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Everything posted by crez5150

  1. +1 for the Aviom..... we use one in the band too.... the pods are great.... we have our pods connected to Sennheiser 300 Series IEMs so we can be wireless as well as creating our own personal mixes.... awesome system.... never ever go back to humping amps and wedges ever again....!!!!
  2. [quote name='crez5150' post='200396' date='May 16 2008, 01:21 PM']The whole band doesn't need too..... yes the instruments have to either mic'd or line level into the mixer.... doesn't have to go through the FOH though, just through the Sends (aux) to the IEM's... same as a monitor set-up.[/quote] I should say you want to check your mixer to see how may AUX's you available for monitors..... if your already using wedges I presume your using this method..... you probably know this but you need a separate AUX for each mix
  3. The whole band doesn't need too..... yes the instruments have to either mic'd or line level into the mixer.... doesn't have to go through the FOH though, just through the Sends (aux) to the IEM's... same as a monitor set-up.
  4. that'll work fine.... check the fuse rating on the plug though
  5. IEM systems are a lot more involved than just standard guitar systems.... There are in-expensive systems around (dB Technologies, LD Systems, et c...) but they're pretty S**t compared to Sennheiser, Sure and a alike.... You get what you pay for... If you only expect to pay £200 for a system don't expect it to be up to much. The more expensive systems are generally All metal construction so will last a lot longer than most. Plus there are features such a extended Frequency tuning, higher RF output transmission giving you a stronger and more reliable signal. Better ear buds with a choice of options for different applications..... there are may more features but as said..... you get what you pay for.
  6. From listening to lots of live bands...... I think too may players are too loud on stage.... I use an Eden Metro 2 x 10 combo.... play gigs from the small pub to 400+ functions.... never need more.
  7. Sennheiser e845
  8. I'd say be careful..... I was in the same boat..... Playing in a band which is similar to Train, Hootie, 5 for fighting etc..... but I lurve the funk.... so ended up starting a funk band to cure my cravings..... I also play in a very successful function band..... so now I'm in 3 bands.... work full time.... have 3 kids and a missus.... Time is very tight. Think it through before you make any rash decisions
  9. There's not gonna be a massive difference to be honest..... sure the 12's will give you a bit more bottom than the 10's and the 10's may sound slightly snappier due to the size.... but honestly not much difference..... I guess if you want the RHCP type thing.... he uses GK 210RBH so go with that..... if your not using another cab with it.... i'd go for the 2 x 12 instead
  10. Whats the name of the album??
  11. I've not used these for a while as I have another larger system I use instead. 2 x HZ HE300 full range PA cabs 1x12" + HF - 300w @8 ohm each, come with vinyl covers 2 x HZ SB600 600w 18" subs with vinyl covers 1 x HZ SC700 Crossover 1 x AH PA600 Amplifier - 300w per channel @ 8 ohm, built in hi/lo pass filters, Speakon outs, Balanced/unbalanced inputs (middle amp in picture) 1 x HZ DPX1100 = 1100w Amplifier for the subs 1 x 3G 16-4-3 Mynah mixer, 16 inputs (10 with mic pre's), 4 groups, 2 aux, CD input, dedicated mono output for Subs, hush noise reduction built in. Housed in lightweight flight case PM me or [email protected]
  12. Hi Have a Celestion Substation 10 for sale or trade.... cost me about £300 when new but it's well gigged. Good working order. £100 collected SPECIFICATIONS SYSTEM 10" SUB BASS SYSTEM POWER DIRECT MONO: 200W, PASSIVE MONO: 200W, PASSIVE STEREO: 100W/CH SENSITIVITY (1W @ 1M) 95DB NOMINAL IMPEDANCE DIRECT MONO: 4 OHM, PASSIVE MONO: 4 OHM, PASSIVE STEREO: 8 OHM/CH FREQUENCY RESPONSE 55HZ - 200HZ PM or mail me at [email protected]
  13. fairly unused.... in original package.... Offers or trades... PM me or e-mail [email protected]
  14. Hi Have a couple of Tech Heads for sale. One working one could be used as a project. Tech Graphic 625 - 300w @ 8ohms I bought this from another BC member a while ago but I had it overhauled by EMS in Southend which cost me about £130. However it has developed a scratchy gain pot. The great thing about this head is that it runs 625watts down to 2ohms. controls are - Input gain, input pad -10 on/off, Pre-shape on/off, EQ on/off, 11 band Graphic EQ, Master Volume, Balanced out D/I pre/post, Tuner Mute Has a footswitch socket for Graphic, preshape and also Headphone output. on the rear it has the following - Ground lift switch, Line in, line out, Tuner connections FX Loop is as full range send/return and also hi-pass send/return Speakon and Jack speaker outputs Looking for £250 2nd amp is another Tech amp. Parametric 300. This amp is complete even though it looks as though there are some buttons missing from the front panel.... they have been pushed inside the housing. you can get to them easily by removing the top of the amp..... I just cannot be arsed to do anything with this one. I ran it up...... works but the graphic, pre-shape buttons have no effect at present.... so would make a good project for someone with a bit of knowledge about these things.... It's 300 Watts @ 8 ohm...... pretty much the same connections as the graphic head listed above but with the Parametric front end. When it was working it sounded fantastic... Very HI-FI.... not too far off EBS Territory. anyway make me offers on this as not sure what its worth really.... It was originally in a combo (Tech Paracube 300) which retailed for £1299 These are pretty much collection only. You are welcome to come and try before you buy also. you can PM me here or e-mail me at [email protected] PS may be interested in trades..... Aguilar/MBASS/Tecamp/ebs
  15. [quote name='Sean' post='197666' date='May 13 2008, 07:53 AM']Does anyone in a function band have a system of carving up the money paid out to band members based on what their contribution is? E.g. We have looked at splitting each fee into 40ths so for a £1000 gig there are 40 x £25 available. Each band member gets a base payment of 3/40 and the keyboard player who is also the DJ for the function gets 2/40 for that job and depending on what your contribution is you get a nuumber of 40ths until all the money is gone. We haven't actually done this yet but the first gigs are coming in July and we'd like to know if anyone has any good ways of splitting the cash. One way I reckoned was each band member has a base percentage, say 7% each, then there's expenses (travel, subsistence, consumables etc.) and on going running costs (marketing, CDs, website, phonecalls, business cards, etc.) and then anything left gets left in account to invest in new gear/costumes etc Anyone have a system or spreadsheet that could be adapted? Thanks Sean[/quote] Sounds good in theory.... I think it would get a bit messy after a while.... The band I play with have a minimum set fee.... lets say £2k per show.... out of that £2k each member then gets a set fee for their services. There is an 'owner' of our band as it is a brand effectively. The owner (keyboard player and manager) is employing the rest of the band, therefore we are each responsible for our own tax. The owner also has his cut and also there is money there for Marketing, expenses etc...
