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Everything posted by crez5150

  1. yeah but so is the AKG.... most Guitar wireless systems are only half rack space wide.... infact most wireless systems up to mid price are. If your budget allows go for the proper Evolution kit... It's streets ahead of most other wireless kit.... but only if you have the budget. You may also wanna check out some of the low end Beyerdynamic product which is pretty good
  2. Hi Mate Do you know what your budget is?? I would definitely recommend sticking with Sennheiser (not biased cause I work for them or anything) if you can... System for your bass I would say go with the Freeport instrument system or even better the EW 372 if your budget allows . For IEM's go with the EW 300 IEM system.... this is a great system and has all the features you'll need. If you need any further info, give us a shout.
  3. crez5150

    Its phaser Time!

    What about this - [url="http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.zerotoys.com/newsite/products/images/StarTrekPhaser_image2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.zerotoys.com/newsite/products/TREKPHASER.htm&h=326&w=500&sz=19&hl=en&start=1&um=1&tbnid=ZZoQkpU8Pq7fmM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=130&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dstar%2Btrek%2Bphaser%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dsafari%26rls%3Den-us%26sa%3DN"]Phaser[/url]
  4. There maybe a reason that people are not stocking this....... Funny how lots of the stock has vanished from a certain large music chain....
  5. Same as this - [url="http://www.kingfishermusic.co.uk/store/shop/shop.php?action=full&id=1960"]Visit My Website[/url] Unused open to offers or trades
  6. I've just realized that this is a Nano Clone and not a small clone..... Doh!
  7. I switched from Guitar to bass years ago as I found the Bass much more exciting to play live
  8. Maybe putting up Matching SX JAZZ 5stingers in Lake Placid Blue. One fretted one fretless.... as new still in shipping box. Taken out of box to test and put back again. Was gonna customize both of these but haven't had time yet to do it due to Studio re-build so may sell them. What sort of offers guys? will get pics up shortly
  9. Darren Is up and running now....... good selection of gear.... Check out the new Aguilar stuff
  10. Also you have to remember that most of the large internet dealers will bulk purchase which you average music shop cannot support.
  11. +1.... We all want to pay less for equipment but.... these shops have to make a profit to survive.... Okay so the strings in this particular shop are V OTT but I wouldn't be surprised that they are actually selling them at the SRP. What you find today is that no-one sells at SRP... it's a thing of the past. The out of town stockist who has low overheads and buy's in bulk to get better pricing as they have the room to stock will always be cheaper. The little music shops you find in town that don't have the space will 9/10 always be more expensive. It's up to us to decide if we want these little shops to survive or not. Yeah internet pricing is great.... but no good when you've forgotten to get a spare set of strings at 5pm on a Saturday evening for your gig that night.
  12. Obviously the sound is different on stage to what you would hear out front..... Done a gig last weekend with 4 x JBL Vertec dual 18 subs per side...... big sound out front!!! Generally I don't need that sort of sound on stage though. Are you after more of your sound on stage?
  13. Everybody Dance by chic.... fast and fun!!
  14. Yes the MU contract covers your ass.... but I would suggest you have your own drawn up. My function band has such a contract, though we do have a policy of taking a deposit for gigs. Then all fee's have to be paid in full 7 days before the actual date of the gig. That way you have your money before you play.
  15. Thinking about going smaller.... so This may be up for sale... Mail me with offers if you like will post pics soon. Interested in Mark Bass gear for trades.... Cheers
  16. John Giblin - Brand X, Kate Bush, Phil Collins, Simple Minds... and many more
  17. can you just use this as an effects unit..... ie no eq/preamp etc...
  18. If your freeport is on Band 'E' (UK Version) 863-865 then you do not have to worry.... as this is exempt
  19. Hi all, Just in case any of you are stuck for things to do this weekend, allow me to give you some options! Firstly, tonight, why not tune in to BBC Essex at 7PM where you can hear me sing a couple of live acoustic tunes, along with some witty banter with the hosts. It was recorded last night, so I can vouch that it was witty. BBC Essex is on 95.3FM and 103.5FM in the Essex area. Don’t live in Essex? Listen online at [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/essex"]www.bbc.co.uk/essex[/url] And if you’re free Saturday, then get down to the Colchester Arts Centre (in Colchester, surprisingly) for our biggest gig to date. We’re playing with two other fantastic local acts, Alone Me and Darwyn. Tickets are £8, and are available from www.colchesterartscentre.com or from their box office 01206 500900. Doors open at 8PM. If you want to hear what we sound like, you can find out at [url="http://www.adornostone.net"]www.adornostone.net[/url], or to find out about why we’re playing with Darwyn and Alone Me, go to [url="http://www.myspace.com/mainstreamessexmusic"]Visit My Website[/url] All the best! Jay
  20. Are you DI'ing to pa as well.... ?
  21. I was lucky enough to once strum Clapton's beloved Martin
  22. I'm not sure really..... I just get a real urge to wanna plug in and play. If you want something structured then you may struggle if your living outtta hotels all week.... I have the same problem with my job where I'm traveling. though I normally take a guitar or bass with me and just play for 15-20 mins when I get back to the hotel.... that usually gives me enough to be going on with.
  23. I have one of the original Love Rocks when they first released. Compared to my dads '59 Les paul (lucky git) its a very good copy. Not sure about the newer models now as I haven't tried one.... I played one of the bass versions a while back and while not really my thing.... it did have a fantastic tone.
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