So, having had a few more days with my new rig, here’s the update.
For calibration, my main rig is an Orange OB1-500 into Barefaced four10.
Obviously, a slightly old-school all valve amp sits well with an old-school heavy sealed 4x10 cab. The tone is amazingly deep. Almost like you’re hearing the fundamental frequency much more than the harmonics. But it’s more than just that. I feels like a much fuller rounder sound than I’m used to. I want to say headroom or heft. No better words.
Power is abundant. My neighbours hate me. I’ve no idea if it’s remotely versatile - I’ve not even fiddled with the eq, gain or shape. All my basses sound better than before.
Eventually I did try the head with my BF cab. The effect isn’t the same, although I know I could crank it right up if needed. Nor does my Orange head work as well with the Ampeg cab. So the simplistic conclusion is that the head and cab suit each other.
By sheer luck they also pair well with the GK cab I picked up recently too (thanks @stewblack for the cable). Sits perfectly on top to create a magnificent stack. Weighs the same as the moon though.
I doubt I’ll be rolling this out for pub gigs (41 kilo cab, 20 kilo head) instead of the Barefaced cab which is overkill anyway. But any outdoor gigs? This rig will slay.