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Everything posted by SpcMnk

  1. Appreciate your feedback here
  2. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Just bought a 3leaf Enaler from Ian. Good communciation, smooth transaction, fast shipping, pedal as described. Great guy to deal with. Would buy from him again.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thanks Ian!![/font][/color]
  3. Keeping it simple and functional:
  4. Beautiful!! A bit of history of this bass. It was bought by a guy from the Netherlands in Chicago in 1995, new from the shop. I've bought it from him in the beginning of this year. So this bass hasn't been swapped around but kept for 21 years by the same owner who loved it but, kept it in its case for the last 6 years he had it. I've played it daily for half a year and did a number of rehearsals with it. no gigs. Only reason why I traded it is because I have another MVP that is longer with me (emotionally bonded..) and I needed something with more than 4 strings.. I can only recommend this bass. It plays like a dream and has a very well balanced powerful tone that fits perfectly in any mix.
  5. hmm... the Boss RE20 Space echo might be interesting as well. I love delay ad reverb on bass. After fooling around with the Hotone delay, the EHX Memory man Deluxe and the stereo, the EHX Holier Grail, EQD Dispatch master, Boss RE-20, TC electronic Nova Delay and Repeater, and some more..... I've settled with the EQD Levitation and MXR Carbon Copy analog delay. This gives me everything from subtle to enormous room out of space wall breaking freakyness. With a lot of delay and reverb pedals used on bass the effect get swallowed in the mix. With the Levitation and Carbon copy I don;t have that. It sticks..
  6. My EX! Great and very powerful bass with a sweat, sweat tone! (kinda missing it a bit..)
  7. I liked the Aguilar TLC. But love my 3 Leaf Audio PWNZOR. a real tone chaping diamond.
  8. I've seen het live with the 'Bitter' tour in 1999 on the North Sea Jazz Festival in the Hague. I didn't know what hit me. Still one of my favorite albums ever! [media]http://youtu.be/-6L6ZC67yeI[/media]
  9. After having more than 20 envelope filters the above lot I kept the longest. but.. in the end only kept the Wonderlove Deluxe and a Pigtronix EP2. The EP2 gets the most playing time. Great pedal!
  10. PM sent!
  11. [IMG]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51lmTv1QjzL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg[/IMG]
  12. 'Like a French kiss from a horse..'
  13. Is it True Bypass or buffered?
  14. Cool Demo! Lookign forward to it The pedal was only build in a limited edition and is out of production. I've been looking for one for a long time. They do come up second hand.. but not a lot.
  15. Thanks! and spot on! With 20 pedals at my feet I tended to just hit buttons until I got something I liked. If that didn;t work I would get within a week a few new pedals to add... Now, I tweak the knobs until I find something and, thus, get to know how each pedal in relation to the other gives what sounds. Which opens a world of opportunities. Downside.. my phone is full of crappy pictures of my board with barely visible settings...
  16. SpcMnk

    Here we Go

    And the red one is gone. It made room for a 1999 Celinder Custom 6
  17. Coming from this.. (and this case had some reconfigurations...) Sometimes less is more. This is what I'm using now Nice and portable.
  18. Ones that really work well on bass imho: Earthquaker Devices - Levitation Boss - RE-20 Space Echo EHX - Holier Grail. But, just try a few that come along and see what works for you.
  19. SpcMnk

    Here we Go

    Thanks guys! Those old Schaller bridges are something special indeed. I like them a lot! The Pedulla above is from late 1987.. Build in the period that jaco died.. it gives it that little something special, in my mind... I've bought it from its first owner who had it in its case underneath his bed for 20 years. The other Pedulla I have I also bought from it's original owner. It's an 1994 Soap bar 2eq model. It has some wear and tear but is in onveral very good condition. I was thinking about selling it in order to buy something else but plugged it in today and fell in love again.. every pedulla is different, but every pedulla is great.. So, still contemplating a potential sale.. For now, I'm having some great fun with it!
  20. SpcMnk

    Here we Go

    Thanks! And will do.
  21. SpcMnk

    Here we Go

  22. [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]My first post on Bass Chat!! [/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]I’ve been reading for years but it never got to the point to post.. let’s start now[/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2] [/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]A quick intro.. 40 years young, living in the southern part of the Netherlands and playing for about 25 years bass in a variation of different bands. Primarily in the alternative pop corner of the spectrum. All original work. Recorded some records and had a lot of fun with gigs. There was a period of 8 year in which I played in a 60's/70's blues cover band which was great fun as well. On average a gig a week is a nice thing.[/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2] [/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]Nowadays I'm taking it fairly slow. Just one project at a time is more than enough for my agenda (kids, wife, work..). The group I'm in consists out of 4 dancers and 6 musicians. every other year we create a modern piece with which we tour the theaters. The music goes from jazz to rock to techo to funk to stoner to ethnic.. and more. Real good fun to write music based on dance motions.[/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2] [/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]Gear… well.. I guess I’m somewhat of a gear head. [/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]Amp: After trying a lot of different stuff (Peavey, Ampeg, Epifani, Bag End), I settled for light weight Aguilar. TH500 and SL112’s. Sounds perfect and is easy to move around.[/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]Effects: well.. in the past years more than 200 have crossed my pedal board. At this moment I’m trying to do it with what I have.. favorite brands: 3Leaf Audio, EQD, EHX, Pigtronix.[/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]Basses: I’ve had a lot.. at this moment my main 4 string axe is a Pedulla MVP. Main 5 string axe is s Fender US Dimension Deluxe. Next to those I have an additional Pedulla MVP, a Stingray and a Fender Presicion PJ with Lane Poor pups. And some budget basses, just for fun.[/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2] [/size][/font] [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]Looking forward to participate in this nice community![/size][/font] ps. some quick pictures Small setup (crappy phoen pic):
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