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Everything posted by ZilchWoolham

  1. Sounds like a rather normal J tone to me. Both pickups turned up, maybe a bit of tone roll-of, depending on the strings. Probably DI'd in some way or another.
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-1969-Precision-Bass/173257356999?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D51004%26meid%3D6d577973468b461fb486bbf424df2c44%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D13%26sd%3D173257356999%26itm%3D173257356999&_trksid=p2481888.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3A0db6cbd0-3f5a-11e8-a32e-74dbd1809c8c|parentrq%3Ac0b759f21620ab6b34bec899fff9aee5|iid%3A1 Yes, the "Buy it now" price is about 2k north of what really good, original 1969 Precisions go for, but what really annoys me about this listing is this line: "If you are truly interested in vintage Fender bass guitars then you will know the specification. If not the internet will inform you." What specification is he talking about, exactly? Are we, through a genuine interest, expected to know the precise weight of any given P Bass? If he were "truly interested in vintage Fender bass guitars" then surely he would also know that not all necks from one particular year have the same exact dimensions? I can't for the life of me understand the inclination to be rude, arrogant or passive-aggressive when selling any instrument, let alone one that is copiously overpriced. "Any Questions please don’t hesitate to ask." Well, how could I not hesitate? Perhaps I'm overreacting, but I've seen so many ads worded in a similar manner, and I've developed something of an aversion to them. Most of all, I find myself asking: What's the bloody point?
  3. On their website it's listed at 20k. The extra 3k on eBay I assume is because of seller fees. I don't know the average value of an early 50's P, but the shop does seem a bit pricey in general. To be fair, though, they do accept offers.
  4. Yes, but very rarely beyond just the one semitone. Whole note bends I can only manage with the correct setup. Barry Adamson is a great bender.
  5. Updated with a handful of new shops I've encountered through my regular googling.
  6. There's some excellent bass playing waiting for you when you get there.
  7. That's a lustrous finish! I'm quite certain that is a newer replacement scratchplate, though.
  8. I've made fairly long trips to buy or swap instruments before, but I've never had any major problems with carriers either (apart from long delivery times, which might have more to do with my impatience than any wrongdoing on their part). The biggest reason for making trips as opposed to shipping, for me, is being able to play the instrument, hand over the money, shake hands and know both parties are satisfied. There's always the possibility that you'll trip over yourself as you exit the train and send your new bass flying across the station.
  9. Nothing about it suggests you payed even nearly too much. Congrats!
  10. I've come across that shop before, actually. While some of the ones I've listed certainly have prices well above market value (and above usual dealer prices), this particular shop has such utterly hideous prices I just can't conceive of anyone wanting to buy anything from them, so I've been hesitant to stick them on the list. That's a shame. I noticed it now that I went to the homepage as opposed to the bass listings. Apparently they're open today (for another fifteen minutes) and tomorrow. You're right about that link. I think that was the man who sold vintage scratchplates. Seemed a rather small establishment (which the name suggests). Perhaps he's still physically around, but I suppose I'll remove the link. A note about your third link: I'm getting a warning message from my antivirus (F-Secure) when trying to access it. It might very well be a false alarm, but I'd be interested to know if anyone else is having the same issue. EDIT: Actually, the kleine gitarrenladen was online only, so I suppose he's no longer operating. Or he's forgot his website bill. I also realised Le Guitarium is selling a 1973 Jazz for over €4k!
  11. I agree with previous posters regarding a sold section. I think having old stock listed actually could be useful for estimating the current value of a certain instrument, but that's not possible at the moment since the dates for the sales aren't shown. So that's another recommendation.
  12. Updated again! Somehow I had missed a Denmark Street shop. I also came across an online/by appointment vintage dealer in Derbyshire.
  13. And now Norman's playing with Steve's son, Dylan.
  14. Every single standard Les Paul and SG of 2015, and no one wanted them.
  15. I wouldn't want every bass to be headless, but that's purely for aesthetic reasons. When headless bridges and tuners work as they should (unfortunately my first encounter with them, on a Steinberger Synapse, ended with a 3-string bass) they are incredibly convenient. No worrying about bad windings, slipping or weird angles, and no stretching half a mile past the nut to make fast adjustments.
  16. I like Wal and Gibson (classic open book, and V) headstocks, and I'm fine with Fenders, too. The Stingray is also very elegant, and distinctive. Oh, and the old Aria Pro II SB headstocks, which unfortunately don't match very well with the body. I don't like 2+2 headstocks that are asymmetrical, as most are nowadays. I'm also of the opinion that most headstocks would be immediately improved with cloverleaf tuners. I'm not a fan of whatever you would call the more triangular tuners that have been so predominant over the last 30 years or so. My favourite guitar headstock belongs to the Hamer Sunburst.
  17. This makes a lot of sense! Does this mean there are a lot of German lemons floating around? Should one be wary when buying Warwicks from this period?
  18. Surely Warwick has to be one of the brands with the largest discrepancy between new and second hand prices. Why is that? Are there just too many of them around, or is it because of their admittedly rather confusing model hierarchy, or the inflation on German made basses, or something else entirely?
  19. I would say that must have been very optimistically priced. The CSB380 was one of the cheapest models. 38000 JPY adjusted for inflation is about 50k JPY, which in turn is about £325. I see no reason why anyone should pay more than the original (Japanese) retail price for a budget instrument, even if it happens to be a very good one.
  20. The Japanese Aria Pro II's ranged from great value to flat out terrific instruments. Anything simply labelled Aria, especially from the later non-Japanese runs, is in general nothing to get too excited about. If Bassassin stops by this thread I think he could tell you everything you'd ever need to know about Aria!
  21. Thinking about making an offer on a 74 Precision. What's a reasonable price to pay? Non-original hardcase, one changed pot, otherwise seemingly original with black scratchplate and in rather pretty but certainly not pristine condition. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Have seen them go for around £1500 - £2000 mark. But depends on model / colour / condition etc.
      One going locally to me recently, started out at £2000 (which I didn't think it was worth)
      ended up going down to £1500 but still didn't sell that quickly... went in the end, but don't know how much for
      Put your offer in - they can only say no (if it's not too low - or you might get another phrase lol)
      Good luck

