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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='1362503' date='Sep 5 2011, 01:17 AM']Isn't that one potential difference?[/quote] It's called loads of things, Voltage, Potential Difference, Electromotive Force, Electrical Tension, (some are subtly different concepts but basically the same thing). Current is actually electrical current density, or conserved charge flow desnity, there's so many different names and terms for these things, that's kind of my point.
  2. Resistance is for DC circuits, Impedance is the same concept (resistance to electron flow) but for AC circuits. There's little to no conceptual difference, just terminology. [quote name='Jack' post='1361329' date='Sep 3 2011, 09:17 PM']Whilst we're being educational, the word is 'impedance', not 'ohmage' or anything else of the like. You don't say 'kilometreage', you say 'distance'. One is the measurement and one is the unit. (I guess for some reason we do say 'footage' when measuring distance or area but I digress.)[/quote] Amperage is used for current, Voltage is used for, err... Voltage, Wattage is used for power, Ohmage seems fairly acceptable.
  3. My spector is about 5Kg (11lbs to those clinging to the past...), I never considered it heavy but everyone who plays it comments on the weight, the balance is perfect though and i have it at the perfect height. Plus my back is completely f***ed already, there isn't much more damage to be done.
  4. Bump before evilest, need the space.
  5. Hmm, it didn't occur to me it might be a QC issue, I'll shoot that guy an email and see what he says, I'd still be interested if anyone knows any shops that sell individuals though.
  6. My low C has broken, anyone know of any shops that sell individual DR strings (specifically DDT)? I've had a look online and got zilch. I'll be going through London on monday so anything there would be ideal. The set is only a month old so I'd rather not fork out £30 and replace 3 perfectly good strings.
  7. I'd say you don't a seperate bass for D standard and Drop C, I tune between them all the time and i've never had any problems. You probably don't need seperate one for E standard an Eb standard either, half a pitch isn't a whole lot, there shouldn't be any tuning issues or neck wear unless you do it a hell of a lot. If the problem is tuning time, i'd say just tune faster, or have stuff going on between songs, we used to retune a lot and we'd set little loops or noisescapes going beteen songs.
  8. I have decided to trim the herd a bit, up for sale is: [b]AMT Slap Bass: [/b] Unique overdrive, in built compressor and very dramatic EQ controls. Can go from smooth round speaker distorting bassiness to high scratchy clanky twanginess. Never come across another pedal like it but I'm only playing with heavy fuzz these days so it's not getting used. I have sound samples somewhere that I'll dig out. Very Good Condition with box. [b]£40 Posted[/b] [b]Digitech/SFX Bad Monkey: [/b] Digitech Bad Monkey, in itself it is a very good tubescreamer clone. This one has been modded by Max (SilentFly) at SFX, full details [url="http://www.sfxsound.co.uk/mainpage.asp?page=badm"]here[/url]. This one has both the bass and mid switch mods. The stickers are a bit worn but it's in very good condition and with box.[b][s]£40 Posted[/s][/b] [b]SOLD[/b] [b]Devi Ever Cherry Pop: [/b] Ridiculously high gain silicon fuzz, very bassy and very loud, I've had this for a while but I just haven't used it in so long I can't justify keeping it. Currently discontinued and quite hard to find. In very good condition with box.[b]£80 Posted[/b] [b]3 Leaf Audio Groove Regulator : [/b] The best filter I've ever had, I just have no use for a filter anymore. Very Good condition with box and drawstring bag.[s][b]£100 Posted[/b][/s] [b]SOLD[/b] No specific pics but they're all in these board shots: Not looking for trades, all will be posted Royal Mail Special Delivery.
  9. I need to move my simms-watts pa100. It's going 300 miles in the back of a van without me, so my naturally paranoia wants me to remove all the tubes and wrap them all in 50 feet of bubble wrap (possible exaggeration) and pack them seperately. I know the pre-amp tubes are fine but can I pop out the power tubes and put them back without biasing? Or should I just go to plan B and stuff the innards with bubble wrap (which is how Tayste shipped it to me and it survived).
  10. Why do people take these things so personally. If you have an absolute lowest you'll accept and any offer under that will offend you, then just ask that price and say no offers. THEN you have a legitimate grievance, don't get offended because someone hasn't psychically guessed the price you actualy want for it. If you take offers, then expect some to be stupidly low, don't ask don't get.
  11. On normal strings you don't want any less than a .115 for low B really, but you may have trouble stringing that on to a 4 string. If you don't want to switch gauge get some DR DDT's, I use heavy gauge now but I used to use standard gauge DDT's and the .105 was playable in low B, not perfect, but definitely playable. The .110 is playable in Low G (the G below low B ).
  12. Mask, nudity, setlist written on chest and one of the greatest quotes of recent memory: "If Freddy Mercury were still alive, he would be an environment". Also a damn fine bassist.
  13. Unfortunately not. The "lesser" musicians usually get shafted by label deals. Often it's whoever wrote the main riff or the recognisable melody or the such, the bassist and drummer could write their parts entirely and not get credit for it.
  14. [quote name='bode' post='1297813' date='Jul 8 2011, 11:11 PM']Any guitarists who need to use capos simply don't know enough chords. My old band tuned down to D because it sounded heavier. We learnt any covers by ear using D tuning and that was that, no capos, no moving up frets.[/quote] That doesn't really work, if a riff or something uses an open string and lots of high frets in quick succsesion in the tuning it was recorded in, playing it properly in a different tuning is pretty difficult without a capo. I've even been known to use a capo on bass for that reason, my bass is in D standard/Drop C all the time now, most songs can just be transposed, but some just can't, and it's a pain in the arse to retune if I just want to play one song.
  15. I'd say the thumpinator definitely depends on your amp setup, if the amp head is already filtering the range, then the Thumpinator pretty much has nothing to do. Volume is also a factor, at low practice volumes, the speakers won't move much no matter what you're putting through them.
  16. I'd say they're less common than 8 or 10 years ago (chirst, it's depressing I can use phrases like that), when all the nu-metal bands were around, 5 strings were the standard amongst those kinds of bands. Now that the most popular stuff is middle of the road indie/folk/electro twaddle, I'd say 4 strings are definitely the standard now. In fact, I'm struggling to think of a current popular band that has a 5 string playing bassist. Maybe people have realised that Drop C is just perfect for every situation.
  17. Such an amazingly fun tune to play. The video is not for the faint hearted though.
  18. From the front page this reads as "Having a ridiculously sized pe..." I was dissapointed.
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