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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. Latest incarnation: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/bobbass4k/media/20150805_222710_zpstmmxngfx.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v502/bobbass4k/20150805_222710_zpstmmxngfx.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Temporarily bypassed while I make up more patch cables to replace a couple of long serving stalwarts that have finally retired.
  2. Newest build, I started making a Death by Audio robot then kind of redesigned the circuit and decided to add a 7-segment display to indicate the mode which turned out to be surprisingly difficult and made the whole thing needlessly complicated but here it is: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/bobbass4k/media/20150803_001846_zpsfbzgkpvv.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v502/bobbass4k/20150803_001846_zpsfbzgkpvv.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/bobbass4k/media/20150803_001923_zpsjznmoixj.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v502/bobbass4k/20150803_001923_zpsjznmoixj.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  3. EHX released the pitch fork a while ago, it's tiny, and has an expression pedal input so you can basicaly turn it into a whammy if you want.
  4. New Tremulus Lune to replace my old Tremulus Lune. All the good Tremolo based pun names have been taken, so I called it the Tremolopun. Meta: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/bobbass4k/media/20150705_170154_zpsaf4b5ctl.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v502/bobbass4k/20150705_170154_zpsaf4b5ctl.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I usually don't bother with graphics but this has buttloads of controls half of which do very similar things, so painting is the simplest, quickest option, but an artist I ain't. Messy, messy guts. Do all you guys who do amazingly neat innards actually have time to do anything else? Looks exhausting: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/bobbass4k/media/20150705_170122_zpsyerp2qph.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v502/bobbass4k/20150705_170122_zpsyerp2qph.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  5. Meatwad gone, still looking to move on the Tremulus.
  6. I like it, bit like Giraffes? Giraffes! but way more chilled. 8 string bass gives it the lightest slight hint of nuclear rabbit too.
  7. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1432295314' post='2780109'] Enclosure has arrived and is great quality. The standard 'orange skin' texture that you find on all powder coats, but it's even and without any imperfections. Will definitely be using these guys again! Will post the finished pedal when built. Si [/quote] Looks good, but completely sold out of B's and BB'S in every colour. Was it like that when you looked or has there been a run on them?
  8. Don't think there's anything new but it's had a fung shui:
  9. Forgot to eBay them so might as well give them another punt on here.
  10. Looking at that picture, it doesn't looks like you've connected your power and jacks grounds to the board ground. All the ground points need to be connected together. Connect a wire from any of the audio jacks to the centre lug of the switch or the ground pad on the board.
  11. How are you switching in the LED? Are all your grounds connected? Check the switch is working with the multimeter. Also what value resistor are you using? I've put a 470k in by accident before...
  12. Last chance before eBay
  13. [quote name='Ancient Mariner' timestamp='1430739334' post='2764123'] Does anyone here use Fuzzdog/pedalparts.co.uk for stuff? I'm thinking about buying a trem, possibly reverb kit to build into an amp. [/quote] I've never built a kit but I've heard good things, I'd have no qualms about buying a kit.
  14. No one fancies my meat...?
  15. JapanAxe beat me to it. The current rating is the maximum current that the Volto can supply, your pedals will only draw the current that they need, so as long as the total draw is less than 2A (2000mA), you're fine. You may however notice that your pedals get noisier the closer you get to the limit. It's worth noting that voltage doesn't operate this way though, providing more voltage than something is rated for will probably blow it up. Not everything may actually explode, but I find assuming it will to be the best defense against doing it.
  16. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1430687030' post='2763777'] Well yes, but neater wiring usually means shorter wires, which often means a quieter pedal. In any case, looks great, sound clips please Si [/quote] Aah, but longer wires means it's less frustrating to wire everything to the board and access the component side, to swap out socketed components on the fly, which means there's more happiness and positivity in the world, I'd say it's a fair trade. Sound clips can happen, probably tommorrow though, I'm still fiddling with the clipping caps.
  17. Behold, the Ulti-muff!*: [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/bobbass4k/media/20150503_203114%201_zpsi7e4bmx5.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v502/bobbass4k/20150503_203114%201_zpsi7e4bmx5.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/bobbass4k/media/20150503_203147%201_zpsytyh4jgn.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v502/bobbass4k/20150503_203147%201_zpsytyh4jgn.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I got sick of using and building muffs that weren't quite right for me, so I set about designing the ultimate muff for my needs, then after checking some schematics realized I was designing a supercollider, so this is basically a tweaked supercollider with an oscillation mode and a noise gate. It's sublime, I will never need another muff. Using 4001's for clipping in the second stage makes a surprisingly big difference. Excuse the messy wiring job, I embrace the ethos of function over form. *The Ulti-muff name is subject to change on account of it being terrible.