  16. Thats the way forward.... better to have one person handling this sort of thing.... one other comment... you may want to think about the TAX implications of running a band... when you get to a point where you are earning good money you need to account for this.... (maybe an invisible member of the band.... ahem...)
  17. [quote name='Toasted' post='151734' date='Mar 5 2008, 03:13 PM']Bump - I've got a fever and the only cure is more cow - er, hide![/quote] I gotta have more Cow-Bag.....
  18. [quote name='ironside1966' post='197338' date='May 12 2008, 05:45 PM']+1 And don't expect huge rewards instantly. The rewards will come in time. Just make sure you're always looking for constant improvement, however small that improvement can be. +1 also[/quote] ++1 to the above!!
  19. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='197187' date='May 12 2008, 02:48 PM']My nightmare gig scenario would be along the following lines: [list] [*]Having to arrive early at the percussionists house to help load in the PA because of an need to set up by 2pm. [*]Leave in loaded van at 9:30am and drive 2.5 hours to the venue because noone checked the drive time when the booking and fee was taken. [*]Finding we have 5 hours to kill because we're not actually going on until 9:30pm, but we still have to finish at 11:30. [*]Discovering during set up that the clients request to hook up his own wireless mic and the lack of power sockets means we're a couple of multi plugs short. [*]Discovering the venue has a noise limiter that wasn't mentioned in the original booking form. [*]Getting there to discover our dressing room is in fact a grubby store cupboard full of furniture moved from the main room where the dance floor is. [*]One particular singer decides to have a diva hissy fit over the state of the room just so everyone knows she's upset and then she takes it out on anyone who even approaches her about anything related to the gig or the client. [*]No soft drinks or water provided, or food organised (as per our contract). [*]No chairs in the dressing room. [*]No air-conditioning or heating. [*]No privacy coz punters keep walking through dressing room on the way to the toilets. [*]The speeches go over time by so much that we face having to slash our 2 sets to 1.5 and we forgo a break. [*]When we start playing, the punters spend the first half either watching us or (worse yet) ignoring us and talking over the music. [*]Half way through, the guitarist starts deviating from the set list he gave out before the gig and we have to wait for him to make his mind up after each song finishes to hear which song is coming next. [*]Some old bugger in the crowd staggers up to me half pissed while I'm performing wanting to request "Mustang Sally", I can't hear him because I have plugs in and he has to scream it 3 or 4 times before I can actually lip read him. My playing goes to pot because I can't hold a conversation and play at the same time. I get funny looks from the rest of the band. [*]The punters start dancing 3 songs from the end and when we finish and give them one more encore, they still want more and won't take no for an answer. [*]When we start packing up, the grooms group decide they want to make their own entertainment and start trying to have a go our equipment. [*]Sound man charges in and tells ushers and best man to all f*** off and give him the mics back. [*]Percussionist/manager hauls sound man off group of angry ushers and best man and explains carefully to the group that we're packing up and need the equipment back. [*]Client comes up to the percussionist and notes that we played one set instead of two and he isn't happy. Percussionist has to explain the reasons were that the speeches went on too long and we had to play with a fixed ending time because the venue staff want to clear up. [*]We finally pack the PA up and start the 2.5 hour journey back to London instead of sleeping over in a B&B somewhere. [*]Load out of PA back in garage at 3:30am. [*]Go to car to find that someone's creased it where it was parked and driven off without leaving any details. [*]Get home after 30min drive and realise I've left a coat back at the venue. Curse loudly and go to sleep angry at 4:30am after hauling bass rig up stairs to flat. [/list] Next morning: [list] [*]Wake up at 7am like a normal weekday, feeling like I've gone ten rounds with Evander Holyfield and nursing a stinking hangover despite not having consumed any alcohol because I've become so dehydrated. [*]After consuming copious quantities of fruit juice and water as a pick-me-up, brain is on sugar high but body wants to be left alone to die. Too tired to cook any kind of breakfast. [*]I call venue and they say they haven't seen my coat. I try to remember if I left anything in pockets... [*]Rest of the day is useless as I'm too tired to do anything but stare at the TV or computer monitor like a brain dead zombie. [/list][/quote] ........It's like we're in the same band....... left my jeans at the venue Sat night..... and not in a good way either...
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