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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. The available current is the main reason I've stuck with it so long, it's rated for 3A, and I've only experienced mild noise that I would attribute to the PSU when I've breached about 1.2A draw. But it's a single output brick (for those unfamiliar, it's basically an unbranded Diago power station), and regularly running 15+ pedals off it as I am now is a messy headache, I'm on 4 daisy chain cables at the moment. A modular system is a very appealing concept to me. Also, I'm currently powering all my testing needs on my DIY stuff with a 9V battery through an adapter, having a PSU permanently on the desk would be incredibly handy, and I'd rather bring the JS that I know and trust up to the bench and replace it with a high quality system on the board than buy a cheap adapter for testing.
  2. The time has come to retire my stalwart Johnny Shredfreak PSU. This £10 power brick has been on my board for nigh on 8 years, and every time I've looked at £100 mark power bricks I felt like they weren't offering anything I wasn't already getting, but I think it's finally time to go "pro", as it were.... Trouble is, I have no idea what's out there now. Last time I looked 3/4 years ago, the voodoo labs pp2 and the t-rex fuel tanks were the kings of the mountain, but there seems to be a lot more out there now. Obviously I'm doing my own research but I would be a fool not to tap the BC hive mind, are there any hidden gems I should be looking at? My total requirement is about 800mA, but i have 6 pedals that are 25-35mA and 3 that are 35-60mA, and 2 that are about 150mA, so the 100mA per output a lot of them seem to offer is very restrictive. 9V AC for the whammy would be awesome, and I know one of them used to have it, but I can't seem to find it now. I thank you in advance for your shower of wisdom.
  3. Mastotron still available, needs to go.
  4. Gah, I listened back to mine last night and I didn't realize that key change between the first and second parts was so painful, I don't know what I was thinking there, would fixing that be kosher, as it may require some minor compositional adjustments? ..and i I might also address the terrible lack of bagpipes while I'm at it.
  5. Ahh, nothing quite like getting something done with plenty of time to spare and really taking your time to get it right - [url="https://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k/of-azure-skies-and-hazy-eyes"]https://soundcloud.c...s-and-hazy-eyes[/url] As the notes say, recorded in an afternoon, mostly live, so presented very much "as is".
  6. I was planning on it, but i was sleepy, and i thought i'd leave you all with the tantalizing mystery... By vauge colour descriptions because I find thinking of witty names for them all horrendously exhausting... Gold with blue knobs - Animato clone with various mods (input cap selection, gate, on board blend) Blue with black knobs - Mastotron clone with a few tweaks Purple with White knobs - EQD Bit Commander (super synthy octave up/down fuzz) clone Badly painted blue/yellow - Distortion/fuzz of my own design, though I'm still checking i haven't accidentally ripped it off... Black with purple knobs - Heavily modded DOD FX-25 Bare metal with frenchy coloured knobs - Mid-fi deluxe pitch pirate clone Green - Ross phaser clone "Tremolopun" (I tried giving them all names at one point, it didn't last) - Tremulus lune with various mods Bare metal with lots of tiny knobs - This is a basic sequencer, up to 8 steps though it can be set for any number except 4. The above four all have retro-macgueveryed inputs for their opto-couplers/OTAs to be driven by the the sequencer instead of their LFO. It works great with the opto ones, the OTA ones (the phaser/filter) are a bit more hit and miss. Red with technocolour knobs that looks like it's been painted by a donkey suffering an embolism - Digital Delay with really deep modulation, started life as a DBA Echo Dream, but I had to heavily mod it to get it actually work (as far as I can tell the original design shouldn't work...) Black with yellow paint - DBA Reverberation Machine clone, basically just a reverb brick with a really nice, grainy, unpredictable gain section Orange - Noisegate to tame all the ridiculousness.
  7. After a fair old while without a fixed setup, here's my current, messy, and now largely DIY setup -
  8. Mastotron now definitely needs to go, bumpaskis.
  9. As that Gibson article says, the majority of any perceived differences can probably be attributed to tolerance/temperature response differences, an old cheap ceramic with a -20/+80% tolerance could easily be twice it's supposed value, and over twice the actual value of another identical one. With PIO specifically, I believe they were commonly used in the "vintage (60's/70's)" era because they were the best high voltage option available at the time and so were used in amplifiers, and so they put them in tone sections of guitars/basses because it's just what they had around. Like most of these things, the motivations at the time were nothing to do with tonal quality and everything to do with expediency/cost...
