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Everything posted by crez5150

  1. I knew I could count on you Bilbo......
  2. I'd say it was more easy listening than Jazz..... but does that excuse the timing?
  3. Just got Itunes on in the background while I'm working and VM's Moondance comes on.... I quite like this tune but one thing that has just struck me that I've not noticed before is that the Bass line in places is quite shoddy on the timing front?? Anybody know any thing about this? Jay
  4. There you go.... get the best.... - [url="http://www.sennheiser.co.uk/uk/icm.nsf/root/21404"]EW 172 G2[/url]
  5. [quote name='stevie' post='370337' date='Jan 4 2009, 08:52 PM']Agreed. Did you know Steve Hewlett during your time there, Crez? Anyway, he was the head designer at Fane for many years before (eventually) becoming technical director for IAG. Lovely fellow. He is a power speaker man (from the south west in fact) - so it is hardly surprising that IAG is now producing sound reinforcement products. I'm looking forward to seeing what they have to offer.[/quote] Yes Matey I know Steve... Lives out in China most of the time now
  6. [quote name='Bassmanc' post='370161' date='Jan 4 2009, 06:06 PM']A very interesting discussion and perhaps one that has been predictably tainted by people voting for their favourite bands and just adding the guy playing bass to the list. I accept that great bass paying means putting the right note in the right place and even in musical genres where the skill required to do this is not comparable with rocket science or brain surgery, there are still exponents who demonstrate unmistakable skill. This is the list with Sting, Paul Macartny, John Paul Jones, Roger Glover and many other more recent examples in there. Then there's a group who innovated above and beyond the cause, who pushed bass playing out from skillful feel and foundation territory and up a notch into the limelight. This group is a wider span, staring perhaps with the like of Jack Bruce and including so many others, John Entwistle (OF COURSE!), How about Flea anyone?, Mike Rutherford, yes etc etc You need a group for the pure technical excellence brigade - just put in all the Jazz players here! No lack of respect intended, just that I'm, well out of touch and listened to mostly american jazz players myself and missed all the UK fusion stuff and much that followed. Then you might need a class for people who created a whole new sound, but the problem here is knowing how original they were, I mean, was Palladino not heavily influenced by Mick Kahn? But you can probably put him in here for the influence he had on British bass playing. Then I have one class left. There's a guy out there who simply reinvented the role of the bass in music, and developed an entirely new way to play it by adapting skills from many that had gone before and pushing the boundarieds to new limits. He had better technique than anyone who ever went before and in a live concert many a time included 'tribute's' to the greats (Stanley Clarke, Marcus Miller, Jaco Pastorious etc etc) and proved he could match them all. I don't really care what you think of Level 42's pop songs, but best bassist in Britain? Be serious, there is no contest![/quote] I agree with you all the way..... but I can see a big wash of criticism on the way.... ;o)
  7. Your right Rich.... and I'd say they were even earlier than that..... I was working in a Music shop in Basildon, Essex when I left school around 85/86 and we took on the Hohner range.... I remember having a variety of Jack basses on the wall all different colours..... Think that's why I'm such a Status guy these days.... just loved the shape and the fact they were headless
  8. And again....? see post above your last one Colin
  9. [quote name='barneyg42' post='369972' date='Jan 4 2009, 02:51 PM']I have a similar question, I'm looking for a cheap 5 string and SX comes up in a lot of threads but I wouldn't like to just order one sight unseen or played. Colin[/quote] Hi Colin.... I have two as new (i.e. still in the shipping box) 5 string SX Jazzers for sale if your interested...
  10. I just tried and it took 15 seconds to load and play for me....??
  11. crez5150


    [quote name='obbm' post='369795' date='Jan 4 2009, 11:31 AM']Also Amphenol are very good.[/quote] +1 for Amphenol..... I have some XLR-XLR cables with their connectors on and they have lasted 15years so far....I tested all my cables last week and no problems with them at all.... bit expensive though..
