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Everything posted by crez5150

  1. Think you need to establish your budget first. Dynacord Powermate gets my vote
  2. They got [quote name='ped' timestamp='1341587397' post='1721482'] Dunno what happened to them. Ah well. [/quote] They got popular...... ergo they are sh*te. Moves like Jagger is a blinding pop tune!
  3. Have a look at this.... just add IEM's http://www.gear4music.com/Recording-and-Computers/Behringer-POWERPLAY-16-P16-M-Personal-Monitor-System/IU1
  4. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1341494197' post='1719986'] arrghh!! I think youve just perforated my eyedrums [/quote] why do you think we are all wearing glasses.... )
  5. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1341484887' post='1719752'] All intervals can be glorious. But there is something god-like about the root octave in the right place, something sacred in its subjugating of the miserly musical consciousness the turgid machinations of the cerebral curds, in favour of the Heart with its joyful halo of orgasmic and spiritually liberating abandonment [/quote] MMmmmmmm Juicy....
  6. Very kool..... make sure you take some pics when you are gigging it and I'll stick them up on the HH facebook page
  7. Never wear white grease make-up when playing a black bass..... took weeks to clean
  8. Root/Octave....... Sex! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PXxPQKxggU
  9. Saying nothing me.......
  10. fyp....here's a pic of Tony's latest tour rig taken when the Black Spiders visited the office few weeks back - [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/397597_10151050148997667_888183534_n.jpg"][/url]
  11. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1341265129' post='1716224'] Any new technique can take a while to learn, and waaaaaaaayyyyyy longer to master. To play slap proficiently (I'm still no master) I find that I have to relax. Don't push it, just keep practicing and one day you'll have a "wow, that sounded pretty darn good" moment, so have a really wide grin at the ready. Also, as a beginner I would heartily recommend taking it slow and concentrating on getting the notes clean (2nd most important thing in slap playing) and IN TIME (single most important thing when playing slap bass) - so I'd go for a metronome every time. Slap bass technique can sometimes get a bit of a flaming on here, but if you're excited by the technique, and you really like the sound then go for it - don't feel that you shouldn't learn to slap, or that you are less of a 'musician' for slapping, because some internet people that you've never met tell you it's wrong. [/quote] Well said!
  12. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1341265214' post='1716225'] yeah it's MOSTLY only their guitars that actually have a big Ibanez logo on for some reason [/quote] Key market I'm afraid
  13. It's about creating ranges within their brand identity..... Lots of brands do it.
  14. You'll find there is slap and then there is slap......
  15. There will always be a band that will go out for less you than you..... state your price and stick to it.
  16. Here's the latest song we've covered. It's Don't Ask Me by Toy Love.... fit's well with the Animation... Thanks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klyxcJdAU-c
  17. Speak to these guys http://www.thebassgallery.com/
  18. crez5150

    Fave guitar solo?

    Alan Murphy for me.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1E_BRGvgtFY&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL14E0C73AB74BABC9
  19. Have a look at What Pa website, they have some good packages there for this sort of thing - http://shop.whatpa.co.uk/wppa5-laney-330w-active-system-2193-p.asp
  20. I'm fairly lucky in that within a 10 mile radius I have PMT, Digital Village and Holiday Music/Strings Direct not to mention Allegro, What Pa and Bass Merchant
  21. It really boils down to how much you are earning out of the band..... if you're getting good money week in week out then best keep track of it.
  22. You'll find the Venue and the Musician will need PLI...... if they hire a room out for a private function then the hirer brings in the band for that function.... not covered by the hotel. Every band playing functions or weddings if worth their salt should have at least very basic PLI cover.
  23. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1340474367' post='1705070'] Played a pub gig last weekend with my new Laney monitor. It was just fine. Very good. Sound mix on the tiny stage we were using was great. Very good purchase and at £180 is probably the lowest cost serious monitor out there. [/quote] And you get a 5 year warranty with Laney ;o)
  24. I use 35-120 on the kingbass..... works well for me as I don't like too much tension in the strings so I can bend and slap till my hearts content
  25. Great video mate..... really really don't like the vocal performance though. Hope that's not too harsh
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