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  1. I'd love this if it's still available. Will direct message tomorrow.
  2. Not sure if you've still got this, but happy to take it off your hands if you do!
  3. good to hear this, was looking at getting a bass set up by them, hadn't had a chance to go in and have a chat yet
  4. @Grimalkinthanks for those, will look into them. That palm thing is going to keep me occupied for hours at work! @Happy Jackthe thought has crossed my mind, and I'll almost certainly pick something up. I'm also finally trying to learn how to make noises on the computer. This is just to keep the bass going as much as I can really.
  5. So, I've broken my arm. Left arm, at the elbow meaning surgery and a cast from wrist to armpit. Obviously playing has become impossible so I figure it's a good time to work on the stuff I can in the meantime, especially as I'm about to have an awful lot more free time. Are there any specific drills/practices people recommend for developing/improving right hand technique? I play a mixture of fingers and pick and shamefully don't really have anything specific I do to practice, just tend to work on songs or noodle. There's plenty on YT obviously but I often find there's so much that a bit of the old option paralysis sets in... Any recs gratefully received.
  6. I really like these, especially the baritone. nice to see something different
  7. I know it's not the point of this thread but the VI with the bridge cover looks fantastic.
  8. Took a long two and a half years of being in separate countries, COVID, not being able to find a drummer etc, but we finally played a gig on Friday. Lovely local pub, played an hour and a bit of our own stuff to an enthusiastic crowd, free drinks and even got paid. Nothing better.
  9. Mark Lanegan day today.
  10. I just signed up for tidal last night (ended my paid Spotify a while back because I find the app incredibly buggy), currently £1 for three months or something daft.
  11. Been too worried to do my nice bass in case of a balls-up, but am in the process of rebuilding my old Aria in order to get a bit more confidence. It's only wood right, what can go wrong.
  12. I know it's not a new model but there's something about that shell pink VI...
  13. Superb thread this. Can't really compete with anything here but the story that always gets wheeled out is from an open mic, was the first time me and my singer/guitarist mate had played in front of people just the two of us. I'd invited a girl who I was seeing to come watch us, who worked just up the road. Me and the singer had been drinking all night to psyche ourselves up (on a Tuesday night no less) and by the time we went up we were past the point of no return. We played with a drummer who just happened to be there, we were both out of tune and out of time and I decided to spend the whole set staring directly at him. By the time we'd done our three songs (I think we were playing Oasis covers too!) we'd basically cleared the room of everyone. It was a formative moment, we're still playing together now! Relationship didn't last much longer though.
  14. Faultless transaction, good communication throughout, pedals exactly as described, packaged really well. Cheers Paul, pleasure.
  15. Bought a DI box, shipped and arrived unbelievably fast, best packaging job I've ever seen too. Top man.
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