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Everything posted by crez5150

  1. If I need to buy a song to learn, I'll buy it then share it with friends if they want it. We never own downloads anyway....
  2. I'd agree with JTUK the Thumps are pretty rough in terms of clarity..... I'd be tempted to spend the money on some decent second hand units.... Ev, RCF, Dynacord....
  3. If you've got te cash get a K&M built stand ( all Beyer,Sennheiser stands are K&M) but if your on a budget buy from studios pares.
  4. I quite liked it.... but WTF were Dexy's doing.... utter rubbish! (Apart from the Brass)
  5. Depends on your issues.... We use Surgex (http://www.surgex.com) now due to issues playing in country mansions, Hotels etc.... definitely helped with regulating power and allowing decent monitoring of whats going on
  6. Our keys player always gets introduced as Dave 'Brokeback Mountain' Caton........ always makes me smile
  7. BFD also have the Eco version....£32.00 I've been using it for a few months and its great. you can buy additional kits and upgrade to full BFD if needs be also [url="http://www.westenddj.co.uk/Product/FXPANSION/Computer_Audio/BFD-ECO/GoogleBase/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=products&utm_campaign=BFD-ECO&gclid=CK_J9pLVlLQCFQzKtAod-jYAKw"]http://www.westenddj.co.uk/Product/FXPANSION/Computer_Audio/BFD-ECO/GoogleBase/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=products&utm_campaign=BFD-ECO&gclid=CK_J9pLVlLQCFQzKtAod-jYAKw[/url]
  8. The CC in Basildon has had a Warwick Vampyre in the window for about 18 months now..... the neck must be screwed by now
  9. I like spending 45 minutes at the end of each gig untangling mic cables......
  10. Spent many a new years eve in the Riflemans..... Shan't be there but have a good Birthday!
  11. Peter Hook giving a masterclass???? WTF!
  12. Hot Sauce the Only Band in Essex Bringing the Funk! Tonight the best in Disco, Funk and Groove! The Aspen Tree Romford from 9:00pm Free entry! www.hotsaucedisco.com
  13. Depends on the band...... I'd say 70% of my gigs and practice is slap [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1354875443' post='1891421'] Funny how the slap parts get the attention and replays...? How much of anyones gig is slap..?? How much of anyones practice regime is dedicated to slap..? [/quote]
  14. That is superb playing...... I can't watch the video though as the bend on the tip of his thumb freaks me out. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1354840632' post='1891249'] who says youtube vids are bad? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOJzRxlBRhI&list=FLzVUqeF1SLjxa78y2gd03dQ&index=348[/media] [/quote]
  15. listening to old recordings convinces me I was much better then.......
  16. I reckon he'd do well as a comedian.... he's proper funny
  17. Our keys player had an IU2 for his soft synths for stage use..... we had a few issues with the drivers on occasion he lost audio (which isn't good live) He switched back to his old interface without any issues. Now using the Motu Track 16 but I think thats probably outta price range compared to what OP is looking for
  18. this is them - http://www.electromarket.co.uk/index.html
  19. Compact, Powerful and light - http://www.k-array.com/en/professional-sound/portable/kmt21.html
  20. Checked out on Facebook. All ok apart from driver.... Obviously
  21. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1353522273' post='1875612'] Hmm, did not know this. Is that with all RGB lights or higher spec ones? How does one 'mix' the LEDs? Most lighting sets I see dont come with mixers and instead just have a DAX cable (I think it is; you know, the sound/light cable thingy. I'm a bit of a noob!) Cheers Crez [/quote] You should either have dip switches on the lamps allowing different settings or you could buy a cheap DMX mixer ( from around £30) to control the mixing/fades/blackout functions
  22. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1353509884' post='1875398'] I've been looking at lights recently but they're all RGB, I hate RGB! Every band in the universe is just swathed in purple these days and it looks naff! Anyone know where I can get some White lights? Par cans or maybe some LED bars to hang behind the band. Should look awesome with a hazer. Truckstop [/quote] The RGB LED lamps allow you to mix to white...... We use RGB LED's on the front facing up for up lighters.... mixed to white at a lower level so not to blind
  23. Me too
  24. [quote name='BassBunny' timestamp='1353058279' post='1870966'] We use Rees Astley who are specialist is Performing Arts Insurance. [url="http://www.insurance4performingarts.co.uk/"]http://www.insurance...mingarts.co.uk/[/url] Great to deal with and I think we were quoted £75 for £2M cover for a 5 piece band. [/quote] +1 for this... we use them and have been great. Always seem to be the best option (not the cheapest) and best cover
  25. The function band I played with had in the T&C's that there was a £500 clause to play Mustang Sally. Only ever payed out once though..... and that was at a Russian wedding.
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