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Everything posted by JonesTheCat

  1. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1473338994' post='3129271'] i couldn't tell you all the differences, but i do know this drummer is at the wrong gig... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItZyaOlrb7E[/media] [/quote] First time I've ever seen that and I'm crying laughing. In my head the guitarist has no idea what's going on behind him which makes it even funnier.
  2. I always wanted to play bass in my early teens, and never quite scraped together the cash to get one (looking back, why I didn't just get a secondhand one off ebay I do not know). Would occasionally pick up an acoustic guitar to try and learn but would just as quickly put it down. Finally got myself a knackered second hand bass in my early 20s and am now also teaching myself (very slowly) some chords on the guitar, helped a lot by the bass playing and understanding what's actually going on a bit better. Bass in music was and is always the thing that interests me though, much more than some twiddly guitar solo.
  3. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1472668022' post='3123147'] Isn't he only on one song? I maybe wrong [/quote] No you're quite right apparently. Best song on the album though.
  4. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1473027601' post='3126289'] The thing is, what would I use it for? Bedroom noodling maybe. It's not anything I would want to gig with. Plus, there's a steep learning curve with loopers. I've seen guys try and use them live. If you don't have it mastered it can come off as gimmicky and corny. This guy just makes it look easy. It's not. Blue [/quote] Oh yeah, it'd end up as something else for me to make a horrendous racket with. But that's where the fun lies.
  5. Well that's me trawling the web for loop pedals I can't afford and won't be able to use!
  6. Flea, apparently. I mean, I like his playing on Jagged Little Pill so I'll take it.
  7. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TENNESSEE-15-STRING-EXTENDED-RANGE-BASS-OFFERS-OR-BUY-NOW-/291832291857?hash=item43f28f6211:g:bJwAAOxycgVTixwQ
  8. Really like that. Sounds like something I'd expect to hear on a Peanut Butter Wolf mix on Stones Throw.
  9. My brother has been trying to get me to listen to RB for at least two years and I think I had them confused for someone else so held out, until this thread piqued my interest. Just borrowed and listened to the album, cracker.
  10. [quote name='Mattpt85' timestamp='1471433945' post='3113015'] I'm waiting for Seven Nation Army to crop up [/quote] *meekly raises hand* Or The Chain. Normally The Chain. Not that people ever come to my house.
  11. I was contemplating throwing a bid in on that Dirnt - the cracks were the only thing putting me off, what do we think?
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1469449645' post='3098341'] [url="http://www.soundonsound.com/people/phil-thornalley-torn"]http://www.soundonsound.com/people/phil-thornalley-torn[/url] [/quote] Cheers for that, knew it was Thornalley but hadn't read that, some interesting stuff.
  13. MCA from the Beastie Boys. Mainly underrated in the sense that very few people know he played.
  14. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1468931985' post='3094406'] I despise Robbie Williams more than I can say but I can't help but admire the bassline to 'Rock DJ' chorus. Which is extra awkward as it's one of the most horrific songs ever recorded. [/quote] Ah man I used to love that song.
  15. I've had a complete volte-face recently (not helped by the hollow body thread) and now want a Gretsch.
  16. On a similar note I just re-discovered what a cracking pop album Left of the Middle by Natalie Imbruglia is, purely from hearing Torn on the radio and actually listening to the bass line. So I'm now going back through a lot of 90s/00s pop music I'd previously written off and finding that it's mostly very good (not all of it obviously *shudders*)
  17. I played in front of an audience for the first time ever last night. I was terrible. It's all up from here!
  18. [quote name='NoRhino' timestamp='1468776956' post='3093247'] Sorry to hear you feel how you do. Ask your GP to put you in touch with a counsellor. I guarantee it will help. [/quote] This. Without going in to too much detail I was suffering almost the exact symptoms you describe but surrounding my work at the time. Eventually saw a counsellor/therapist whatever you want to call it and I feel a whole world better for it.
  19. There's loads of 3D printing bureaus out there that'll do you a job. And both OnShape and Fusion 360 are free CAD packages that are now pretty much at a professional level (not that you need anything that good for something simple but they're both easy to use).
  20. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1468147978' post='3088809'] Tidy. Love what you're going for, there. Yeahhh, the tuner sucks arse though [/quote] *whispers* I really like the tuner...
  21. Just the one, a knackered Aria (£42, with amp) which came to me with a visually bent neck, cracked pickup plastic and missing paint. Currently deciding on a replacement, but I'll be keeping the Aria.
  22. Just finished the final, thought Bombskare were really great, as actually were pretty much every band featured. I'd also have liked to hear more of what Kissmet were doing in the first VT of them rather than the song they did on stage. Will be having a search for both bands later. It's also nice to see a programme that was ostensibly a competition place not going down the sob story/'this is all I've ever wanted'/melodrama route. Same again next year?
  23. I don't know enough to comment on technical ability, but the guys who made me want to play bass for various reasons were/are: Paul Simonon, but bizarrely it was watching live Gorillaz sets that really made me a fan (although I did love some Clash basslines), he's just very cool. Norman Watt-Roy, and it was seeing him with Wilko on Jools that made me relisten to a lot of Blockheads stuff listening to the bass. John Entwistle, on the strength of My Generation. And probably Peter Hook and Doug Wimbush, both of whom I associate with doing stuff that sounds very different.
  24. I did nearly put the Nostromo as my location but thought it was a step too far.
  25. Cheers guys!
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