I was packing my bass and pedalboard (because there was a rush to get the next band on) he asked me if he could carry the Monza off stage. I agreed, he picked it up expecting it to weigh so much more and immediately vocalised a 'f**k' about being totally amazed at how light it was. In fact he could hardly believe it!
I think that's a bit of a win-win-win for LFSys, the Monza and me.. Hooray!! Here's a pic.. spot the baby Monza!