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Everything posted by crez5150

  1. I think you'll find that's not a status as in Status Graphite..... these come up on e-bay now and then....
  2. Cheers.... I'll have a look
  3. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1328131413' post='1522505'] Sorry guys you've lost me. Why does being a high street retailer prevent you from being an online retailer as well? Surely this is a case of evolve or die out. There are a couple of shops near me with a great set up. In the back room they have a mini photo booth set up. Secondhand gear gets photographed and straight onto their websites. It can't be hard for them to sell you a set of flats, take payment and you pick them up next day. Saving all that hassle of collecting stuff from the post office or missing the courier because you're at work. [/quote] I t doesn't.... but those stores that do it well do not have their main on-line despatch out the back of the shop. They have a separate warehouse/unit that deals solely in sending on-line sales out the door. GAK/DV247/PMT/Nevada/Guitar Guitar/Intersales.... there are quite a few of them that do it successfully
  4. You might want to try www.statii.com also..... lots of Status love there )
  5. I'll check out the caps.... it's sounds like a valve on the way out..... sound breaks up pretty badly when guitar is played through it. Is there anyway of telling which valve it is likely to be? Sorry I'm not really up to speed on valve technology blimey looks like there is 12 valves in this thing.... might be expensive... :o0
  6. Nice time lapse studio build here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrR4J4nhnzg&feature=player_embedded This was the Converse project that happened not so long ago.... it's good to watch
  7. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1328003656' post='1520036'] 70s Silverface in moderate condition with a bit of attention needed usually realise 500-600 quid. [/quote] Cheers for that. It's exactly a 1970 model with silverface )
  8. For all you Disco-vaters, please send all your wives and girlfriends along [url="https://watfordcolosseum.co.uk/online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=D556B181-6753-43B0-AB9A-32990F1FCD40"]https://watfordcolosseum.co.uk/online/default.asp?doWork::WScontent::loadArticle=Load&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::article_id=D556B181-6753-43B0-AB9A-32990F1FCD40[/url]
  9. I'd be interested..... let me have a look see what I have to offer pedal wise
  10. Been having a clear out in the studio..... hasn't been used for a while and probably needs new valves anyone have any idea on how to value? Cheers
  11. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' timestamp='1327920266' post='1518633'] I think if he came to a JWP gig, we'd never quite get around to playing. Me and the singer both have strong views about him and neither of us have ever quite learnt the art of restraint in that kind of situation. [/quote] that's the beauty of having a microphone in front of an audience..... Our singer announced to Nick Clegg that 'he would vote yes to AV......' then said 'actually I'll say yes but will actually vote no.... let's see how he likes it' People didn't know if they should clap or not..... very funny
  12. we get a fair few.... this year has seen - Nick Clegg Harry Hill (very nice guy) Sue Pollard Pip Schofield Emma Watson Kelly rowland Karen Gillan ( )
  13. This one is actually a track from '69 but would easily fit in with the others..... We play these two segued together [b] [size=1]THANK YOU FALETTINME BE MICE ELF AGIN[/size][/b] [size=1]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YXPJOUD7G0[/size] [b] [size=5]Me and Baby brother [/size][/b] [size=5]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQGPj1h1E5c&feature=related[/size]
  14. We perform a lot of these in my band..... Just recently chucked in that Whispers number and people love it.... We are now doing a lot of the Car Wash Nights doted around the country so may see some of you on my travels. Here's a few of my faves The BarKays - Freakshow on the Dancefloor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9FCYlGDAc4&ob=av2e The Jones Girls - Nights over Egypt http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_cVJQGl5n0
  15. [color=#000000][font=Arial][size=1] [b][i][font="Arial"][size="7"]i have never[/size][/font][/i][/b][/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=Arial][size=1] [b][i][font="Arial"][size="7"]seen one like it the hole thing has all bean hand made out of metal smart thing[/size][/font][/i][/b][/size][/font][/color]
  16. Well.... Don't know really.... a swish website and pr material is great.... like that band that's been put forward above, nothing special but the marketing is nice. I know for a fact that the promotional material for my band is not great but we get booked and re-booked for these sort of gigs all year long from people seeing us live so you can never tell. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1327534437' post='1513178'] That's exactly what I said to my wife! Then she showed me a vid and I pointed out that the singer came in late and the horns were a) not playing the part correctly and fractionally ou of time. Probably wouldn't notice any of this live but my first thought was that if they can't be bothered to sort stuff like this on their promotional material how 'professional' are they really. . . [/quote]
  17. Typical Agency.... shortlist of one...
  18. What's the luckiest note in the scale? . . . . . . . . , D, because it has a flat by the C. Coat....
  19. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1327448989' post='1511599'] I've never had sex with Flea so I can't answer truthfully. Les was awesome though, we went fishing afterwards. [/quote] Win
  20. I think Les has gone down hill since he started playing bass.....
  21. [quote name='Monckyman' timestamp='1327418617' post='1510889'] Behringer X32=Midas=Klark Technik=Marks&Spencer [url="http://www.dv247.com/studio-equipment/behringer-x32-digital-mixer--81518"]http://www.dv247.com...al-mixer--81518[/url] Seriously, these are aimed at cutting a swathe through Yamahas digital desk market. If it`s reliable, it`ll end up in every local venue and cost less than their outboard FX used to. [/quote] I've been playing with one of these and the P-16M personal monitor system that it links with.... you can get and extremely good set up for less than two and a half grand.... and it seems to work really really well
  22. There is a slight glint of 'I want to rip your face off' in his eye though..... which I quite like ;o)
  23. Pah... no Headless.......
  24. isn't t the ultimate accolade.... a chinese company copying your design?
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