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Everything posted by bigjimmyc

  1. Decided I’m going to let this go. It’s very nice but I prefer a meatier neck. This is very slim.
  2. That's really cool. I stayed at UTSC thirty years ago on a hockey tour. Sweet memories! Double cool for me as I was born in Scarborough, North Yorkshire (England). PS. If you do get to do the tour, please could you grab me a set of shiny corners?!
  3. I have the OB-1 500 and yes, it’s for rock. Possibly not the most versatile amp, but the clean channel is massive and the blend dirty channel gives you a whole other dimension. My advice is try it with your music, your style, your other gear. You might like it.
  4. Maybe check out the Ashdown Ant? In your budget and significantly smaller than your main rig.
  5. I needed a cable for my new rig so I posted a wanted ad. Would’ve paid market price and postage. But no, Stew pings me a message and says he’s got the exact thing and won’t take a penny! What an ambassador for Basschat! A gentleman and a scholar.
  6. Damn that is so pretty. Hurry up and buy it someone!
  7. So, having had a few more days with my new rig, here’s the update. For calibration, my main rig is an Orange OB1-500 into Barefaced four10. Obviously, a slightly old-school all valve amp sits well with an old-school heavy sealed 4x10 cab. The tone is amazingly deep. Almost like you’re hearing the fundamental frequency much more than the harmonics. But it’s more than just that. I feels like a much fuller rounder sound than I’m used to. I want to say headroom or heft. No better words. Power is abundant. My neighbours hate me. I’ve no idea if it’s remotely versatile - I’ve not even fiddled with the eq, gain or shape. All my basses sound better than before. Eventually I did try the head with my BF cab. The effect isn’t the same, although I know I could crank it right up if needed. Nor does my Orange head work as well with the Ampeg cab. So the simplistic conclusion is that the head and cab suit each other. By sheer luck they also pair well with the GK cab I picked up recently too (thanks @stewblack for the cable). Sits perfectly on top to create a magnificent stack. Weighs the same as the moon though. I doubt I’ll be rolling this out for pub gigs (41 kilo cab, 20 kilo head) instead of the Barefaced cab which is overkill anyway. But any outdoor gigs? This rig will slay.
  8. Cheap, loud, light. Pick any 2.
  9. I accidentally acquired a BSE410HS last week. I'm not an ampeg fanboy by any means, but I'm truly surprised by the excellent deep sounds from this sturdy unit. I had planned to trade it out but not so sure now.
  10. No, I believe the fellow I got it from had it since new. I think I got a bargain here.
  11. I've had my thumpinator at the end of my pedalboard for a long while. I'm sure it earns it's keep when playing at live volumes, protecting my cones and keeping things tight. However I just got myself an all valve head. I love the natural tones I'm getting through this rig and might dispense with a lot of the fx henceforth. However the apparent heft of the new amp has me worried about removing the thumpinator. Reading up a bit, it appears that the thumpinator is designed to be used in front of the amp or in the loop. Is there anyone out there that does use it in the fx loop?
  12. Loving my traynor

    1. MacDaddy


      Best bass sound I ever had was from a 60w Traynor combo. Lovely deep and fat, yet somehow still cut through when with the band.

      What have you got?

    2. bigjimmyc


      Shiny almost-new YBA200-2

      It gives me that child-like grin!

    3. stereoplayer
  13. Nor had I. 400w @ 8 ohms and a tweeter. Sealed I think. Detail here: https://ampeg.com/pdf/BSE410H_HS_HLF.pdf It will serve as the base for my bf four10....
  14. Let me first say that I had too much gear already. However, just look at this rig! I had an SVT years ago and we didn’t get on. But my valve thing wasn’t quite done, so when this came up locally I couldn’t ignore it. Top bloke did me a great deal. Honestly I’ve hardly tried it out yet but the tone is unreal. Gonna have to re-evaluate the other stuff now.
  15. I think I'm just old-fashioned. I prefer a passive sound. On-stage I'd only ever use the volume control anyway.
  16. Cheers Rasher. It plays really well, although I’m not a fan of the active EQ.
  17. Got a speedy reply from Dr Decibel @Celestion: Hi Jim – This is a 15” bass unit that originally came out of a CX1542 PA cab. Performance-wise, very much like this speaker: https://celestion.com/product/98/tf1525e/ Regards, The Doc That's what I call service! Cheers Doc!
  18. Message sent! Top tip, thanks Balcro.
  19. Yes I saw that too, thanks.
  20. Dimensions match the 410BLX from mid 2000s: 23"W x 23"H x 18"D A BLX 115 would have had the driver central I think.
  21. Ok, thanks for the encouragement... I got the screwdriver out and sure enough it's been DIY'd. At least the brand and impedance are settled! Would love to know the power rating for that driver. It looks beefy!
  22. Lesson: If it look too good to be true then it is. Found a nice bundle on facebook marketplace. Ashdown amp and GK cab. Good price, nice bloke, not too far away, etc.. Got it home and it works pretty well. Amp is decent and compact - happy with that. Cab is a 1x15, front ported. Heavy old-school construction. Rear jackplate says 8 ohm, 400W. I can use that. However it also says model 410BLX. Oh sh!t. Quick google tells me that this era GK 1x15 would be 200W, and not the same dimensions as this cab. Clearly someone has taken a GK 4x10 shell and replaced the baffle to fit a 15" driver instead. No way of knowing what the make, power rating or impedance of the driver is - it's unmarked [as far as I can see through the backplate aperture]. Hence I can't really use it other than on it's own at moderate power. Gutted! Any suggestions? Jim
  23. Just picked this up locally, Feels like a lot of bass for not much money (in terms of quality, not weight),
  24. Don’t muck about. Get a VBA400.
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