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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. [quote name='daz' timestamp='1324623811' post='1476323'] maybe it was played on a fretless bass or a double bass ? [/quote] Maybe but it sounds in tune with the song, they might have all tuned to an off tuned piano, or it might have been rerecorded at a slightly lower speed, apparently that was quite common with in the old days of tape.
  2. It'ss tricky cos it's really flat, tuned to well below 440 (at least to my ears), this sounds pretty decent to me: G:-----------6-4---------: D:-----------------6-4---: A:-4-444-4-----------7-: E:-------------------------: That's tuned about 40 cents flat, tune about as low as your tuner will go and still be the same note and it should sound more or less right.
  3. Like most problems in life the answer is the Boss LS-2. It's got two loops with independent volume controls, the two "returns" can be used as inputs and the two "sends" can be used as outputs. For your problem if you wanted volume control over both basses you could connect them to the A and B returns, and then use the regular output. In A+B mix mode you could blend the two signals at whatever volume you wanted. The problem with this is thatin this mode the footswitch only switches between the blended signal and bypass, so with nothing connected to the main input it would effectively be a mute switch. If you only wanted volume control over one bass though then this wouldn't be a problem though. With the other modes you could switch between just them, switch between them and a mute, or switch between them and a third bass, it really is a swiss army knife pedal. The only downside is it can't do the blending and switching at the same time, you'd need to switch modes with the knob.
  4. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1324059839' post='1470495'] I want your Meatwad. I know how inappropriate that sounds... But hey ho! [/quote] I want it too, I knew I'd regret selling my Groove Regulator. If it's still here post-xmas I'll jump on it, has it got all the bells and whistles or just CV?
  5. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' timestamp='1323814035' post='1467508'] Yes I did. Lovely friendly chap. After the gig the whole band came out and sat on stage taking questions. My drummer was there too and she took quite a few pics. When I get copies I'll post one of his board. [/quote] Nice, we didn't get that at Islington unfortunately, there was a strict curfew cos of a club night (or as Sel put it "a school disco"). How was the turnout at Colchester? I know York was really undersold (I couldn't make it unfortunately) and I heard Colchester was too, they seemed really happy and grateful that Islington was near capacity. It's a shame such a good band can't take decent turnout for granted.......
  6. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' timestamp='1323422536' post='1463073'] I saw Amplifier last night at Colchester Arts Centre. Brilliant gig and a very friendly, approachable band. When they were setting up, it two two people to carry each of the three pedalboards on stage! I counted 22 pedals on Neil Mahony's (bass player) board, and one of those was a multi-effects pedal. [/quote] Did you talk to him? At the islington gig I went to get a picture of his board and he talked to me about it for 5 solid minutes, unfortunately i then forgot to take a picture of it. Nice fella, and they did a brilliant show.
  7. I have ongoing back/shoulder troubles which impede bass playing a fair bit, I can't play standing up for too long (probably my fault for having an 11lb spector) and the shoulder causes bloodflow and nerve problems in my picking arm, I have to keep my upper arm fairly still otherwise my hand can get numb, and it occasionaly gets numb on it's own anyway.
  8. While pondering what a great year it's been for albums, I realised what a terrible year it's been for the basslines on those albums, 3 of my favourite albums of the year don't even feature a bass. So have there been any basslines that have jumped out this year as been potential classics? This would be my choice: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rfdo56CafP4[/media] Bassline kicks in at 1:20ish. A good bulk of the song is only 3 notes, but they're the[i] perfect [/i]3 notes and a perfect example of less is more. His style is usally a lot busier and more complicated, but simplcity is what the song needed so that's what he did, to fantastic effect. So what are yours?
  9. Jam this up your music hole: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxuCmG_DDNY[/media]
  10. It could be worse, a guitarist once asked if we could change for D to B minor........
  11. My recording experience too is limited but when I recorded at a smallish barn conversion studio they insisted I use their DI because they knew how to use it. I'd say a DI is a pretty essential thing to have in a studio.
  12. Hey I saw you guys too! I distinctly remember wondering if the decreasing normality from left to right was deliberate or coincedental, I then thought that an OCD sufferer might have arranged you that way against your will, and then spent at least a minute imagining a rampaging OCD sufferer going around arranging people in various ways against their will. Every single word of that is true, I'm not sure whether honesty is a good thing in this situation.
  13. My first band did a couple of maiden covers, in wicker man the guitarist and I thought it would be cool if we put a leg up on anmonitor maiden stylee. First chorus comes and we trot over to a monitor, they were suprisingly light and the floor was very shiny, so the second we touched them we both slipped backwards and collided in the floor, according to the other guitarist neither of us missed a note so we were pretty proud. We always checked the monitors were properly secured after that.
  14. There was a board shot from the crack the skye recording around somewhere, he had 4 different big muffs. The big muff is the ket to his fuzz sound, and lots of blending and bi-amping and all sorts. He used to use a custom muff clone called the Sanford and Sonny bluebeard fuzz. He also has a bass whammy that I can't actually hear on an songs. When they were on jools holland he only had a couple, I imagine he only needed two they, they haven't started touring yet so he probably hasn't put a full board together.
  15. I use .055 - .115 DDT's and they tune to standard pretty well. Bit tense but I get away with it without any major adjustments, although my bass is setup to D standard so it's not a big difference, if you're in C or B standard you might need to adjust.
  16. "Can we try this one in D?" "Sure": We play it in D "Nah that doesn't sound good, let's try B minor" Facepalms all round.
  17. He plays it with in octave pedal in E standard. That UG tab is mostly right but the end of chorus 1 and chorus 2 is wrong. The note are right but he alternates octaves. So the end of chorus 1 is: G:--------: D:-12----: (obviously repeated) A:---------: E:-----10-: Chorus 2 is the same but that tab gives the lowest note so it's: G:-11-----: D:---------: etc. A:------9-: E:---------: I probably didn't explain that very well.
  18. [url="http://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k"]http://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k[/url] It's mostly for bouncing ideas off people, the noisefest with the weird title is part of a planned EP, every sound (except for the sample obviously) is produced by a bass, a guitar, and pedals, no production except level adjustments.
  19. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NTIg3wUz-I[/media] The most beautiful song ever written. That string coda is perfectly melodramatic but not cheesy or cliche. It is a song that I am proud to be incinerated to. Assuming I'm dead at the time.
  20. Bumpage, Cherry Pop and Slap Bass might go on evilBay
  21. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37GOdU-gUAw[/media] One of the tightest live bands ever, they nail all those stop-starts perfectly live usually with no count ins
  22. Qucik update: I emailed Anthony at DR and he said he'd send out a new .115 string immediately, but it would obviously take a while coming from america. Well I found a USPS box shoved behind a plant pot this morning (thank you royal mail....) so I've no idea when they arrived but the new .115 he'd promised and an entirely new pack have arrived. Very impressed.
  23. Very talented player and a very important person in music history. Shame she's gone completely cuckoo for coco puffs.
  24. [quote name='Turk' post='1363611' date='Sep 5 2011, 11:35 PM']Incedentally, would C G C F have any adverse effect on the neck once it's set up ? What string gauge would be best for lessening the floppy 'four old boot laces' feel ?[/quote] DR DDT strings, I can't reccomend them enough for drop tuning, pricy, but worthwhile.
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