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Everything posted by mrbacco

  1. OMG ... Grazie @Andyjr1515! If I got you ok, I just move a bit back the whole neck pocket on the body in order to have 100% grip when mounting it, correct? Thanks!
  2. Also ... Like. ... I'm blaming the blades, but I should blame my poor skills more. Hahahah ... Anyway ... Lesson learnt!
  3. The blade cut sideways the what would have been the neck support and cavity (red circles), making it smaller portion for the neck to sit in so I'm not sure how that would resist once the neck is in place? Cheers!
  4. damn it ... started the whole process this morning, but nothing went to plan. I might use the attached template: modified telecaster bass body for a 1:1 symmetry between right and left. jigsaw table (made over the weekend) broke down; 2 blades broken, and a huge cut in the slab that I am not sure how to repair. tomorrow is another day ... 😞
  5. I was casually surfing the internet and found this very vintage RICKENBACKER bass body that might be good for my project? The only thing is that my neck, wjatever neck I chose, is not 2+2, so it might be estetically not nice? Any thoughts?
  6. beautiful, it looks amazing !
  7. thanks for the clarification! 🙂
  8. Wow .. what an epic journey and beautiful craftmanship here ... pardon if I ask: why the pbass pickups are so close to the MM pickup?
  9. I mean something like the above. I thought their called butterknife as they are chubby as the butterknife. I saw them in the last Fender jazz Adam Clayton issue! Apologize if I named them incorrectly! 🙂
  10. hehee ... OSB ... I genuinely thought of it, and putting on a 10mm top made of ash, or maple ... not kidding I thought about it ... 🙂 ... The body yeah it would be lovely to have something iconic and weird at the same time ... I just have to get rid of my OCD for the bottom part of the body itslef, that has to be even (not like jazz basses for example)....I'm working on it ... thanks man!
  11. Here I am ... again ... in the safest place for real bass players/builders (not me) and wanna be bass players/builders (like me! 🙂) So, this is what I have been thinking (lots of smoke coming out my ears recently). Body: pine (yes PINE) wood body, topped with 10mm flamed poplar top. The pine (2 Slabs glued together making a total of 40mm thickness) comes from a cheap unused [400x800x20]mm slab that was bought some time ago, for who remembers what project wifey asked me for the house. The big step for me, from the previous projects, is that, I will have to shape the body myself, and to do all the cavities according to standards, and with the very limited tools and equipment is my shed. But this is the challenge for me that I wanna take on ! Also: any suggestion on what type of body to shape in this case, as I have free drawing opportunity here? Love to hear your thoughts. I like slab body, with no contours (like P51 example), but open to any suggestion. Neck: there are 2 options there. Opt A: an unused left handed fretless maple + rosewood neck that could be fun to use and play with: I have 0 experience with fretless so not sure if I have to adopt a different approach when mounting the neck? (I mean: does it have to be higher that fretted necks?) Opt B: maple + maple fretboard, for a 34inches length bass. Pickups: standard P bass split coil pickups: if I do not need to do extra work on the body, I might invest in these one (https://www.iusopickups.com/prodotto/pba5495/). They come from an Italian small builder, so I am (obviously) biased 🙂: they look nice, but I would like more power if possible, but let's see. Still trying to get something lower price online, if I can. Would love chrome pickups as this one might be nice being fully wood color with chrome (maybe?). Hardware: Looking into finding nice and inexpensive tuners for the neck head: I love the butternknife style machine heads, but, needless to say, budget is limited, and they seem to be costly, so they might really be a no go. Bridge is a standard chrome saddled typical of fender P or J basses. Controls: I would like to have a plate in the back for mounting the controls, that I can design myself, and have only the knobs on the fron of the body to make it look very basic. If any of you have something you do not use and resembles the above items, feel free to offer!
  12. The multiple interpretations of the subject could lead to multiple outcomes here ... 🙂 hahahaha
  13. yeah, I get your points folks, 100% agreed! 🙂
  14. In my case what's wrong has a definition: "lack of money"!
  15. Good evening fellow bass lovers, hope all is well with you. Do you have any idea if there is any onlie site selling pickups similar to the ones (below) on the MM joe dart custom 2 bass? Thanks! Ciao mrbacco
  16. thanks for the answer! 🙂
  17. Its lovely! In my humble opinion: the body is very nice, attactive and smooth in the form. The neck seem to be a bit too large for the small head and the body? or is it just the pic? It seems out of proportion?
  18. super nice bass there, handsome and beautiful!
  19. Saw that now, sorry ... I missed that ! 🙂
  20. Ah, ok, interesting, thanks for the answer. I would have thought different as I am not expert, I appreciate it. Cheers!
  21. Sexy ! 🙂
  22. I agree ... materials and work are important to the outcome of a good guitar (bass) 🙂
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