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Everything posted by crez5150

  1. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1363947972' post='2019878'] Cash by Johnny Cash. And yes, it was High Fidelity that turned me onto the book [/quote] Yep me too.... great read!
  2. Mmmmm Black.....
  3. Happened years ago....
  4. We've been using these for some time now - [url="http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Samson_Powerbrite_PB10_Pro_Power_Conditioner/SAM-PB10PRO?CAWELAID=1830892792&catargetid=1820282893&cagpspn=pla&gclid=CKeR9K2s77UCFcrHtAodAX4AQg"]http://www.soundsliveshop.com/p/Samson_Powerbrite_PB10_Pro_Power_Conditioner/SAM-PB10PRO?CAWELAID=1830892792&catargetid=1820282893&cagpspn=pla&gclid=CKeR9K2s77UCFcrHtAodAX4AQg[/url] We play a lot of old country retreats/castles.... the power is always hit and miss.... these really do work in terms of spike filtering... although if the power supply is low there is not a lot you can do
  5. Been following this for a few years now... great stuff... friend of mine was sound engineer on a few of these sessions
  6. Well..... Level 42 have ;o) [url="http://www.level42.com/2012/08/09/level-42-the-acoustic-album-now-available/"]http://www.level42.com/2012/08/09/level-42-the-acoustic-album-now-available/[/url]
  7. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1362087223' post='1995701'] Aaaaaw! Congrats, man. Are these the DBs with the rock tone? How's it sound with the GK? Hard Rockin' perhaps? (BTW, I like the bass mucho too. KingBass? In case, which one?) best, bert [/quote] I play mostly funk and disco so they suit quite well but with the GK you can get a good rock tone also... I just really love Aguilar cabs. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1362088347' post='1995726'] Wanted those so badly and a steal at that price. Reports on how they sound would be greatly appreciated! [/quote] Not had a chance to use them in angst yet but just playing around yesterday I think they are gonna keep me happy for a very long time. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1362089068' post='1995745'] Those are my old cabs! They are stunning. I only sold them to get one 4 ohm DB212. Sometimes wish I had these back. Enjoy...they are one of my favourite cabs...period. [/quote] Kool.... they are still in virtually new condition ;o)
  8. As of today I'm now 2x 2x12
  9. Also it's worth bearing in mind that in reality for most function work you really only need enough PA to cover the dance floor area.
  10. Bugger.... still want these.....
  11. Gently say to him that his Quantisation is out on his sequencer ;o)
  12. Well if you listen to 'Turn it on' as above that will give a good idea
  13. and not forgetting he can do that and sing competently at the same time..... http://youtu.be/a_WNEemc1OU
  14. We've just dumped a load of PA to go with one brand (looks much better on stage to have a uniformed appearance). Have used most brands in the past our minimum FOH rig these days is around 4kw. We've gone with the Dynacord V-Array system and so far it's been outstanding. http://www.dynacord.com/en/products/1/2/78_va-215-218-415-4.html
  15. I'm putting the band together for my wedding next month.... gonna be lots of muso's so about an hour and a bit worth of band and then top notch DJ for the remainder of the eve....
  16. same here
  17. Not bass related but we have just launched these..... UK delivery around April.... Price is gonna be from £399ish retail and they vastly out perform the competition.... great bottom end too [url="http://www.electrovoice.com/pressrelease.php?id=1484"]http://www.electrovo...ase.php?id=1484[/url]
  18. You'll have to refer to the String image star rating on the inside freezer door.... next to the fish and chicken!
  19. [quote name='bremen' timestamp='1358520256' post='1940727'] Peter Hook (runs, hides...) [/quote] He said Bassists!!!
  20. I find it ironic that people used to find it acceptable when they used to record the top 40/ favourite song/ whatever off the radio onto their tape cassette but now find it unacceptable to stream a tune off of Youtube....
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