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Everything posted by crez5150

  1. [quote name='NJE' timestamp='1484827310' post='3218786'] I think the next 5 string might well be a Sire, but I cant get over those stocked knobs sticking out so far. This P looks great but much like the jazzes, i would love to see a passive version despite being a fan of active basses.....its just those controls!!! [/quote] Yep If they would change this it would look much better too. Its the only thing I hate about my V7
  2. We are doing our yearly charity tour in March for 'March of the Mods' Teenage Cancer Trust. We normally do between 4-6 dates across the country. We are a 10 pcs band so its costly and we normally do a gig prior to the start of these dates to pay for the Tourbus hire and fuel/accommodation. Once thats over we dont do any more charity gigs unless they are paid of course.
  3. MK does it here from 5:38 https://youtu.be/C-7pQJN9v58
  4. [quote name='kumimajava' timestamp='1484218740' post='3213585'] Thanks for the info - just one more question: so you push on the "bendwell" portion of the string, above the 0-fret? That's the bit I was not getting. Never seen one in real life, hence all the confusion. It's a bit of a miracle that given that there's a fair number of these instruments out there, I wasn't able to find a single video/YT-clip where someone would demonstrate how it works Thanks again for the explanation and I'll make sure to try one when I come across it [/quote] Yes... there is good space below the string.... you push down... its just like fretting the string but you push through further
  5. The end of the bass before the bendwell acts as a zero fret if you like but this has small bearings so that the strings can freely move when pressure applied. The bendwell allows you to gently push down on the strings to create various vibrato effects depending on how much pressure/speed you put on them.
  6. Consumer products..... plenty of variance out there
  7. You can add White cable tape to that list ;o)
  8. We had our Xmas gig on December 10th..... same saturday every year.... then we get a month off Back to the gigs on Jan 7th.... Skegby Scooter Club already sold out!
  9. This all comes down to what sort of gigs you are doing. Most pubs/clubs wont bother but if you are predominantly doing functions/weddings/corporate then you'll need to prove you have the cover (not that you'll ever likely need to use it) PAT certs are normally asked for even though its not a legal requirement (try asking for a risk assessment of the power supply you're pluggin into from the venue ;o) n) PLI, I'd say any band worth their salt should be carrying one of these.
  10. Disappointing topic header..... but congrats on the gig!
  11. I was a long time user of DP until recent studio requirements meant switching to Logic... I always felt that DP was up there with the best of them and that the plug in's they created were fantastic. I'd love to look at the latest version again at some point but current crop of work means living in Logic land.... which is ok.
  12. I'm an expert on the Purple Oboe......
  13. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1480501432' post='3184826'] I could spend the rest of the morning trying to explain - it's a whole different thing, just as trying to logically define 'heft'. For this reason (among others) I stopped running a 'disco' a long time back and called it a Sound System instead: people seemed to get what I meant.......... [/quote] I think if you are looking to run a 'rig' then you are not really gonna be using that for bands.... at least I hope not
  14. What a sh*t promo for what could be a great product....
  15. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1480440921' post='3184442'] DSP to tune and HPF for speaker protection for sure... - but a box set to be operating with a crossover as a default? A crossover slope vs a HPF is two very different things. Agreed, you'd be looking for a minimum of 3 for such a setup but I don't know if you'd expect that feature or not - I would wager that one of the competitors to this BF would be the ETX18SP, which has a cardioid DSP at this price point. As you say, I don't know if BF are gunning for the larger PA market or not, I wouldn't like to say. [/quote] I think the Cardioid feature in portable products never really gets used, or at least not by those that understand it properly. If BF are looking to go into mainstream I think they need to look at the cosmetics of the products compared to other brands. Though if they perform.... The light weight feature is ideal for the weekend warriors (EV ETX18SP weighs the same as a small tank)
  16. Only if you are using half decent powered tops. most manufactures these days have some sort of DSP or at least filtering in them. The cardioid feature I cant see as a benefit.... you'd need to buy extra units to make the feature work plus I can't see anyone wanting to (no offence) use these units for those sort of gigs
  17. Looks like there is DSP on board so no need for X-over [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1480438777' post='3184412'] I'd hope not... I suspect it's aiming squarely for the 18 PA Subwoofer... where high performance is usually the domain of very heavy, very pricey units. I'd like to see more on the specs associated with this unit because if it can reliably compete with it's competitors at circa half the weight, then they may be onto something. It would make a great partner to the FR800 I'm sure... however I've not seen any word on a crossover, so it may be the case that some speaker management needs to be factored in. Guess the details will come out in time... but there's some brave guys buying without the specs being clear! [/quote]
  18. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1479735806' post='3178830'] If you can get the whole band in the pa then it's no different to regular music on the sound system spaced around the pub, of course there's ten page thread about using anything other than vocals through the pa in a pub, most of those people are playing 30+ year old songs through a 30+ year old pa though, the pa world has moved on a little in recent years [/quote] I love the sound of distorted bass through a pair of old Hysis....
  19. I've always done it.... I was introduced to this by John Giblin years back. Normally 4 or 5 good tugs (oooer) on each string then re-tune
  20. I'd say this is pretty normal..... I'm booking theatre gigs for next year where I have to pay a % up front for the hire of the theatre/staff/tech crew. We'll sell tickets and make good money on merch..... same thing.
  21. Hi... I'm actually after a pair for the drive units. Can you tell me the condition of the woofers please... are they exhibiting any signs of the usual cracking that is associated with these speakers. many thanks
  22. Ive got a older pair of DB212 and they are speakon only..... Surprised to see they are only fitting one Speakon but two Jacks nowa days??
  23. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1477875009' post='3165022'] So you get £160 ACS plugs for £30? Do you have to be an MU member first? [/quote] Nope its £40 for non MU members
  24. [quote name='VTypeV4' timestamp='1478998958' post='3173270'] Mixed on the 328s you have (had?), Crez? [/quote] Hi mate... no I've offloaded them now.... most of this one done 'in the box' but the desk we are using as front end distribution is actually an old Yamaha 02R.
  25. Doing a showcase gig tonight in Mayfair with an upcoming singer.... Guitar, Bass, Drums, Sax, 4 vocals and a click track with sequence.... looking forward to it. I'll report back
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