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Burns-bass last won the day on July 26

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Community Answers

  1. True. Some experts here. You face a couple of choices here. You can try and achieve the highest price, which would require having detailed information on dimensions, strings, string height, structural condition, breaks, splits, damage and more. Or you could price it at a level where someone is happy to take a punt on it. The location of the bass is, unfortunately, against you. If it's been unplayed for 8 years and stored somewhere I'd say it'll need a complete overhaul in any case, which is never cheap and (in some cases) can be so costly it's terminal for the bass. Don't want to be negative and I'd help if I could but I have no idea of the used market, values and so on. Where are they in South Wales?
  2. This is really interesting. The stopper on the post is a standard 1" fitting and at 50p a time is hard an issue to cut off and replace when needed I guess.
  3. I still don’t get it. But the idea of a stripped down bass is cool.
  4. I bought a 75 reissue jazz neck on here from Chris at a reasonable price. Finding one like this would enable you to try it and have the same aesthetic while you find a genuine 4-bolt 70s neck.
  5. Physically injuring a cellist won’t win you many friends! People probably wondering why I bother, but I had to cancel a gig once as someone broke a carbon fibre end pin on my bass. (Hated that thing, far too much flex)
  6. To be fair, I’ve not played it long enough and anywhere other than my carpeted room. I’ve glued the stopper in place and it seems solid but you’re right that it will inevitably wear out over time. On the metal spike (which I’m still keeping and will always take to gigs) I use this: https://www.thomann.co.uk/wolf_super_endpin.htm?glp=1&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADuDMCX8xPj0-8EnpxBIKWRya_On0&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlpLIpazpiQMVnJpQBh3oIAkwEAQYASABEgKIPPD_BwE
  7. Already looks like you’re having to chase him…
  8. Ok, have played for an hour today and it’s noticeably stronger tone and the bass moves around an awful lot less than the previously not very solid metal one. This is a win for wood.
  9. I already run a couple of businesses so it wouldn't be a big enterprise. But creating them wouldn't be a challenge. Let's see if there's any interest. The sticking point is that you need to have a removeable endpin so the market is somewhat limited.
  10. It sounds better to me, but not much. I would say the wooden end pin (for me) is about convenience. I literally can hear no difference on this video. See if you can!
  11. You could make 10 posts from this batch, so wood cost would be about £2.50! https://www.amazon.co.uk/Pack-Premium-Quality-European-Dowel/dp/B0B7KL8KY1/ref=sr_1_3?crid=2TC1M9BP6FP62&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ERPkfiRhBH4PIPVJooVNVes3Ale1EAmWvznBupufpQznZlbXU2KWLnXeMgBO7W5ejEGK7AR9ez4eQjGTdtPg6JSB3UvVuqnofpIHRnqA_UASJIFKWKe1f2BeycR4MUpnABdYRl8eyc_gU4btNk1tQ2MdYwsLKo0SYfxFewiQs0l0s-qpiSlRbmgZU8Ks4f0bpiviBgL6LakhtB5szGji2OlLgHI47LpYcOXBuB3cYwo.9mg4CPr4gLYhQStJfG3AMsKz_UZCO5mXTX9j9Pbhba8&dib_tag=se&keywords=Oak+dowel+25mm&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1731977410&s=diy&sprefix=oak+dowel+25mm%2Cdiy%2C74&sr=1-3 Anyone fancy trying one?
  12. Haha, no. This was a 2.5cm dowel made of beech I bought from Temu (I know it’s an awful shop!) This was more a “proof of concept” if you like. I just thought I’d see what happens. The process is simple and you could easily use an oak dowel or a maple one. Oak is more expensive at about £5 for a 30cm long piece, so your total materials cost would likely be about £8. Maybe I’ll try an oak one next and see if it makes a difference. Oak dowel: https://www.google.com/shopping/product/1?q=2.5cm+oak+dowel&sca_esv=61be2594c95dedbf&rlz=1C9BKJA_enGB1123GB1123&hl=en-GB&biw=1366&bih=905&tbs=vw:l&prds=num:1,of:1,eto:14665320379539976252_0,prmr:1,cs:1
  13. I guess if you charge the time it takes and aim to make a bit of profit the £40 or whatever it costs isn’t too bad.
  14. Done. It’s much more stable than the old endpin so perfect for outdoor gigs and things. It’ll also make setting up easier. The fit was good enough without the pad so I may or may not remove that. Total cost of materials was £6.50 Tools I already had. Time about half an hour.
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