    3. Burns-bass


      Play it first. Some of the mid-70s Precisions were absolute dogs. Does it come with the original bridge and pickup covers? I"d say £1500 is reasonable if it plays well and is all original (aside from the changed pot), but make sure you give it a try first! 

    4. ZilchWoolham


      Thanks for the replies! As it happens, I just found a 1972 Precision, and the seller is asking less than £2K. I've sent him a message asking whether it's all in original condition. Would I be correct to assume that the two years from '74 to '72 would be reflected in the price (albeit not to the same degree as the difference between a '72 and a '70)? The condition is a bit rougher, though, with some rather severe belt buckle rash (bare wood). 

  22. Was the JG one of them? It's awful whenever any bass is stolen, but that one in particular would be a loss not just to the owner, but to anyone interested in bass history (especially UK bass history) as well.
  23. 1. If I can buy it in a shop I probably will, unless there's a big price difference. I'm incredibly impatient when waiting for deliveries. 2. I do prefer it, but more often than not it's not an option. 3. Vintage gear, lesser-known brands and a nice selection of strings. An awful lot of shops seem to be focused around the big brands, and entry level to mid-range gear, which I can't really fault them for too much since I'm assuming that's what keeps them afloat. It is very boring, though. 4. I've travelled 2½ hours by train for a guitar, and would probably do it again for the right item. I would only do this, though, if I could see the stock online, and make sure it's still there when I arrive. 5. A focus on vintage and unique gear. Ideally, I'd walk in and be greeted with old Wals, Hamers, Martins, Tokais and Acoustic 360/361 stacks! I'd also love to see more folk, historical and "world" instruments, but that might be a bit too niche to be financially sound, if you're not actually the Early Music Shop. Oh, and vintage synths, too!
  24. This guy... this is not my kinda guy.
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