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='369881' date='Jan 4 2009, 01:02 PM']I didn't know Wharfedale had been swallowed up. How sad.[/quote] I Wouldn't say swallowed up...... but they are part of the IAG group of companies that own brands such as Mission, Quad, Tag, Castle, Audiolab as well as having three lighting brands and their own yacht design company..... You should see their manufacturing plant....... Outsanding!
  13. 'Tis the way of the world I'm afraid!!
  14. [quote name='bumnote' post='369827' date='Jan 4 2009, 12:10 PM']If you google and look in the plexi palace he says that vox amps are made in the corner of the wharfdale factory in china. There is a new ac 30 made in china in the states for$999 It would therefore not be unreasonable to see a wharfdale brand. Could the same place be making the current chinese marshalls?[/quote] Ahem...... I couldn't say
  15. [quote name='bumnote' post='369812' date='Jan 4 2009, 11:51 AM']Ive heard that name before, i think he was a technical bod at marshall From another forum It was introduced into the Marshall Club & Country amp range in the late 70s, I think. The designer was Steve Grindrod. Steve, along with many others, believes that when we hear nice power amp distortion, most of it is the PI distorting and interacting with the output tranny, speaker(s) and feedback network, not the power tubes. AFAIK Marshall have not used it in any other amps - strange. Steve Grindrod is now the main man at Vox and is responsible for the Vox Valvetronix and Tonelab series, which essentially are digital modellers with a real, distorting PI in the power amp or output stage. Steve is also responsible for all the recent Vox valve amps.[/quote] I cannot say too much but there is a tie up between Vox and Wharfedale...... Wharfedale is part of a much larger organization who are one of the largest wholly owned musical electronics manufactures in China..... also I remember there being talks once of the purchase of Marshall...
  16. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='367792' date='Jan 1 2009, 03:09 PM']How about something headless like the little Zon bass, Status Streamline, or Steinberger/Hohner? I know Rob Green designed the Streamline to be stowable in aircraft overhead lockers.[/quote] +1 on the Status Streamline...... May look to get a 5 string version as soon as they are available.... Mmmmmm Drooool!!
  17. Well having worked for their Pro division for a number of years, there was always talk of introducing low cost instrument cabs and amps.... perhaps this is it.... Expect to see some half decent product at decent prices!!
  18. Cheers guys.... may give Si and Tel a shout next week about the Eastcoast bass.....
  19. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='369385' date='Jan 3 2009, 05:13 PM']I've played a Pace Jay & it was pretty nasty. A pupil of mine has just got the Stagg & I was really surprised. It's a really nice and well put together instrument. The only complaint I had was that it was pretty hard to get the body rests to fit. But apart from that I really liked the Stagg. Sounds excellent, too. Rich.[/quote] Cheers for that Rich..... I think thats what put me off the stagg.... Those body rests seemed to be sticking out awkwardly.... I tried to push them in further but with no joy.... Was the only one in the shop too... may re-visit it again next week....
  20. As I cannot justify buying a more expensive model at the moment, just wondered if anyone has compared both of the above models..... I tried the Stagg and wasn't too impressed.... I mean I know it's a cheap EUB but I like the look of the Pace but have not been able to try one yet? Thoughts?
  21. Not as much as Statii.com......
  22. [quote name='stevie' post='368599' date='Jan 2 2009, 04:38 PM']I gather from professional PA types that Samson is of comparable quality to Amstrad. Tha Behringer power amps, on the other hand, enjoy a surprisingly good reputation in pro circles.[/quote] I think that would be incorrect..... I don't know of any reputable toursound companies that would send a rig out with Behringer amps......
  23. Just learning 'Rocket Love' by Stevie Wonder...... not much going on but good for octave pedal use...
  24. Well said that man!
  25. You don't state how long you expect them to last..... also what are you expecting to get out of a set of strings..... As a gauge, if I put new string s on my bass then play a gig Saturday and a gig Sunday (Approx 3 hours per gig) I will then put a new set on for the next gig..... I like my strings bright so this is key.... if you aren't after a brighter sound then they would probably last longer.
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