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About Bagman

  • Birthday 03/07/1972

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  1. Kenny Dorham - "Blue Spring Shuffle" Paul Chambers - such a great Bassist
  2. never heard of it but it looks cool. cosmetically i like it a Seamoon Funk Filter has turned up here in Aotearoa which I'm a thinking about....I don't need another envelope filter
  3. check out the wrong guitar for the gig
  4. They are quite heavy but balance well least neck dive of any Fender I have played or owned
  5. I’m unlikely to be able to replace my L2 Steinberger in fact it’s in my will so the kids / grandkids know to pay attention
  6. It has been well looked after - nice one
  7. Yamaha P Bass (MIT) possibly 1986 * Ibanez Roadster V* Hohner B2A * Steinberger L2 Vester Bubinga Spector copy which I converted to fretless Stingray style* 1971 Jazz Guild Pilot V reissue DeArmond * 1989 Fretless Jazz Fender Longhorn* 1976 Precision 2005 Tobias Growler Arkansas* 1996 Tobias Growler Nashville* 2EQ Stingray Fretless unlined 2002 Warwick Fortress Flashback 5 2004 USA Stingray Sub 5
  8. All these sold in NZ? was the Sub a 4 or 5 stringer ?
  9. In 1988/89 I had a Hohner B2A, was well made I also had a try on a Hohner Jack which I thought was well made if a bit vague in the electronics department well done you - instrument looks great
  10. looks like Roddy Piper
  11. Advert from c.1980
  12. Apparently they are marvellous . A cast over here in NZ has one, he loves it. As far as I can tell it's a great piece of kit for people who don't use an amplifier
  13. Simplifier is simply the wrong name for that piece of kit
  14. Careless Whisper Saxophone run is A Phrygian Modes - Diatonic Harmony - compulsory learning for me
  15. Unlined for me previously had a lined (defret) aesthetic / vanity unlined is best , looks cooler
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