  18. Bumpity bumpity boomp
  19. DR DDT's are absolutely fantastic, they're all I use now and I play in D standard, drop C and and drop B. They retain the same tension, so you can get the same string tension in a lower tuning without changing gauge. I play 55-115's now but that's just my preference, 45-105's would be fine for D standard.
  20. [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1429427870' post='2751218'] I cant stand Record Store Day. I understand why in theory it's a good idea, but it never works like that. It feels like it actually penalises the people who support their local Record shop all year round, as it makes it harder to get any of the releases you might want. Independent Record shops can't really not do it though, as I know that the takings on that day for my local shop last year were more than the rest of the year in total. I went in the day before and bought Sleep's Holy Mountain so I'm happy anyway. [/quote] I must confess, I don't actually go to my local record shops at any other time, though that's primarily because none of the ones in York cater to my taste. Back when I was spending most of my weekends in Manchester I always made a detour to Piccadilly Records and bought a fair few things. For those asking, I was after mcluskyism and the Swans EP. The Swans EP may well turn up elsewhere and I'll keep an eye out, but I'm not optimistic about mcluskyism, it's an RSD exclusive reissue and they re-issued another mclusky album for 2012 RSD, I couldn't make it into a store and it took a couple of years to find a 2nd hand one at a reasonable price (only 1.5 times the RRP), for the few months after they were all £70+
  21. [quote name='tonybassplayer' timestamp='1429371910' post='2750914'] Tell me a little more as I have never heard of record store day. [/quote] It's basically a publicity campaign to promote independent record stores (obviously they're doing a great job on raising awareness...). Loads of bands and labels release limited one off exclusives that are only available through participating stores. The big stores get massive pre-opening queues and it can get a bit aggressive. The idea is to promote old fashioned brick and mortar stores and get people in the door. The reality is that traders buy up everything and hock it on eBay, shutting out the genuine fans. [url="http://recordstoreday.co.uk/"]http://recordstoreday.co.uk/[/url]
  22. So today was Record Store Day. There were two of the exclusive releases I really wanted. For those unaware, you're not allowed to reserve or pre-order any of the exclusives, the idea is to drum up interest and hype and get you in the store, but you can ask your local shop to make sure something is on their order. I was a bit sneaky this year and "ordered" my decidedly rock records at the impossible to find store that specializes in Dance/Techno/Club records, with the idea of maximizing my chances. Turned up 10 minutes before opening to a queue of about 10 people. Doors opened, and most of these 10 people proceeded to scoop up literally everything, including, between them, all the copies of the two records I wanted. They didn't even look at them. And that was it, for another year. The same thing happened last year. 30 minutes later, multiple copies of both the releases I wanted were on eBay. The cheapest was 3 times the store price. I'm all for the idea of Record Store Day, but this is what happens everywhere, every year. traders buy everything then hock it on eBay. It's the same problem as ticket touts, only this problem is much easier to deal with. A simple one copy per customer limit would do so much to help, or limiting everyone to five records. But the shops don't care because they always sell out their stock, and RSD don't care because they get massive queues which are great publicity. I don't really see why I should continue to prop up brick and mortar stores when they seem to actively be preventing me from giving them money. Rant over.
  23. Seen something I fancy and would like to recoup the money from one of these-type bump.
  24. Bump for Meatwad
  25. Yeah I did my own opto, it's worked pretty well, I think the problem is most layouts/recommend you use a 3mm LED but the couple I've done with those have never worked properly, for this one I used a spare ultra bright red 5mm and it works a treat. The clari-not is ostensibly a vibrato fuzz, but it's a bit weirder than that, plus I added the switch is to bypass the fuzz. It's cool for weird noises, which are kind of my thing. The layout and demo vids are here if you fancy a snoop: [url="http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/mid-fi-electronics-clarinot.html"]http://tagboardeffects.blogspot.co.uk/2012/02/mid-fi-electronics-clarinot.html [/url]
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