  10. May I suggest that the commas in the title be rearranged? Or at least the content of the thread revised to avoid disappointment.
  11. Nobody for hot fuzzy Mastotron action?
  12. Bumpskis, price drop on the mastotron.
  13. Psilocybe is Psilosold pending the ususal, Mastotron still up.
  14. Continuing the streamlining of the herd, next up for the chop is - [b]HBE (Homebrew Electronics) Psilocybe Phaser - [/b]Wonderfully lush, rich phaser with a surprising amount of options from the 4 controls. Still in two minds about parting with this but I'm just not using it for my current sounds. Excellent, couple of minor dinks but barely noticeable, no box but will be packed to survive a minor war/royal mail. Looking for [s][b]£120 Posted Special Delivery. [/b][/s][b]PsiloSOLD - Pending the usual[/b] [b]ZVEX Mastotron - [/b]Needs no introduction really, endlessly useable fuzz. Excellent condition, with box. After [b]£80[/b][b] Posted Special Delivery.[/b] Both in this full board shot - As stated, prices include postage by next day special delivery. If you wish to use a cheaper service with different insurance/tracking options then I'm happy to do so but it will be at your own risk. Fair warning - if the Mastotron sells first I'm likely to withdraw the Psilocybe. Thanks, Rob
  15. Now this I can definitely do something with. I can definitely see Vangelis - but I'm thinking more dark-ambient-techno-metal. What's dark-ambient-techno-metal? No idea. It'll probably end up sounding like Vangelis though.
  16. Withdrawn - please lock
  17. This is the hardware that I bought to spruce up my old bass, unfortunately getting the neck playable is going to be a long term project, so I can't justify having all this money sat in an unplayable bass. [b]Bartolini P+J Pickups [/b]- P is an 8S, J is a 9J-L1, great condition, good of 8" of wire left on both of them. No boxes but they'll packaged to survive a small war. [s]After [b]£90 Posted [/b]for the pair. I'd rather not split them at this point. [/s][b]SOLD [/b]pending the usual. [b]Hipshot USA Ultralite Tuners [/b]- 2+2 modern "Y" style, open backs. [s]After [b]£60 Posted [/b]for the set. [/s][b]SOLD pending the usual.[/b] [b]Hipshot A STYLE 4-string Bridge - [/b]This is a Hipshot A STYLE bridge, not a genuine Hipshot. Apologies for any confusion caused by the previous listing - entirely my fault. Fantastic quality though with adjustable string spacing. Please note that one of the action grub screws is missing, however the action can still be set perfectly fine. After[b] £55 Posted.[/b] [b][/b] All prices include postage. Postage on the tuners and bridge will be by royal mail 1st class signed for. The pickups and any kind of deal for multiple items will be by Special Delivery. Happy to talk discounts for 2 or all 3 items.
  18. Going to move to a different setup, could use a cash injection in the immediacy, so offering up my Focusrite Scarlett 2i2. In pristine condition, boxed with all the box candy and USB cable. I'll get a picture up later, but it's exactly as the pictures you'll find online. Considering the age and condition, I'm after [b]£90 Posted Special Delivery[/b]. I'm willing to use a cheaper delivery service at cost, but this would be at your own risk. Thanks, Rob
  19. Continuing the clearout of pedals that I love but can't really justify keeping anymore - here is my mid-fi electronics pitch pirate - a classic of the weird and wonderful pedal world -this is one of the early ones I believe. In excellent condition, no box but will be wrapped in enough bubble wrap to carpet a modestly sized house, picture in this full board shot below - After [b]£110 Posted Special Delivery[/b]. I prefer to post special delivery, if you want to go for a cheaper service with different tracking/insurance I am happy to do this at cost, but it will be at your own risk. Not after trades at the moment. Thanks, Rob
  20. I use DR DDTs, absolute revelation for drop tuning. They keep the same tension that you'd expect in standard with the same gauge, they lock in tune and tsay in tune. They're pricy, sure, but I can't use anything else now.
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