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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1389496973' post='2334866'] You sure do know how to sell your wares... [/quote] If you like time signatures you're in for a treat, at last count there was 13 of the things.
  2. I've ended up with some bizarre, twisted, math rock, post-hardcore thing. I've eschewed texture and melody for a-rhythmic, jarring nonsense. Should have it mixed next week.
  3. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1388760154' post='2325718'] You might be in for a surprise... IME most responders to ads stop reading after the words "Bassist looking for a band/musicians" and just fire off a reply. The one time I tried this I spent all of my time listening to music that was completely and utterly outside of the genres that I'd listed as my influences; and then trying to come up with polite ways of saying "why didn't you actually read all of my ad you useless time-wasting numpty"! [/quote] This has been my experience every time I post an ad to any musicians classifieds site. I get responses from bands I'm actually interested in too, but most people either don't read the full ad or just ignore it. The most frustrating thing, is a lot of times when I go back a few days later to peruse the ads, someone's posted an ad about a project I'd be perfect for, they just haven't bothered to read through the other ads. So don't rely on people finding you, go looking yourself.
  4. Should get an entry in this month, an idea formed surprisingly quickly. For some reason, I look at those pictures and hear sludge metal. I honestly don't know why.
  5. Make sure all your grounds are connected, do continuity tests with a multimeter to check. Some people will tell you you don't need a multimeter to build pedals. These people are idiots. If you're building on stripboard check with a multimeter to make sure all your track cuts are done properly and stray bits of copper aren't tracking across before you start populating it.
  6. Left our works do about 9 too. The pub we were in wasn't actually that bad, but on our way to another pub, I heard an odd splashing sound. I turned around to the truly haunting sight of a grown man casually vomiting on himself as he stumbled down the road. He stopped, looked at his vomit covered shirt, then carried on stumbling. I decided to call it quits.
  7. Mine came off a year or so after I got it, put it back on with superglue (standard locite stuff) and it's still on 8 years later.
  8. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1386173839' post='2296746'] It's an open forum - help yourself, why wait? [/quote] We don't have access to information like how many and which members have paid the fee. If you were willing to give me that information I'd happily put some numbers together.
  9. Some of us (me) said at the time a fixed up front fee was a bad idea because it would put off new sellers and result in a stagnant marketplace with the same group of regulars just passing around the same stuff. Ultimately it's the new people finding us through google and signing up to sell stuff that keeps the marketplace going. I'd be very interested to see some numbers on ads posted before and after the fee.
  10. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1384702221' post='2279634'] BTW, instead of debating my choice, why don't you post up your Sunday air-bass song? [/quote] This has been known to induce jumping around: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox9SfroL0uQ
  11. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1384630872' post='2278999'] SERIOUSLY! A bloke?! A punky bloke in stilettos? Her voice sounds nothing like a bloke either. She's an immensely attractive woman! Something is very wrong with either you geezers, or me [/quote] I'm with you Nige, the singer is definitely up my street, then again my taste in women is somewhat notorious. As for the music, It's not bad, a little too "style" oriented for me perhaps but not bad by any stretch of the imagination.
  12. I find this sort of thing fascinating, people are spitting blood over the government bailing out the banking sector, but we should be supporting businesses which can't compete within their market at the expense of the the ones that are thriving? Why? Because "traditional" pubs are all nice and cuddly and "pubcos" are all evil and heartless? I find it very difficult to believe that a good, well managed "independent" pub can't compete at all with a chain. This sort of things strikes me more as excuses for simply not being able to run a business properly.
  13. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1383957742' post='2271409'] Recent? He has always been like that, nothing has changed just more people are listening now [/quote] Hence deliberate use of the qualifier [i]public[/i]. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1384051098' post='2272338'] Same here, I've tried, went to see them as well but despite my efforts they leave me cold. [/quote] I tried so hard to like The Downward Spiral but I just don't get it, all the constituents I love are there but they just don't work together, it's like someone's made a pizza with all my favourite toppings, but when they pull it out of the oven it's just an old leathery shoe with a tomato on it.
  14. The first 30 seconds of mine I uploaded to check how badly soundcloud would affect the mix, might as well share: https://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k/nov-comp-test The answer by the way is very badly.
  15. Wow, that was awful, although to be fair I've never liked NIN, they're one of those bands that on paper I should love, but their songs just don't do anything for me, combine that with Trent Reznor's recent slide into public asshattery and they're a band I just don't get.
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1383484052' post='2264866'] Aww no, I was going to do that... OK then, I'll do 'extreme death gothabilly crossover thrash-christiancore', instead. [/quote] I'll raise you ambient-electronic-alternative-post-techno-glitch-prog-trip-hop. Probably.
  17. Good stuff dad, an interesting take. Mine was a nice gloomy ambient thing until I decided to stick a big dirty synthy bass line down the middle, so I'm not sure what it will end up sounding like but it should be weird.
  18. My current, though transitional, and badly in need of a hoover pedal board: [attachment=147462:20131031_212015.jpg] The Pitch Pirate is completely insane. I mean seriously.
  19. Might actually have time this month, already got an idea floating around. Expect 9/8 (the spookiest time sig) and heavy use of my new favourite toy, the Mid-fi Pitch Pirate.
  20. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1383245467' post='2262133'] Precision = Sterility in a lot of people's worlds. It's a shame. [/quote] Not mine, I appreciate precision and technicality when it's done with feeling and genuine energy. That self satisfied look they all give each other when they do something tricky says it all I think.
  21. I wonder if it was written in a clean room? ...because it's so sterile... GET IT?!?!
  22. Some technical info would be good, wattage, speaker size, any idea what the tone stack is based on? Any interest in shipping it?
  23. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1382043220' post='2247277'] As an electronics dumbass, how difficult/expensive would it be to make an identical clone of these? As there not particularly old I assume all the components are still readily available. Just an idol question before anyone jumps out my monitor and brands a Behringer logo on my ass . [/quote] Very difficult, it will use a programmed chip, so it's basically a mini computer, you'd need the code and even then you probably couldn't do it exactly, and even if you could, you'd probably be breaking the law.
  24. I really need to find time to build some pedals, work is pretty much an electronics sweetshop, boss has said I can help myself to passives, stripboard, the cheaper IC's and pots, pretty much the only things I'd need to buy are enclosures and footswitches....
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